A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy/Notes

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[Black figures denote the page, the light figures the notes]

xv, 1. See below, p. 395 ff.

xvi, 2. Talm. Bab. Hagiga 11b.

3. Ibid.

4. See Zeller, Die Philosophie der Griechen, III, 2, 3d ed. p. 347; Maimonides, Guide of the Perplexed, I, ch. 71, beginning.

xvii, 5. See Wenrich, De Auctorum Graecorum Versionibus et Commentariis Syriacis, Arabicis, Armeniacis Persicisque, Leipzig, 1842, p. 4 ff; De Boer, Geschichte der Philosophie im Islam, Stuttgart, 1901, p. 17 ff (English translation by Jones, London, 1903, pp. 11-30). Duval, La Littérature Syriaque 2nd ed., Paris, 1900, ch. XIV, § 2, p. 253 ff.

xx, 6. See Dieterici, Die Theologie des Aristotles (Arabic text), Leipzig, 1882; German translation by the same, Leipzig, 1883.

7. See Bardenhewer, Die Pseudo-aristotelische Schrift über das reine Gute, bekannt unter dem Namen Liber de causis, Freiburg i. Br., 1882.

8. See Valentinus Rose, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 1883, p. 843.

9. See Husik, Judah Messer Leon's Commentary upon the "Vetus Logica," Leyden, 1906, p. 11, 97 note.

xxi, 10. For the following sketch of the Kalam see Goldziher, Vorlesungen über den Islam, Heidelberg, 1910, 100 ff, 127 f.

xxiv, 11. See below, p. 247.

xxv, 12. See Schreiner, Der Kalam in der jüdischen Literatur, Berlin, 1895, p. 3; ibid., Studien über Jeschu'a ben Jehuda, Berlin, 1900, p. 12 ff.

xxvi, 13. See L. Ginzberg, in Jewish Encyclopedia, s. v. "Anthropomorphism."

14. See Talm. Bab. Berakot, 33b. מןרים מןרים משחקין אוחו.

15. See Talm. Bab. Megillah, 25b. הכל בידי שמים חוץ מידאת שמים.

16. Schreiner, Studien über Jeschu'a ben Jehudah, p. 15 note 2.

17. See Bab. Talm. Pesakim, 54a, שבעה דברים נבראו קודם שנברא העולם ואלו הן תורה . . . . תורה דכתיב (משלי ח׳) ה׳ קנני ראשית דרכו.

18. Schreiner l. c. p. 12.

19. Ibid.

20. Schreiner, Der Kalam in der jüdischen Literatur, p. 3, 4.

xxvii, 21. Guide of the Perplexed, I, ch. 71.

22. See below, p. 246 ff.

23. See Goldziher, Vorlesungen über den Islam, p. 155 ff.

xxviii, 24. See Yahuda, Al-Hidāja'Ila Farā'id Al-Qulūb des Bachja ibn Joseph Ibn Paquda, Leyden, 1912, p. 53 ff.

xxxvii, 25. Cf. above, note 6.

1, 26. See Steinschneider, Die Hebräischen Uebersetzungen des Mittelalters und die Juden als Dolmetscher, Berlin, 1893, § 479 and notes.

1, 27. See Guttmann, Die Scholastik des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts in ihren Beziehungen zum Judenthum und zur jüdischen Literatur, Breslau, 1902, p. 55 ff.

28. Omnia Opera Ysaac, Lugduni, (Lyons), 1515.

2, 29. See אגרות הרמב״ם, ed. Amsterdam, p. 14b.

30. S. Fried, Das Buch über die Elemente (ספר היסודות), Drohobycz, 1900.

31. Published by Hirschfeld in "Festschrift zum achtzigsten Geburtstag Moritz Steinschneiders," Leipzig, 1896, pp. 131-141; cf. also pp. 233-4.

32. See note 28 and the two preceding notes.

5, 33. ספר הרוח והנפש published by Steinschneider in the Hebrew periodical הכרמל I, pp. 401-405. Cf. Guttmann, Die philosophischen Lehren des Isaak ben Salomon Israeli, Münster i. W., 1911, p. 31, note 1.

10, 34. Fried, ספר היסודות, p. 12f.

17, 35. Berlin, 1885, pp. 65, 77-83, 151-154.

36. See the Russian paper Woskhod, September, 1898.

24, 37. Arabic text edited by S. Landauer, Kitāb al-Amānāt wa'l-I'tiqādāt, Leyden 1880. The Hebrew translation of Judah ibn Tibbon has been published in many editions. The references in the following notes are to the Yozefov edition.

