A Graduated English-Welsh Spelling-Book/Appendix

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Good morning to you. Boreu da i chwi.
Good morning, sir. Boreu da, syr.
It is fine weather. Mae hi yn dywydd braf.
Delightful, after the rain we have had. Hyfryd ar ol y gwlaw a gawsom.
Will you come for a walk to the country? A ddeuwch chwi i roi tro ir wlad?
I will with pleasure. Deuaf gyd a phleser.
Which way shall we go? Pa ffordd yr awn i?
Suppose we go along the road, and return through the fields Beth ped aem ar hyd y ffordd, a dychwelyd drwy y caeau.
Very well; let us start then. O'r goreu; gadewch i ni gychwyn ynte!
What o'clock is it now? Beth yw hi o'r gloch yn awr?
Half-past ten. Hanner awr wedi deg.
We must manage to be back by noon. Rhaid i ni ymorol bod yn ol erbyn hanner dydd.
Then we had better not go far. Gwell ynte i ni beidio myned yn mhell.
Where does this road lead to? I ba le mae y ffordd hon yn arwain?
To a village about two miles off. I bentref oddeutu dwy filltir oddi yma.
The country air is very healthy. Y mae awyr y wlad yn bur iachus.
It is, and does one much good. Ydyw, ac yn gwneud lles mawr i un.
Do you know anything of this neighbourhood? A wyddoch chwi rywbeth am y gymmydogaeth hon.
Yes, a little. Gwn, ychydig.
Who lives in that mansion? Pwy sydd yn byw yn y plas yna?
An independent gentleman. Gwr boneddig yn byw ar ei arian.
He is a man of property, I presume. Y mae yn wr o gyfoeth feddyliwn
He is; and most of the farmers about here are his tenants. Ydyw; ái dyddynwyr ef ydyw y rhan fwyaf ó'r ffermwyr oddeutu yma.
Another pretty residence; who lives here? Dyma dŷ hardd arall; pwy sydd yn byw yma?
The clergyman of the parish; an esteemed man, and a good friend to the poor. Offeiriad y plwyf; gwr parchus, a chyfaill da ir tlawd.
I begin to feel the heat of the sun. Yr wyf yn dechreu teimlo gwres yr haul.
It does get warm: but we shall have a fine shade presently. Y mae hi yn gwresogi; ond ni a gawn gysgod hyfryd yn fuan.
What is it I see beyond the bridge yonder? Beth wyf yn weled tu draw ír bont acw?
The wind-mill. Y felin wynt.
I see the spire of a church; I suppose this is the village. Yr wyf yn gweled clochdy eglwys, hwn yw y pentref debygwn.
It is; and the building on the left is the school-house. Ië; ár adeilad ár yr ochr aswy yw yr ysgoldy.
Is the church-yard worth visiting? A ydyw y fynwent yn werth ymweled a hi?
Yes; but we cannot stop. Ydyw, ond nis gallwn aros.
Must we go over that hill on our return? A raid i ni fyned dros y bryn yna ár ein dychweliad?
No; we can take the fields along the river side. Na raid; gallwn gymmeryd y caeau efo ochr yr afon.
Is there a footpath that way? A oes llwybr troed y ffordd hono?
There is, and a very pleasant one too. Oes, ac un hyfryd iawn hefyd.
Do we go over this stile? A ydym yn myned dros y gamfa yma?
To save that trouble the gate can be opened. I arbed y drafferth hono, gellir agor y llidiart.
What a fine crop of hay there is in this meadow. Y fath gnwd da o wair sydd yn y weirglodd yma.
Capital; and very soon it will be ready for cutting. Rhagorol; ac, yn bur fuan, bydd yn barod íw dorí.
What grows in the field adjoining? Beth sydd yn tyfu yn y cae nesaf?
Wheat, I should think. Gwenith, mi feddyliwn.
Is it not barley? Ai nid haidd ydyw?
No; but there is a part of it oats. Nage; ond y mae rhan o hono yn geirch.
Is that a potatoe field beyond it? Ai cae cloron yw hwna, tu draw iddo?
Yes, and a part of it set for turnips. Ië, a rhan o hono wedi ei osod i faip.
Are much beans and peas raised about here? A godir llawer o ffa a phys oddeutu yma?
Yes, and cabbage too. Gwneir, a bresych hefyd.
