A Dictionary of Saintly Women/Helen (6)

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St. Helen (6), or Helan, Oct. 7. 5th or 7th century. One of the brothers or sisters of St. Tressan (Feb. 7) and St. Gibrian (May 8). Tressan was an illiterate but very good and religious man. He resolved to lead the life of a pilgrim, and taking with him his six brothers and three or four sisters, they came to Rheims during the episcopate of St. Remigius (in the 5th century), who ordained Tressan priest, after he had acquired the necessary amount of learning. Tressan spent the rest of his life in that country, and was buried at Avenay, in Champagne. Some say they lived in the 7th century. Fracla, Promptia, and Posenna are given as the names of the sisters. Compare with Helen (7), of Troyes, who is perhaps the same.