25, 38. Cf. below, p. 249 ff.

39. Pt. I, ch. 1, third argument, p. 58 of Yozefov edition.

40. Ibid., fourth argument, p. 59.

26, 41. Ibid., ch. 3, p. 63 ff.; cf. Guttmann, Die Religionsphilosophie des Saadia, Göttingen, 1882, p. 45 f.

42. Pt. II, chs. 9-12, pp. 95-101.

43. Pt. VI, ch. 1, p. 149.

44. Pt. II, ch. 2, pp. 88-9.

27, 45. Introduction, pp. 38-39.

46. Ibid., p. 40.

28, 47. Ibid., pp. 43-48.

48. Ibid., p. 48.

49. p. 49.

50. p. 51.

29, 51. Pt. I. Introduction, p. 54 f.

52. Ibid., ch. 1, p. 56.

30, 53. Ibid., p. 57.

54. Ibid., p. 58.

55. Ibid., p. 59.

31, 56. Ch. 2, p. 60 ff.

57. Ch. 3, third opinion, p. 66 ff.

32, 58. Ch. 4, pp. 80-82.

59. Pt. II. Introduction, p. 86.

60. Ibid., ch. 1, p. 88.

33, 61. Pt. I, ch. 3, fifth opinion, p. 68.

62. Pt. II, ch. 2, p. 89.

34, 63. Ibid., chs. 4-5, pp. 91-93.

64. See Graf, Die Philosophic und Gotteslehre des Jahjā ibn 'Adī und späteren Autoren, Münster, 1910, p. 32, note, p. 52.

35, 65. III, ch. 10, p. 122; V, ch. 8, p. 147; VII, ch. 2, p. 165.

66. II, chs. 9-12, pp. 95-102.

37, 67. VI, chs. 1-4, pp. 148-156.

38, 68. III, chs. 1-3, pp. 104-110.

40, 69. Ibid., chs. 4-5, pp. 110-113.

70. Ch. 6, pp. 113-114.

71. Chs. 7-9, pp. 114-121.

41, 72. IV, pp. 124-136.

42, 73. V, chs. 1-3, pp. 136-140.

43, 74. IX, chs. 1-4, pp. 185-190.

44, 75. VI, ch. 8, pp. 160-162.

45, 76. VII, chs. 1-9, pp. 162-174.

77. VIII, pp. 175-185.

78. IX, chs. 5-11, pp. 190-197.

46, 79. X, pp. 197-215.

48, 80. The following sketch is based upon Frankl, Ein Mu'tazilitischer Kalam aus dem 10ten Jahrhundert, Wien, 1872.

55, 81. The following sketch is based upon Schreiner, Studien über Jeschu'a ben Jehuda, Berlin, 1900.

60, 82. אגרות הרמב״ם (Letters of Maimonides), ed. Amsterdam, p. 14b.

61, 83. See Munk, Mélanges de Philosophie Juive et Arabe, Paris, 1859, p. 291 ff; Guttmann, Die Scholastik des Dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, Breslau, 1902, pp. 60-85. Id., Die Philosophie des Salomon ibn Gabirol, Göttingen, 1889, p. 54 ff. This last work and that of Munk represent the best exposition and criticism of Gabirol's philosophy and of his sources and influences.

62, 84. Cf. Baeumker, Avencebrolis Fons Vitae, Münster, 1892-95, Prolegomena.

63, 85. Jourdain, A., Recherches Critiques sur l'âge et l'origine des traductions Latines d' Aristote, 2 ed. Paris, 1843, p. 197 note.

86. Munk, Mélanges, etc. (see note 83), contains the Hebrew extracts of Falaquera. The Latin translation was published by Clemens Baeumker in the Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, vol. I, pts. 2-4 (cf. above note 84). See also Seyerlen in Theologische Jahrbücher, edited by Zeller, XV and XVI.

64, 87. Cf. Munk, Le Guide des Égarés, II, p. 25, note 1, end.

88. See Kaufmann, Studien über Salomon ibn Gabirol, Budapest, 1899.

89. Baeumker, Fons Vitae, V, p. 313, 6.

65, 90. F. V. V, 333-335, Falaquera in Munk's Mélanges, V, §§ 67-69.