We must walk quicker, or we shall have a shower. Rhaid i ni gerdded yn gyflymach, onide ni a gawn gawod.
Did you hear the thunder last night? A glywsoch chwi y taranau neithiwr?
I did not, but fancied I saw lightning. Naddo; ond tybiais i mi weled mellt.
It hailed about midnight. Yr oedd yn bwrw cenllysg tua hanner nos.
A few days ago there was snow upon the mountains. Ychydig ddyddiau yn ol yr oedd eira ar y mynyddoedd.
So I have heard, and that it was freezing hard at night. Felly y clywais, ai bod hi yn rhewi yn galed y nos.
Well, we are back by the time we said. Wel, dyma ni yn ol erbyn yr amser y dywedasom.
Yes, to the minute. Ië, í'r fynud.
When shall we go again? Pa bryd y cawn i fyned eto?
Any day next week, except Tuesday. Rhyw ddiwrnod yr wythnos nesaf oddi eithr Dydd Mawrth.
Let me know on Monday evening, if you please. Gadewch i mi wybod nos Llun os gwelwch yn dda?
I will, if possible. Os yn alluadwy, mi wnaf.
This is my nearest way; so good bye for the present. Dyma 'r ffordd agosaf i mi; felly da y bo chwi yn awr.
Good bye, sir, and thank you for your company. Da y bo chwi, syr, a diolch i chwi am eich cwmni.

I want my breakfast. Mae arnaf eisiau fy moreufwyd.
What would you like to have, sir? Beth a ewyllysiech ei gael, syr?
Make me a cup of tea. Gwnewch i mi gwpaned o De.
I am not fond of coffee. Nid wyf yn hoff o goffi.
I like coffee better than tea. Gwell genyf i goffi, na the.
Coffee does not agree with me. Nid yw coffi yn dygymmod a mi.
Fetch a pound of sugar. Ewch i nol pwys o siwgr.
Where from? O ba le?
From the corner shop. O siop y gongl.
Have you any cream? A oes genych hufen?
No; but I have some new milk. Nac oes, ond mae genyf laeth newydd ei odro.
Cut some bread and butter. Torwch fara ac ymenyn.
Will you have some toasted bread? A fynwch chwi fara wedi ei grasu?
Yes, and a little cheese. Cymeraf, ac ychdig o gaws.
Are there any cakes sold here? A oes teisenau ár werth yma?
Yes, but I never buy any. Oes, ond nid wyf byth yn prynu rhai.
Are you fond of oat-meal cakes? A ydych yn hoff o fara ceirch?
I am. Ydwyf.
But wheaten bread is the best. Ond bara gwenith ydyw 'r goreu.
Some prefer rye bread. Mae 'n well gan rai fara rhyg.
It does not agree with me. Nid ydyw yn dygymmod a mi.
Nor with me. Na chyda minnau.
Is it dinner time? A ydyw yn amser ciniaw?
Yes, this half hour. Ydyw er's hanner awr.
I thought so. Yr oeddwn yn meddwl hyny.
Is dinner ready? A ydyw y ciniaw yn barod?
Yes, sir, it is. Ydyw, syr, y mae.
I feel very hungry; do you? Yr wyf yn teimlo yn dra newynog, a ydych chwi?
No, sir, I have no appetite. Nac ydwyf, nid oes arnaf chwant bwyd.
What is the cause of it? Beth ydyw yr achos o hyny?
I do not know, sir. Nid wyf yn gwybod, syr.
What is for dinner to-day? Beth sydd i giniaw heddyw?
There is roasted meat. Mae yma gig rhost.
Is it beef? Ai cig eidion ydyw?
No; it is veal. Nage; cig llo ydyw.
Is it the loin? Ai y lwyn ydyw?
No; it is the shoulder. Nage; yr ysbawd ydyw.
There is also a loin of mutton. Mae yma hefyd lwyn o gig mollt.
Is it roasted or boiled? Pa un ai rhostedig ai berwedig?
Roasted, sir. Rhostedig, syr.
I thought you had some lamb. Tybiais fod genych gig oen.
No, I failed to go to market in time. Nag oes, methais a myned ir farchnad mewn pryd.
Have you any boiled meat? A oes genych gig berw?
There is a leg of veal. Mae yma goes o gig llo.
Bring the bacon here. Deuwch á'r cig moch yma.
Who is fond of venison? Pwy sydd yn hoff o hydd-gig?
