A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Aston (John)

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ASTON (JOHN), bookseller in London; Cat-eaten-streete (Cheapside, renamed in 1845 Gresham Street), at the signe of the Bul's Head, 1637–42. Took up his freedom February 6th, 1637 [Arber, iii. 688], in which year he published Thomas Heywood's True Description of His Majesties Royall Ship Built this Year 1637 at Woollwitch in Kent. 4to.; and a satire on women called A Curtaine Lecture, 1637. 12°. In 1641 he was imprisoned for a short time for printing the Preamble with the protestation made by the whole House of Commons, 3 May, 1641. [b.m. 669, f. 3 (2), Commons Journals.]