91. F. V. IV, 8 ff., Falaquera IV, § 1.

92. F. V. V, 296, 10.

93. F. V. IV, 243, 10.

94. F. V. III, p. 196, 5 ff., Falaq. III, § 10.

95. F. V. III, 208, 15; Falaq. III, § 44.

67, 96. F. V. III, 175, 10 ff.; Falaq. III, § 27 ff.

97. F. V. IV, 211, 9 ff., 213, 17 ff., 217, 11 ff., 218, 18; Falaq. IV, §§ 1-4 and ff.

98. F. V. V, 258, 19; 259, 1; 268, 8, 14, 15; 322, 12; Falaq. V, § 55.

68, 99. F. V. V, 306, 7 ff.; Falaq. V, § 34 ff.

100. F. V. V, 330, 15 ff.; Falaq. V, § 64 ff.

101. F. V. V, 326, 3 ff.; Falaq. V, § 60 ff.

70, 102. F. V. III, 204, 13 ff.; Falaq. III, § 37.

71, 103. S. Wise, "Improvement of the Moral Qualities," New York, 1901. (Columbia University Oriental Studies, vol. 1.)

72, 104. F. V. I, 4, 24 ff.; Falaq. I, § 2.

78, 105. See Munk, Mélanges, 166 ff.

80, 106. Yahuda, Prolegomena zu einer erstmaligen Herausgabe des Kitāb Al-Hidāja 'Ilā Farā'id Al-Qulūb, Frankfurt a. M., 1904, 12 ff.; id., Al-Hidaja 'Ilā Faraid Al-Qulūb des Bachja ibn Joseph ibn Paquda, Leyden, 1912, 63 f.

107. Neumark, Geschichte der jüdischen Philosophie des Mittelalters, I, Berlin, 1907, 485-493.

81, 108. In his commentary on Deut. 32, 39. Cf. Yahuda, Prolegomena, p. 12, note 2, where 35 should be corrected to 39.

109. Yahuda, Al-Hidaja, etc., p. 97.

85, 110. חובת הלבבות (Duties of the Hearts) ed. Warsaw, 1875, Introduction, pp. 9-28.

86, III. Ibid., Introduction, 28-37.

112. Yahuda, Al-Hidāja, pp. 53-112.

88, 113. Duties of the Hearts, I, chs. 1-6, pp. 41-58.

89, 114. Duties, I, ch. 6, pp. 57-8.

92, 115. Ibid., ch. 7, pp. 58-69.

93, 116. Ch. 8, pp. 69-72.

117. Ch. 9, pp. 72-76.

95, 118. Ch. 10, pp. 76-84.

96, 119. Guide of the Perplexed I, ch. 53.

120. Duties, ch. i, p. 44.

121. Ibid., ch. 10, end, p. 92 f.

97, 122. Duties, II, pp. 95-137.

99, 123. III, pp. 138-197.

101, 124. IV, pp. 198-256.

125. Duties, 2nd volume, part V, pp. 3-35.

102, 126. VI, pp. 36-58.

103, 127. VII, pp. 58-82.

104, 128. VIII, pp. 82-126.

105, 129. IX, pp. 126-150.

130. X, pp. 151-168.

106, 131. Broydé, Les Reflexions sur l'âme par Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakouda, Paris, 1896; Hebrew title, ספר תורות הנפש.

132. Goldziher, Kitāb Ma'ānī al-nafs, Berlin, 1907.

133. See Guttmann in "Monatschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums," XLI (1897), 241 ff.

107, 134. Arabic text, p. 41, 12 and 46, 2; Hebrew, p. 55, 1 and 61, 5.

135. Ch. 2, p. 4, 29 (Heb. p. 5, last line).

136. Ibid., p. 6, 1 (Heb. p. 7, 3).

137. Ibid., p. 5, 16 f. (Heb. 6, 16 f.).

138. Ibid., ch. 9, p. 34, 13 ff. (Heb. p. 44, 10).

139. Ch. 2, p. 6, 6 ff. (Heb. p. 7, 8 f.).

140. Ch. 12, p. 42, 23 (Heb. p. 56, 23).

108, 141. Chs. 1-2.

111, 142. Chs. 16-17.

143. Chs. 6 and 11-12.

112, 144. Ch. 2.

145. Ch. 9.

113, 146. Ch. 7.

147. Chs. 19 and 21.

114, 148. ספר הגיון הנפש, edited by Freimann, Leipzig, 1860. German title, Sefer Hegjon ha-Nefesch.

115, 149. p. 2a.