I am very fond of it. Yr wyf i yn bur hoff o hono.
May I cut some for you? A gaf fi dori peth i chwi?
A little, if you please. Ychydig os gwelwch yn dda.
Have you any fowls? A oes genych ddim adar?
Yes, I have a brace of partridges. Oes, mae genyf gwpl o betris.
Is that a pigeon pie? Ai pastai golomenod yw hona?
No; it is an eel pie. Nage, pastai llyswod ydyw.
Perhaps you would have preferred the duck. Feallai y buasech yn dewis yr hwyaden.
I am very fond of duck and green peas. Yr wyf yn bur hoff o hwyaden a phys gleision.
I am glad to hear; for there are plenty of them to-day. Mae yn dda genyf glywed, oblegid y mae yma ddigonedd heddyw.
Will you take turnips or carrots? A gymmerwch chwi faip neu foron?
Not any, thank you, I am satisfied. Dim, diolchi chwi, yr ydwyf wedi fy nigoni.
Bring the cheese on the table. Deuwch ar caws ar y bwrdd.
May I cut you some? A gaf i dori peth i chwi?
A small piece, if you please. Ychydig os gwelwch yn dda.
What will you drink? Beth a wnewch chwi ei yfed?
A glass of water. Gwydriad o ddwfr.
Draw a quart of ale. Gollyngwch chwart o gwrw.
This is too sweet. Mae hwn yn rhy felys.
Draw a pint from the other barrel. Gollyngwch beint o'r faril arall.
This is too bitter. Mae hwn yn rhy chwerw.
Mix them together. Cymmysgwch hwy ynghyd.
It is much better now. Y mae yn llawer gwell yn awr.
Yes, sir, it is. Ydyw, syr, y mae.
When was this brewed? Pa bryd y darllawyd hwn?
Last October. Yn Hydref diweddaf.
Old ale does not agree with me. Nid ydyw hen gwrw yn dygymmod a mi.
But fresh ale does. Ond y mae cwrw newydd.
I prefer old ale. Mae yn well genyf i hen gwrw.
Take a glass of wine with me. Cymmerwch wydriad o win gyd a mi.
Which? port or sherry? Pa un? ai gwin coch, ai gwin gwyn?
Whichever you please to take. Yr un a weloch chwi yn dda iw gymmeryd.
Allow me to give you another glass. Gadewch i mi roddi i chwi wydriad arall.
Not any more, thank you. Dim yn rhagor, diolch i chwi.
Let us now walk in the garden. Gadewch i ni yn awr, rodio yn yr ardd.
What is the size of your garden? Beth ydyw maint eich gardd?
It is nearly two acres. Mae yn agos i ddwy erw.
Is it a fruitful garden? A ydyw yn ardd ffrwythlawn?
The best in this part of the country. Yr oreu yn y rhan yma ó'r wlad.
Have you many trees in it? A oes genych lawer o goed ynddi?
Yes, a great many apple trees. Oes, lawer o goed afalau.
What would you like to have for supper? Beth a ddymunech gael i swper?
Bread and cheese. Bara a chaws.
Doctors do not recommend much supper. Nid ydyw meddygon yn cymmeradwyo llawer o swper.
Take some cold meat. Cymmerwch gig oer.
Not any, thank you. Dim diolch i chwi.
What will you drink? Pa beth a yfwch chwi?
A glass of small beer. Gwydriad o ddiod fain.
Take a glass of brandy. Gymmerwch wydriad o frandi.
I do not drink spirits. Nid wyf yn yfed gwirod.
Will you dine with me to-morrow? A giniawch chwi gyd a mi y fory?
I am sorry to say, I cannot. Mae yn ddrwg genyf ddweud nas gallaf.
Why? what is the cause? Paham? beth ydyw yr achos?
I must go to Shrewsbury to-morrow to meet my brother. Rhaid i mi fyned ir Amwythig y fory i gyfarfod fy mrawd.
Is he coming home? A ydyw ef yn dyfod adre.
Yes, for a short time. Ydyw am yehydig amser.
It is time to go to rest. Mae hi yn bryd myned i orphwys.
It is, I am getting sleepy. Ydyw y mae, yr wyf yn myned yn gysglyd.
Good night, sir. Nos da i chwi, syr.

Good afternoon, sir. Prydnhawn da, syr.
How are you to-day? Sut yr ydych chwi heddyw?
I am very well, thank you. Yr wyf yn bur iach, diolch i chwi.
