A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/end matter

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List of the Society's Publications.

THE BOOKS printed by the Bibliographical Society can only be supplied to its own members, but new members may purchase the publications of previous years, and members who have lost or damaged any of their books can obtain a second copy at the prices named. But where an asterisk is prefixed, the books can only be supplied in sets, and in no case can more than one duplicate copy of any book be supplied to the same member. Subject to this condition purchase for presentation is also allowed, but the Council retains the right of refusing any application, without necessarily assigning a reason.

Note. — The Society's News-Sheet, issued, instead of a post-card notice of meetings, in the five months, November-March of each Session, is not reckoned as necessary to a complete set of the Society's Publications, everything of interest in it being reprinted in the Transactions.

First Series.

[Sm. 4to. Grey wrappers. Printed by Blades, East & Blades.]

Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. Vols. I-VIII. London: Printed for the Society, etc. 1893-1907.

With the exception of Volume IV, each volume was issued in two sections. The first section of Vol. I was called "Parts 1 and 2," the second section, "Part 3." In other volumes the sections were called Part I, Part II, respectively on the wrapper, and Part I had also a temporary title-page, while that to Part II covered the whole volume. In Volume VI the title-page to Part II was inadvertently made to refer to that Part only instead of to the whole volume, and an additional title-page was afterwards sent out. Volumes I and II are sold only in complete sets. Prices: -Volume I. Part III. 3s. 6d. ; Volume III. Part I, 7s. ; Part II. 3s. 6d. ; Volume IV, 10s. 6d. ; Volume V. Part I, 6s., Part II, 4s. 6d. ; Volume VI, Part I, 5s. 6d., Part II, 5s. ; Vol. VII, 10s. 6d. ; Vol. VIII. 10s. 6d.

[Temporary title.] Hand-Lists of English Printers, 1501-1556. Parts I-III, 1895-1905. [4s. each.]

Robert Wyer, Printer and Bookseller. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, January 21st, 1895. By Henry R. Plomer. London: Printed, etc., August, 1897. [3s.]

A Classified Index to the Serapeum. By R. Proctor. London: Printed, etc., November, 1897. [5s.]

An Index to Dibdin's Edition of the Typographical Antiquities first compiled by Joseph Ames, with some references to the intermediate edition by William Herbert. Printed from a copy in the Library of Sion College. London: Printed, etc., December, 1899. [3s. 6d.]

A List of English Plays, written before 1643, and printed before 1700. By W. W. Greg. London: Printed, etc., March, 1900, for 1899. [5s.]

A List of Masques, Pageants, etc. Supplementary to a List of English Plays. By Walter Wilson Greg. London: Printed, etc., February, 1902 for 1901. [5s.]

Abstracts from the Wills of English Printers and Stationers, from 1492 to 1650. By Henry R. Plomer. London: Printed, etc., February, 1903. [3s.]

A Century of the English Book-trade. Short notices of all printers, stationers, bookbinders and others connected with it, 1457-1557. By E. Gordon Duff. London: Printed, etc., 1905. [7s. 6d.]

A Short Catalogue of English Books in Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin, printed before 1641. By Newport J. D. White, D.D. London: Printed for the Bibliographical Society, at the Oxford University Press. September, 1905. [5s.]

Alien Members of the Book-Trade during the Tudor Period. Being an index to those whose names occur in the returns of aliens, letters of denization, and other documents published by the Huguenot Society. With notes by Ernest James Worman. London: Printed, etc., Decrmber, 1906. [3s. 6d.]

Abstracts from the Wills and Testamentary Documents of Binders, Printers and Stationers of Oxford, from 1493 to 1638. By Strickland Gibson. London: Printed, etc., February, 1907. [3s. 6d.]

A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers at work in England, Scotland and Ireland, 1641 to 1667. By H. R. Plomer. London: Printed, etc., February, 1908. [7s. 6d.]


[Large 4to, Brown wrappers. Mostly printed at the Chiswick Press.]

I.—Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, November 20th, 1893, by Gilbert R. Redgrave. London: Printed for the Bibliographical Society, at the Chiswick Press, April, 1894.

A four-page Supplement, with an additional illustration, reproducing Katdolt's Trade-List, on a separate leaf, was issued in 1895.

Reprinted December, 1899. [10s. 6d.]

II.—*Jan van Doesborgli, Printer at Antwerp. An essay in bibliography. By Robert Proctor. London: Printed . . . at the Chiswick Press, December, 1894. [*£1 4s.] Sold only in sets.

III.—An Iconography of Don Quixote, 1605-1895. By H. S. Ashbee, F.S.A. London: Printed for the Author, at the University Press, Aberdeen, and issued by the Bibliographical Society, July, 1895. [*16s.] Sold only in sets.

A four-page list of "Corrections, Additions, Omissions," with a note on the engravings, on a separate leaf, was issued to Members applying for it, in 1898.

IV.—The Early Printers of Spain and Portugal By Konrad Haebler. London: Printed ... at the Chiswick Press, March, 1897, for 1896. [16s.]

V.—The Chevalier Délibéré. By Olivier de la Marche. The illustrations of the edition of Schiedam reproduced with a preface by F. Lippmann, and a reprint of the text. London: Printed ... at the Chiswick Press, February, 1898, for 1897. [10s. 6d.]

VI.—The First Paris Press. An account of the books printed for G. Fichet and J. Heynlin in the Sorbonne, 1470-1472. By A. Claudin. London: Printed ... at the Chiswick Press, February, 1898, for 1897. [10s. 6d.]

VII.—Antoine Vérard. By John Macfarlane. London: Printed ... at the Chiswick Press, September, 1900, for 1899. [16s.]

VIII.—The Printing of Greek in the Fifteenth Century. By Robert Proctor. Printed at the Oxford University Press, December, 1900. [16s.]

IX.—A Book bound for Mary Queen of Scots, being a description of the binding of a copy of the Geographia of Ptolemy printed at Rome, 1490, with notes of other books bearing Queen Mary's insignia. By George F. Barwick. London: Printed . . . at the Chiswick Press, June, 1901. [10s. 6d.]

X.—Early Oxford Bindings. By Strickland Gibson. Printed . . . at the Oxford University Press, January, 1903. [16s.]

XI.—The Earliest English Music Printing: a description and bibliography of English printed music to the close of the sixteenth century. By Robert Steele. London: Printed . . . at the Chiswick Press, December, 1903. [16s.]

XII.—A Chart of Oxford Printing, '1468'-1900. With notes and illustrations. By Falconer Madan. Oxford University Press, February, 1904. [10s. 6d.]

XIII.—The Earlier Cambridge Stationers and Bookbinders, and the first Cambridge Printer. By George J. Gray. Oxford University Press, October, 1904. [16s.]

XIV.—The Early Editions of the Roman de la Rose. By F. V. Bourdillon. London: Printed . . . at the Chiswick Press, December, 1906. [16s.]