150. Ibid., also 4b.

151. See, however, below, p. 119.

152. p. 2b.

116, 153. p. 1.

117, 154. pp. 1-2.

118, 155. pp. 4b-5a.

156. pp. 2b-4a.

122, 157. pp. 5b-8a.

158. p. 8b ff.

123, 159. p. 11a.

160. pp. 10-12.

124, 161. p. 30b ff.

125, 162. See Doctor, Die Philosophie des Joseph ibn Zaddik, Münster, 1895, pp. 1-3; Horovitz, Der Mikrokosmos des Joseph Ibn Saddik, Breslau, 1903, I-II.

163. Horovitz, Mikrokosmos, XIII, ff.

164. Letters of Maimonides, ed. Amsterdam, 14b.

126, 165. Horovitz, Mikrokosmos, 7, 24-8, 2.

127, 166. Ibid., 44-46; 53-54; cf. below, p. 145.

167. Ibid., p. 37, 2 ff.; cf. below, p. 138.

129, 168. pp. 1-2.

130, 169. pp. 3-6.

133, 170. pp. 7-19.

134, 171. pp. 19-25.

137, 172. pp. 25-33.

141, 173. pp. 33-43.

142, 174. pp. 43-47.

145, 175. pp. 47-57.

146, 176. pp. 57-58.

149, 177. pp. 59-79.

150, 178. Al-Chazari, I, 67, ed. Hirschfeld, Leipzig, 1887, p. 29, 24.

179. Ibid., p. 29, 19-20.

180. I, 63; II, 66; pp. 29 and 125.

151, 181. See Kaufmann, Jehuda Halewi in "Gesammelte Schriften," Frankfurt a. M., 1910, vol. 2, pp. 99-151.

152, 182. Al-Chazari IV, 13, 15; p. 253, 18 ff., 257, 6 ff.

153, 183. Kaufmann, Geschichte der Attributenlehre in der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie des Mittelalters, Gotha, 1877, pp. 119-140.

157, 184. Al-Chazari I, 1-67, pp. 1-29.

158, 185. Ibid., 70 ff., p. 31 ff.

159, 186. II, 6; p. 75, 22 ff.

187. IX, 13; p. 253, 18 ff.

160, 188. IV, 3; p. 229, 10 ff.

189, Ibid., 15 ff.; p. 257, 6 ff.

161, 190. II, 2-4; pp. 71-75.

163, 191. I, 87 ff.; p. 39 ff.

164, 192. I, 99 ff.; p. 53 ff.

193. II, 10 ff.; p. 77 ff.

194. Ibid., 36 ff.; p. 103 ff.

165, 195. Ibid., 68 f.; p. 125 f.

167, 196. IV, 3 ff.; p. 237, 9 ff.

168, 197. II, 26, p. 95; 48, p. 107 f.

169, 198. Ibid., 50, p. 109, 24 f.; III, 1 ff., p. 141 ff.

170, 199. I, 109 ff.; p. 59 ff.

173, 200. V, 20 ff., p. 337 ff.

201. IV, 25, p. 267 ff.

202. Ibid., 27, p. 283 f.

174, 203. Ibid., 29 ff., p. 285 ff.

175, 204. See above, p. 8.

205. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft, XXIX (1875), pp. 335-418.

177, 206. V, 1 ff., p. 295 ff.

179, 207. IV, 25, p. 281, 24 ff.

181, 208. V, 12, p. 311 ff.

182, 209. Ibid., 14, p. 323 ff.

183, 210. Ibid., 16 ff., p. 331 ff.

211. Ibid., 22 ff., p. 357 ff.

184, 212. Quoted by Bacher in Jewish Encyclopedia, s. v. Ibn Ezra, Abraham.

213. Published by Dukes in "Zion," II, Frankfurt a. M., 1842, pp. 117-123, 134-137, 157-159, 175. Cf. also Literaturblatt des Orients, X, 748, where Dukes publishes a brief passage from the "Arugat Habosem," not found in "Zion." He derived it from a different manuscript.

187, 214. Jesod Mora, published with German translation by M. Creizenach, Frankfurt a. M., and Leipzig, 1840. Hebrew title יסוד מורא. Sefer Ha-Schem, ed. Lippmann, 1834. Cf., Bacher, Jewish Encyclopedia, s. v.

189, 215. מורה נבוכי הזמן, Warsaw, 1894, ch. 17 (חכמת המסכן), pp. 266 ff.