How are the wife and children? Pa fodd mae 'r wraig a 'r plant?
They are all very well. Maent oll yn bur iach.
Is your family well? A ydyw eich teulu chwi yn iach?
They are all well except the youngest child? Maent oll yn iach, oddi eithr y plentyn ieuengaf.
What ails him? Beth sydd yn ei flino.
The measles. Y frech goch.
How is your mother? Sut y mae eich mam?
She is pretty well considering her age. Mae hi yn lled dda, ac ystyried ei hoed.
How old is she? Pa mor hen yw hi?
She is eighty since Christmas. Mae hi yn bedwar ugain er Nadolig.
Is your father still living? A ydyw eich tad yn fyw eto?
No, he died last March. Nag ydyw, bu farw yn mis Mawrth diweddaf.
Was he long ill? A fu efe yn hir yn sal?
Yes, about two years. Do, oddeutu dwy flynedd.
You have had a great loss. Chwi a gawsoch golled fawr.
Yes; but mother has had a greater loss. Do, ond fy mam a gafodd fwy o golled.
Where was your father buried? Yn mha le y claddwyd eich tad?
He was buried at Wrexham. Claddwyd ef yn Ngwrecsam.
What was his age? Beth oed ei oedran?
Ninety. Pedwar ugain a deg.
He was very old. Yr oedd yn bur hen.
How are you this morning, sir? Sut yr ydych chwi heddyw boreu, syr?
I am not well; neither have I been well some time. Nid wyf yn iach, ac nid wyf wedi bod yn iach er's peth amser.
I am sorry to hear that. Mae'n ddrwg genyf glywed hyny.
Where is your pain? Yn mha le mae eich poen?
In my head. Yn fy mhen.
Have you been with a medical man? A fuoch chwi gyd a meddyg?
Yes; but the medicine does me no good. Do, ond nid ydyw y cyffyriau yn gwneuthwr daioni i mi.
Perhaps the doctor does not understand your complaint. Feallai nad ydyw y meddyg yn deall eich afiechyd.
Perhaps so. Feallai hyny.
You had better try another. Gwell fyddai i chwi dreio un arall.
I intend to do so next week. Bwriadwyf wneud felly yr wythnos nesaf.
Where are you going to-day? I ba le yr ydych yn myned heddyw?
I am going to Holyhead. Yr wyf yn myned i Gaergybi.
Will you go with me? A ewch chwi gyd a mi?
Yes, if you will stop until four o'clock. Deuaf, os arhoswch tan bedwar o'r gloch.
Can't you go sooner? Oni ellwch chwi fyned yn gynt?
No; I want to see my sister. Na allaf, mae arnaf eisiau gweled fy chwaer.
Very well, call at the Harp Inn. Or goreu, gelwch yn Ngwesty'r Delyn.
Where were you yesterday? Pa le yr oeddych chwi ddoe?
At Chester. Yn Nghaer.
What news from there? Pa newydd oddi yno?
Nothing at all of importance. Dim yn y byd o bwys.
Did you see my brother there? A welsoch chwi fy mrawd yno?
Yes, I saw him at a distance; he was very busy. Do, gwelais ef o bell; yr oedd yn bur brysur.
I expect him home next week. Yr wyf yn ei ddysgwil adre yr wythnos nesaf.
Not to stay at home. Nid i aros gartref.
No, only for a fortnight. Nage, dim ond am bythefnos.
Is he in a good situation? A ydyw ef mewn sefyllfa dda?
Yes, a very good one. Ydyw, un dda iawn.
Have you much to do at Holyhead this afternoon? A oes genych lawer i wneud yn Nghaergybi heddyw prydnhawn?
No, but little. Nac oes, ond ychydig.
Have you finished, sir? A orphenasoch chwi, syr?
Yes; but we must have a glass or two of ale. Do, ond rhaid i ni gael gwydriad neu ddau o gwrw.
Where shall we go to get it? I ba le yr awn iw geisio?
To the King's Head. I ben y Brenin.
What sort of people are they? Pa fath bobl ydynt?
They are very kind people. Maent yn bobl garedig iawn.
Who is that person, going by? Pwy yw y person yna sy'n myned heibio?
I do not know him. Nid wyf yn ei adnabod ef.
I am now for going home. Yr wyf yn awr am fyned adre.
It is time for us to go. Mae yn amser i ni fyned.
