A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Meric, Madame de

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From volume 2 of the work.

1684364A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Meric, Madame deGeorge GroveJulian Marshall

MERIC, Madame de, an accomplished singer, who appeared in London in 1832, and was very successful in an unsuccessful season. She was the first singer of a moderate company, and though not a great, was far from an unpleasing, performer. She was a clever actress, with a good voice and considerable versatility of talent, rendering her very useful, as she sang in serious or comic operas, first parts or second, and in any language. While in this country, she performed in Italian, German, French, and English, and could have done so equally well in Spanish, had it been required.

She appeared in 'Der Freischütz' on its first production here with the original German words, when German opera, for a time at least, drove Italian from the London boards. Madame de Meric played also Donna Elvira to the Donna Anna of Schröder-Devrient, who rather eclipsed her; but in Chelard's 'Macbeth' she distinguished herself by singing a most cramped and difficult song with astonishing truth and precision, a feat which added much to the estimation in which she was held. She did not, however, appear again in England.

[ J. M. ]