216. Die Religionsphilosophie Abraham Ibn Esra's, in "Monatschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums," 42 and 43 (1898 and 1899).

192, 217. Ibid., 42 (1898), pp. 454-455.

193, 218. Commentary on Exod. 33, 21, towards the end of the long excursus.

195, 219. Commentary on Exod. 20, 2.

220. Introduction to his commentary on Ecclesiastes.

197, 221. Emunah Ramah (Heb. title אמונה רמה), published with German translation by Simson Weil, Frankfurt a. M., 1852, p. 2 (Heb.).

222, Em. Ram., p. 83.

198, 223. See note 221.

224. Em. Ram., 2-3.

225. See note 221.

199, 226. See Horovitz, Ueber den Einfluss der griechischen Philosophie auf die Entwicklung des Kalam, Breslau, 1909.

200, 227. But see below, p. 354, l. 31.

202, 228. Em. Ram., p. 1 ff.

203, 229. Ibid., 4.

204, 230. Al Gazali. Cf. Guttmann, Die Religionsphilosophie des Abraham ibn Daud aus Toledo, Göttingen, 1879, p. 117, note.

205, 231. Em. Ram., 44-46.

232. Ibid., 4-8.

207, 233. Ibid., 9-13.

208, 234. Ibid., 13-15.

209, 235. Ibid., 15-20.

216, 236. Em. Ram., 20-41.

237. Ibid., 41-43.

220, 238. Em. Ram., 44-51.

221, 239. Ibid., 51-57.

223, 240. Ibid., 57-69.

224, 241. Ibid., 69-70.

226, 242. Ibid., 70-75.

228, 243. Ibid., 75-81.

230, 244. Ibid., 93-98.

232, 245. See Guttmann, Die Religionsphilosophie des Abraham Ibn Daud, p. 220, note 2.

235, 246. Ibid., 98-104.

236, 247. באור מלות ההגיון, Breslau, 1828. For other editions and interesting information concerning this treatise see Steinschneider, Die Hebräischen Uebersetzungen des Mittelalters, Berlin, 1893, § 251, and Die Arabische Literatur der Juden, Frankfurt a. M., 1902, p. 208, 5.

248. Introduction to the eleventh chapter (ch. Helek) of the treatise Sanhedrin. 239, 249. Letters of Maimonides, ed. Amsterdam, pp. 13b-14.

250. The Arabic text was published with a French translation and extremely valuable notes by Solomon Munk, under the title, Le Guide des Égarés, 3 volumes, Paris, 1856-66. English translation by M. Friedländer in 3 vols., London, 1881-1885, re-issued in one volume, with omission of notes, London, 1910. For other translations, editions and commentaries see Kaufmann, "Der 'Führer' Maimûnis in der Weltliteratur," Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, XI (1898), pp. 335-376, republished in Kaufmann's Gesammelte Schriften ed. Brann, vol. 2, Frankfurt a. M., 1910, pp. 152-189. See also Friedländer's translation, London, 1910, p. XXVII ff.

251. The Arabic text was published with a German translation by M. Wolff under the title, Mûsâ Maimûni's Acht Kapitel, 2nd edition, Leyden, 1903. Hebrew text with English translation by Joseph I. Gorfinkle, The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics, New York, 1912 (Columbia University Oriental Studies, vol. VII).

240, 252. Emunah Ramah, p. 81 ff.

241, 253. Guide, I, chs. 1, 3-16, 18-30, 37-45, 64-67, 70.

243, 254. Ibid., ch. 54.

255. III, 28.

256. I, 55.

244, 257. I, 32.

258. Ibid., ch. 33.

245, 259. Ch. 34.

260. Ch. 71.

246, 261. Ibid.

247, 262. Cf., however, above, p. XXV f. (the view that Kalam originated in Judaism).

248, 263. Ch. 71.

249, 264. The following numbers do not correspond to those of Maimonides.

252, 265. Guide, I, 73.

266. Ibid., 74.

253, 267. Ibid., 75.

268. Ibid., 76.

269. See below, p. 257.

270. Below, p. 259.

271. Above, p. 218.

272. Below, p. 258, last line, and 260.

257, 273. Guide II, Introduction.

260, 274. Ibid., ch. 1.

261, 275. Ch. 36.

262, 276. Ch. 46.

264, 277. Ibid., chs. 51-53.

265, 278. Chs. 55-58.