Yes, it is. Ydyw y mae.
Thank you for your company. Diolch i chwi am eich cwmni.
You are welcome; don't mention it. Mae i chwi groesaw, tewch a son.
My compliments to your brother. Fy moesau at eich brawd.
Good bye, sir. Da y bo chwi, syr.

What is your occupation? Beth yw eich galwedigaeth chwi?
I was brought up an attorney. Fe'm dygwyd i fynu yn wr y gyfraith.
Where is your office? Pa le mae eich swyddfa?
In Castle Street. Yn Heol y Castell.
When will the assize be? Pa bryd y bydd y Frawdlys?
Between Epiphany and Easter. Rhwng yr Ystwyll a'r Pasc.
Do you get enough of employment? A ydych chwi yn cael digon o waith?
Yes, and I have three apprentices. Ydwyf, ac y mae genyf dri o egwyddor weision.
I am glad to hear. Mae'n dda genyf glywed.
What is your father's calling? Beth ydyw galwedigaeth eich tad?
He is an engineer. Peirianwr yw efe.
How old is he now? Beth ydyw ei oed yn awr?
He is about fifty. Y mae oddeutu deg a deugain.
Have you any brothers? A oes genych chwi frodyr?
Yes, I have six. Oes, mae genyf chwech.
What are they doing? Pa beth maent hwy yn ei wneuthur?
They are all with my father, except one. Maent oll gyda fy nhad oddi eithr un.
What is he doing? Pa beth mae e yn ei wneud?
He is with my uncle, farming. Mae gyd a fy ewythr, yn amaethu.
What was your grandfather's occupation? Beth oedd galwedigaeth eich taid?
He was a clergyman. Yr oedd yn offeiriad.
Who is that gentleman? Pwy yw'r boneddwr yna?
The village doctor. Meddyg y pentref.
Is there much sickness in this neighbourhood now? A oes llawer o afiechyd yn y gymmydogaeth yma yn awr?
No, sir, but very little. Nac oes, syr, ond ychydig iawn.
Where is the doctor going? Pa le mae'r meddyg yn myned?
To visit the sick. I ymweled a'r cleifion.
Who is at the door? Pwy sydd wrth y drws?
He is a commercial man. Masnachwr yw efe.
Where from? O ba le?
From Cardiff. O Gaerdydd.
Has he a son a woollen-draper? A oes ganddo fab yn frethynwr?
Yes, and one a linen-draper. Oes, ac un yn lieiniwr.
Where at? Yn mha le?
Somewhere near London. Yn rhyw le yn agos i Lundain.
Of what trade is your brother Thomas? Beth ydyw creft eich brawd Thomas?
He is a stonemason. Saer maen yw efe.
What trade does David follow? Pa gelfyddyd mae Dafydd yn ei ddilyn?
He is a weaver. Gwehydd yw efe.
And what is William? A pheth yw Gwilym?
He is a shoemaker. Crydd yw efe.
His uncle was a tailor. Yr oedd ei ewythr yn deiliwr.
What is your employment? Beth ydyw eich gwaith chwi?
I am a farmer. Amaethwr ydwyf fi.
How large is your farm? Pa mor fawr ydyw eich tyddyn?
Six score acres. Chwech ugain cyfar.
How many cows do you keep? Pa nifer o fuchod a gedwch?
Fifteen generally. Pymtheg yn gyffredin.
How many horses? Faint o geffylau?
Three, and a young colt. Tri ac ebol ieuangc.
And what number of sheep? A pha nifer o ddefaid?
About thirty. Oddeutu deg a'r hugain.
What sort of land is your farm? Pa fath dir yw eich tyddyn?
A part of it is meadow land. Mae rhan o hono yn weirglodd-dir.
And part of it is pasture. Ac y mae rhan o hono yn borfa.
And another part is woodland. A rhan arall yn goedtir.
But the greatest part is arable. Ond y mae y rhan fwyaf yn aradwy.
Have you done ploughing? A ddarfu chwi aredig?
Yes, the men are harrowing. Do, mae'r dynion yn llyfnu.
Have you done sowing wheat? A ddarfu chwi hau gwenith?
Yes, and have finished harrowing. Do, ac wedi gorphen llyfnu.
Harvest will be early this year. Bydd yn gynhauaf cynar eleni.
Yes, it will; for the wheat is nearly ripe now. Bydd, mae'r gwenith yn agos yn addfed yn awr.
