A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Moroni, City of

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MORONI, CITY OF. An important city on the Atlantic coast, in the extreme southeast of the Nephite possessions. It was, doubtless, named after the illustrious Nephite general who was commander-in-chief of their armies at the time this city was founded (B. C. 72). It was built as an outpost to protect that portion of the Nephite dominions from Lamanite invasion and was, consequently, strongly fortified. In B. C. 67 it was captured by the Lamanite forces of Amalickiah, and fortified and held by them until B. C. 61. It was here that Teancum slew Ammoron, the king of the Lamanites, and was himself killed before he could get back to his own soldiery. Of this city we are told nothing more until the time of its destruction, though it undoubtedly fell into the hands of the Lamanites more than once at the times of their successful invasions of the lands of the Nephites. When it was destroyed, at the hour of the Savior's crucifixion, it sank in the depths of the sea and its inhabitants were drowned; and the blue waters of the Atlantic ocean still cover it.