279. Ch. 61.

268, 280. See Munk, Guide des Égarés II, p. 69, note 1.

281. Guide II, chs. 3-6.

271, 282. Chs. 13-18.

272, 283. Munk understands the preceding sentence differently. See his edition, vol. II, p. 157, note 2.

274, 284. Guide II, chs. 19-25.

281, 285. Ibid., chs. 32-48.

286. III, ch. 8.

282, 287. "Eight Chapters," ch. 1.

285, 288. Ibid., chs. 2-5.

289. Ch. 7.

288, 290. Ch. 8.

289, 291. Guide III, chs. 10-12.

290, 292. Ibid., ch. 16.

292, 293. Ibid., chs. 17-18.

294, 294. Ibid., chs. 19-21.

295. Ibid., chs. 26 and 31.

295, 296. Ibid., ch. 27.

297, Ibid., ch. 50.

298, 298. Ibid., chs. 29-50.

299, 299. Ibid., ch. 54.

304, 300. Ibid., II, ch. 30.

301. Ibid., Ill, chs. 1-7.

302. See Munk, Le Guide des Égarés, III, p. 8, note.

303. Ibid.

304. Guide III, chs. 22-23.

305, 305. See Kaufmann, Der Führer Maimûnis in der Weltliteratur in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie XI (1898) p. 314 f.; reprinted in Kaufmann's Gesammelte Schriften, ed. Brann, Frankfurt a. M., 1910, p. 158 f. 306. See Jourdain, Recherches critiques sur l'âge et l'origine des traductions Latines d'Aristote, 2nd ed., Paris, 1843. German transl. by Stahr, Halle, 1831.

305, 307. Augustine, De Civitate Dei, Book VIII, ch. 5, "Nulli nobis quam isti [sc., Platonici] propius accesserunt"; ch. 9, "Platonem de Deo ista sensisse, quae multum congruere veritati nostrae religionis agnoscunt."

306, 308. See Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroïsme Latin au XIIIme Siècle, Louvain, 1911, chs. 1-2; Isaac Husik, An Anonymous Medieval Christian Critic of Maimonides, Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, vol. II, Phila. 1911, p. 159 ff.

309. See J. Perles, "Die in einer Münchener Handschrift aufgefundene erste lateinische Uebersetzung des Maimonidischen Führers", in Monatschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, XXIV (1875), p. 9 ff.

307, 310. See M. Joel, Verhältniss Albert des Grossen zu Moses Maimonides, Breslau, 1876, in M. Joel, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie, Breslau, 1876. J. Guttmann, Das Verhältniss des Thomas von Aquino zum Judenthum und zur jüdischen Literatur, Göttingen, 1891; id., Die Scholastik des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts in ihren Beziehungen zum Judenthum und zur jüdischen Literatur, Breslau, 1902; id., Der Einfluss der Maimonidischen Philosophie auf das christliche Abendland, in "Moses ben Maimon," vol. I, Leipzig, 1908.

308, 311. See Graetz, History of the Jews, index volume, s. v., " Maimunist Controversy."

309, 312. Published by M. L. Bisliches, Pressburg, 1837.

312a. Edited by W. Bacher under the title "Sefer Musar," Berlin, 1910.

313. Published by the "Mekize Nirdamim" Society, Lyck, 1866.

310, 314. Published by Munk in Mélanges de Philosophie Juive et Arabe, Paris, 1859.

315. Published by Bisliches, Pressburg, 1837.

316. See Munk, Mélanges, p. 494, note 1; H. Malter, Shem Tob Palquera, in Jewish Quarterly Review, new series, vol. 1, pp. 151-181, 451-501.

317. Published by Werbluner, Josephi Kaspi . . . Commentaria hebraica in R. Mosis Maimonides Tractatum Dalalat al Haiirin, Frankfurt a. M., 1848.

318. Edited by Goldenthal, Wien, 1852.

311, 319. The English reader will also find a good deal of material in the pages of the Jewish Encyclopedia under the names of the translators and writers above mentioned.

313, 320. Guide I, ch. 74, 7th proof, end.

314, 321. Published by the "Mekize Nirdamim," Lyck, 1874.

315, 322. Tagm. Hanef. 1.

317, 323. Ibid., 1b-7b. The definition occurs, p. 7b, ll. 28 ff.

318, 324. Ibid., 8a.

319, 325. Ibid., 8a-10a.

322, 326. Ibid., 10a-13b.

323, 327. Ibid., 13b-19b.