Have you commenced reaping? A ddarfu chwi ddechreu medi?
Yes, I have three men reaping to-day. Do, mae genyf dri o ddynion yn medi heddyw.
Do you intend to reap the barley and oats? A ydych yn bwriadu medi'r haidd a'r ceirch?
No, I intend cutting them with a scythe. Na, yr wyf yn meddwl eu tori a'r bladur.
Have you had your harvest? A gawsoch chwi y cynhauaf?
Yes, except the oats. Do, oddi eithr y ceirch.
Have you had yours? A gawsoch chwi yr eiddoch?
Yes, a week ago. Do, er's wythnos.
My servant is thrashing barley. Mae fy ngwas yn dyrnu haidd.
How much do you get for the barley? Faint ydych yn ei gael am yr haidd?
Two pounds a quarter. Dwy bunt y peg.
I am going to winnow oats to-morrow. Yr wyf yn myned i nithio ceirch y fory.
What do you get for the oats? Beth ydych yn ei gael am y ceirch?
Twenty-two shillings. Dau swllt a'r hugain.
What is the price of the wheat in this neighbourhood? Beth ydyw pris y gwenith yn y gymmydogaeth hon?
Three pounds ten. Tair a chweigen.
Thomas, go and dig potatoes for dinner. Thomas, ewch i godi cloron i giniaw.
What potatoes am I to dig up to-day? Pa gloron sydd i mi godi heddyw?
The white potatoes. Y cloron gwynion.
Must I bring turnips and carrots? A raid i mi ddwyn maip a moron?
Yes, bring a few. Deuwch, ac ychydig.
Turn the pigs to their sties. Trowch y moch iw citiau.
What for? I ba beth.
That they may eat the swedes. Fel y gallont fwyta y Rhwdins.
I have done. Yr ydwyf wedi gwneud.
Gather the sheep into the fold. Heliwch y defaid i'r gorlan.
I want to mark some of them. Mae arnaf eisiau nodi rhai o honynt.
Have you shorn the lambs? A ddarfu chwi gneifio yr wyn?
No, but will next week. Na ddo, ond mi wnaf yr wythnos nesaf.
It is time to tie the cattle. Mae hi yn bryd rhwymo 'r gwartheg.
I will immediately. Mi a wnaf yn ebrwydd.

Are you going from home? A ydych chwi yn myned oddi cartref?
I am going to make a long journey. Yr wyf yn myned i daith bell.
When will you start? Pa bryd y cychwynwch?
In the beginning of July. Ddechreu mis Gorphenaf.
How will you travel? Pa fodd yr ymdeithiwch.
I will go on horseback to Bangor. Mi âf ar geffyl i Fangor.
How will you proceed? Pa fodd yr ewch rhagoch?
I will take the coach to Holyhead. Mi a gymmeraf y cerbyd i Gaergybi.
Are there commodious inns in Wales? A oes Gwestfäoedd cysurus yn Nghymru?
There are but a few. Nid oes ond ychydig.
Are there good stables? A oes stablau da yno?
Yes, pretty fair. Oes, lled dda.
Where is the hostler? Pa le mae'r ostler?
He is coming, sir. Mae efe yn dyfod, syr.
Take care of my horse. Cymmerwch ofal o fy ngheffyl.
Clean him well. Glanhewch ef yn dda.
I will, sir. Mi wnaf, syr.
Have you good hay? A oes genych wair da?
Yes, sir, the best in the country. Oes, syr, y goreu yn y wlad.
Give him a feed of oats. Rhoddwch iddo ddogn o geirch.
Spread clean straw under him. Taenwch wellt glân o dano.
Where is the waiter? Pa le y mae'r gweitiwr?
I am here, sir. Yr wyf yma, syr.
Take my trunk to the bedroom. Cymmerwch fy nhrwngc i'r ystafell wely.
Lend me a candle. Rhowch fenthyg canwyll.
Warm the bed. Twymnwch y gwely.
I hope the bed is not damp. Gobeithio nad yw y gwely yn llaith.
No, sir, somebody is in it every night. Nac ydyw, mae rhyw un ynddo bob nos.
Bring another blanket. Deuwch a gwrthban arall.
Is one enough? A ydyw un yn ddigon?
Yes, perhaps I shall not want one. Ydyw, feallai na bydd arnaf eisiau un.