324, 328. Ibid., 20a-21b.

326, 329. Ibid., 21b-24b.

330. Ibid., 24.

327, 331. Ibid., 25a-32.

328, 331a. See Heimann Auerbach, Albalag und seine Uebersetzung des Makâsid al-Gazzalis, Breslau, 1906, p. vii f.; Guttmann, Die Stellung des Simon ben Zemach Duran in der Geschichte der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie in Monatschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, vol. LVII (1913), p. 184 f. 328, 332. See Maywald, Die Lehre von der zweifachen Wahrheit, Berlin, 1871; Mandonnet, Siger de Brabant et l'Averroïsme Latin au XIIIme Siècle, Louvain, 1911, vol. 1, p. 148 ff.

329, 333. First edition, Riva di Trento, 1560; modern edition, Leipzig, 1866. The references in the sequel are to the Leipzig edition.

334. See Husik, Judah Messer Leon's Commentary on the "Vetus Logica," Leyden, 1906, p. 11.

335. See Joel, Lewi ben Gerson als Religionsphilosoph, Breslau, 1862, p. 9 f. (in M. Joel, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie, Breslau, 1876).

330, 336. Introduction to Gersonides' commentary on the Pentateuch.

337. Introduction to "Milhamot Adonai," pp. 6-7.

331, 338. Milhamot I, ch. 14, p. 91.

339. Ibid., Introduction, p. 8.

336, 340. I, chs. 1-4, pp. 12-35.

337, 341. Ibid., ch. 5, pp. 35-36.

339, 342. Ch. 6, pp. 36-48.

340, 343. Ibid.,chs. 10-12, pp. 61-88.

342, 344. Milhamot II, chs. 1-2, pp. 92-98.

345. Ibid., chs. 3, 5 and 6, pp. 98 f., 104, 111 f.

344, 346. Milhamot III, ch. 3, p. 132.

345, 347. III, chs. 1-6, pp. 120-150.

349, 348. IV, chs. 1-7, pp. 151-187.

350, 349. V, 3, ch. 6, p. 264 f.

351, 350. Ibid., chs. 4-6, pp. 247-264.

352, 351. Ch. 12, pp. 278-285.

354, 352. VI, 1, chs. 1-9, pp. 293-328.

353. Ibid., chs. 10-13, pp. 328-353; ch. 15, p. 356 f.

355, 354. Ch. 16, pp. 359-361.

357, 355. Chs. 17-28, pp. 362-416.

356. VI, 2, ch. 1, p. 419.

358, 357. VI, 2, chs. 1-8, pp. 418-441.

360, 358. Ibid., chs. 9-12, pp. 441-460.

359. Chs. 13-14, pp. 460-463.

363, 360. Published by Delitzsch and Steinschneider, Leipzig, 1841.

364, 361. Ez Hayim, p. 4.

366, 362. E. H., pp. 3-5.

367, 363. p. 15, l. 6 f., also p. 18, l. 10 f.

364. Ch. 4, pp. 12-13, l. 24.

368, 365. Ch. 9, pp. 26-27.

369, 366. p. 17, l. 16.

367. p. 33.

372, 368. Chs. 66-72, pp. 80-89.

369. Ch. 75, pp. 93-96.

373, 370. Chs. 76-78, pp. 96-99.

375, 371. Chs. 79-81, pp. 100-107.

376, 372. Chs. 82-89, pp. 107-133.

377, 373. Ch. 89, pp. 133-136.

378, 374. "Guide" III, 24.

379, 375. Ez Hayim, ch. 90, pp. 136-144.

376. "Guide" III, chs. 12, 13, 25 end.

380, 377. Ez Hayim, ch. 94, pp. 149-154.

382, 378. Chs. 96-100, pp. 160-176.

379. Chs. 101-102, pp. 177-181.

380. Ez Hayim, pp. 116-117.

383, 381. Ch. 103, pp. 181-185.

384, 382. Chs. 104-105, pp. 185-187.

385, 383. Ch. 106, p. 187 ff.; ch. 109, p. 194 ff.

384. Chs. 107-108.

387, 385. Chs. 110-112.

389, 386. Ed. Ferara, 1556 (no pagination).

390, 387. "Or Adonai," Introduction, pp. 6-7 (not numbered).

391, 388. Book I, sections 1-2.

389. Ibid., section 3, ch. 2.

390. Ibid., ch. 3.

392, 391. Ibid.

392. Ibid., ch. 4.

393, 393. Book II, section I.

395, 394. Ibid., section 2.

395. Section 3.

396. Section 4.

398, 397. Section 5.

398. See M. Joel, "Don Chasdai Creskas' religionsphilosophische Lehren," Breslau, 1866 (in M. Joel, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie, Breslau, 1876), p. 54 f.

402, 399. Or Adonai, II, section 6.

400. Ibid., III, introduction.

403, 401. Ibid., section 1.

404, 402. Section 3.

405, 403. Section 4.

406, 403a. Simon ben Zemach Duran (1361-1444). He was a relative of Gersonides, a Rabbinical authority, and the author of a scientific and philosophical work, entitled "Magen Abot." Unlike his more distinguished relative, Simon Duran was opposed to the extreme views adopted by such men as Albalag, Moses of Narbonne or Gersonides himself, and favored a return to the more moderate standpoint of Maimonides. Without laying any claim to originality his work shows wide reading and familiarity with the scientific and philosophic literature of the time. See Guttmann, "Die Stellung des Simon ben Zemach Duran in der Geschichte der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie," in Monatschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, vol. 52 (1908), pp. 641-672, vol. 53 (1909), pp. 46-97, 199-228. From Guttmann's investigations it appears that Albo cannot claim any originality even for the reduction of the fundamental dogmas of Judaism to three. The first part of the "Ikkarim" turns out to be a compilation from Crescas and Duran, and is no more original than the rest of the book. When we consider that though he owes the central point of his contribution to Duran, Albo never mentions him, the charge of plagiarism brought against him is not far from justified. See below, p. 407.

407, 404. ביטול עקרי הנוצרים, published by Ephraim Deinard, Carney, N. J., 1904. The work was originally composed in Spanish, and was translated into Hebrew by Joseph Ibn Shemtob.

404a. See also note 403a.

408, 405. ספר העקרים, ed. Warsaw, 1877, pp. 13-14.

406. Ibid., pp. 14-17.

409, 407. pp. 21-25.

408. In the introduction to his commentary on the eleventh chapter of the Mishnic treatise Sanhedrin (chapter Helek).

410, 409. Crescas; cf. above, p. 392.

410. Ikkarim, I, ch. 3, pp. 25-31.

411, 411. Chs. 4-7, pp. 31-39.

412, 412. Ch. 8, pp. 39-46.

413. Ch. 9, pp. 46-48.

413, 414. Chs. 10-11, pp. 48-58.

415. Ch. 12, pp. 58-60.

416. Chs. 13 and 15, pp. 60-61 and 64-68.

414, 417. Ch. 14, pp. 61-64.

415, 418. Ch. 17, pp. 7 -76.

419. Ch. 18, pp. 76-78.

416, 420. Ch. 23, pp. 84-86.

418, 421. Ch. 24, pp. 87-90.

422. Ch. 25, pp. 90-92.

419, 423. Ch. 26, p. 93.

424. Book II, chs. 4-5, pp. 107-114.

425. Ibid., ch. 7, pp. 117-118.

420, 426. Chs. 8-10, pp. 118-125.

427. Chs. 11-13, pp. 125-140.

428. Ch. 12, pp. 129-133.

421, 429. Book III, chs. 1-5, pp. 197-214.

430. Chs. 6-7, pp. 214-218.

423, 431. Chs. 8-11, pp. 218-228.

424, 432. Chs. 13-20, pp. 229-246.

433. Book IV, chs. 1-6, pp. 279-294.

425, 434. Chs. 7-15, pp. 294-313.

427, 435. Chs. 29-35, pp. 338-356.

429, 436. See Guttmann "Die Familie Schemtob in ihren Beziehungen zur Philosophie," Monatschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, vol. 57 (1913), p. 177 ff.

437. See Guttmann as in preceding note.

438. See preceding note. 430, 439. See note 436.

440. See Jewish Encyclopedia s. v.

441. J. E. s. v.

431, 442. See Zimmels, "Leo Hebraeus, ein jüdischer Philosoph der Renaissance," Leipzig, 1886; Appel, "Leone Medigos Lehre vom Weltall und ihr Verhältniss zu griechischen und zeitgenössischen Anschauungen," in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. XX, pp. 387-400, 496-520; Munk, Mélanges, pp. 522-528.

443. Husik, "Judah Messer Leon's Commentary on the Vetus Logica," Leyden, 1906.

444. Jewish Encyclopedia, s. v.