Where is the night cap? Pa le mae y cap nos?
Bring some water into the room. Deuwch a dwfr i'r ystafell.
Have you a towel there? A oes genych dywel yna?
Yes, sir, I have two clean ones. Oes, syr, mae genyf ddau lân.
When do you intend to get up? Pa bryd y bwriedwch godi?
About six o'clock. Oddeutu chwech o'r gloch.
Get my breakfast ready by seven o'clock. Parattowch fy moreufwyd erbyn saith o'r gloch.
What time will the coach leave? Pa bryd y cychwyna y cerbyd?
It leaves at ten o'clock. Mae'n cychwyn ddeg o'r gloch.
How many miles are there to the next town? Pa sawl milltir sydd i'r dref nesaf?
You have fifteen miles. Mae i chwi bymtheg milltir.
What sort of road is it? Pa fath ffordd ydyw?
A very uneven road. Ffordd bur anwastad.
You must go over the mountain. Rhaid i chwi fyned dros y mynydd.
Are there many cross roads? A oes llawer o groes ffyrdd?
Only one, to the left. Dim ond un, ar yr aswy.
Is there a river on the road? A oes afon ar y ffordd?
Yes, about four miles off. Oes oddeutu pedair milltir ym mlaen.
How shall we cross over? Pa fodd y croeswn drosodd?
There is an excellent bridge. Mae yno bont ragorol.
How many miles more have I? Pa sawl milltir eto sydd genyf?
You will soon come to your journey's end. Chwi a ddeuwch yn fuan i ben eich taith.
Whose house is that yonder? Tŷ pwy yw hwn acw?
It is the Bishop's palace. Plas yr Esgob yw.
Where is the church? Yn mha le mae'r Eglwys?
At the foot of yonder hill. Wrth droed y bryn acw.
Where shall we alight? Yn mha le y disgynwn?
At the Castle Inn. Yn Ngwesty y Castell.
Which is the travellers' room? Pa un yw ystafell ymdeithwyr?
It is on the right hand. Mae hi ar y llaw ddehau.
Is there a waterfall in this neighbourhood? A oes rhaiadr yn y gymmydogaeth hon?
Yes; it is six miles from here. Oes, y mae chwe milltir oddi yma.
I have a wish to see it. Mae genyf ewyllys iw weled.
Can I have a guide? A allaf fi gael arweinydd?
Yes, sir, there is one ready at hand. Gellwch, syr, mae un yn barod wrth law.
I will hire a pony. Mi a logaf ferlyn.
It will cost you seven shillings. Mi gostia i chwi saith swllt.
Very well, here they are. O'r goreu, dyma nhw.
Saddle him immediately. Cyfrwywch ef yn union.
Which is the nearest road? Pa un yw y ffordd nesaf?
Across the hill. Ar draws y bryn.
Then, turn to your left. Wedi, hyny, trowch ar eich llaw aswy.
Follow the brink of the river. Canlynwch lan yr afon.
For how far? Am ba mor bell.
For a mile and a half. Am filltir a hanner.
There is a beautiful prospect here. Mae yma olygfa hardd.
Astonishing, what a variety! Rhyfedd, y fath amrywiaeth!
It is going to rain. Mae hi yn myned i wlawio.
We must make haste. Mae yn rhaid i ni frysio.
We shall be caught in the rain. Fe oddiwedda y gwlaw nyni.
Will your horse trot? A wna eich ceffyl duthio?
He will canter famously. Efe a garlama yn rhagorol.
We shall not be long. Ni byddwn yn hir.
About half an hour. Oddeutu hanner awr.
That is a good pony. Merlyn da yw hwna.
Not so good, as the one I had yesterday. Nid cystal, a'r hwn oedd genyf ddoe.
Take off your top coat. Tynwch eich côb.
I am wet to the skin. Yr wyf yn wlyb hyd y croen.
And I am too. A minnau hefyd.
Put my clothes to dry. Rhowch fy nillad i sychu.
I wish to see the monastery. Dymunwn weled y fynachlog.
Which is the road to the old monastery? Pa un yw'r ffordd at yr hen fynachlog?
Go straight forward. Ewch rhag eich blaen.
Keep to the right hand. Cedwch ar y llaw ddehau.
Make towards the grove yonder. Cyfeiriwch at y llwyn coed acw.
Keep that white wall in view. Cedwch y wal wen acw mewn golwg.
There is no finger post. Nid oes yna yr un mynegbost.
Turn by the third milestone. Trowch wrth y drydedd gareg filltir.
I shall be back in two hours. Mi a ddeuaf yn ol yn mhen dwy awr.
I must be at home to-morrow night. Rhaid i mi fod gartref nos y fory.
A horse will meet me at Conway. Fe ddaw ceffyl im cyfarfodd i Gonway.
I shall reach home before midnight. Mi a gyrhaeddaf adre cyn hanner nos.
I wish you a pleasant journey. Dymunaf i chwi siwrna gyssurus.
Thank you, sir, for your kindness. Diolch i chwi, syr, am eich caredigrwydd.
Make haste this way again. Brysiwch y ffordd yma eto.
Perhaps I may come next year, but no sooner. Feallai y deuaf y flwyddyn nesaf, ond nid yn gynt.
Remember me to Mrs. Jones and all the family. Cofiwch fi at Mrs. Jones a'r holl deulu.

I want to go to market. Mae arnaf eisiau myned ir farchnad.
I have been. Yr ydwyf fi wedi bod.
Bring me a basket. Moeswch i mi fasged.
It is ready on the table. Mae'n barod ar y bwrdd.
What will you buy? Pa beth a brynwch?
I want to buy several things. Mae arnaf eisiau prynu amryw bethau.
How much a pound is this beef? Pa faint y pwys yw y cig eidion yma?
Five pence halfpenny. Pum ceiniog a dimai.
What will this piece weigh? Pa faint a bwysa y darn yma?
Fourteen pounds. Pedwar pwys a'r ddeg.
How much will that come to at five pence? I ba faint y daw hyny wrth bum ceiniog?
Five shillings and ten pence. Pum swllt a deg ceiniog.
What a pound is the mutton? Pa faint y pwys yw'r manllwyn?
Six pence halfpenny. Chwech a dimai.
How much will that loin weigh? Faint a bwysa y lwyn yna?
Nine pounds and a quarter. Naw pwys a chwarter.
Have you any veal? A oes genych gig llo?
No, it is all sold. Nac oes, y mae i gyd wedi ei werthu.
What is the price of this goose? Beth ydyw pris yr wydd yma?
Three and sixpence. Tri a chwech.
How much do you ask for the ducks? Faint ydych yn ei ofyn am yr hwyaid?
You shall have the two for half a crown. Chwi a gewch y ddwy am hanner coron.
What a pound is the butter? Faint y pwys yw'r menyn?
Fourteen pence. Pedair a'r ddeg.
How many eggs are there for a shilling? Faint o wyau sydd am swllt?
Eighteen. Deunaw.
I want a measure of potatoes. Mae arnaf eisiau mesur o gloron.
What sort? Pa fath?
The best you have. Y rhai goreu sydd genych.
Please come to the shop. Os gwelwch yn dda deuwch i'r siop.
Let me see your blue cloth. Gadewch i mi weled eich brethyn glas.
How much a yard is it? Faint y llath ydyw?
Nine and sixpence. Naw a chwech.
Cut me a yard and a half. Torwch i mi lathen a hanner.
Have you any fine linen? A oes genych liain main?
Yes, plenty. Oes ddigon.
I want a pair of woollen stockings. Mae arnaf eisiau par o hosanau gwlan.
What is the price of them? Beth ydyw eu pris?
Three and nine pence. Tri a naw.
They are too dear. Maent yn rhy ddrud.
Here is a very cheap pair. Dyma bâr rhad iawn.
What do you ask for this hat? Beth ydych yn ofyn am yr het yma?
Twelve shillings. Deuddeg swllt.
Can you change a ten pound note? A ellwch chwi newid papur deg punt.
Yes, sir, I can. Gallaf, syr.
Have you been to market? A fuoch chwi yn y farchnad?
Yes, and am very much tired. Do, ac yr ydwyf wedi blino yn fawr.
Did you see my mother? A welsoch chwi fy mam?
Yes, she was waiting for your father. Do, yr oedd yn aros am eich tad.
How is the market to-day? Sut y mae y farchnad heddyw?
Every thing very dear. Pol peth yn bur ddrud.
Every kind of corn is much dearer. Pob math o yd yn llawer drutach.
Flesh meat is getting dearer. Mae cig yn myned yn ddrutach.
There is no scarcity of anything, except money. Nid oes prinder o ddim, oddi eithr arian.