A New Mosque at el-Nahud

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A New Mosque at el-Nahud (1917)

Sudan Times, January 19, 1917

200854A New Mosque at el-Nahud1917Anonymous

Our Nahud correspondent writes that the corner stone of a new Mosque at El-Nahud was laid in the presence of a big assembly, including Mr. R. A. Bence-Pembroke, Inspector Kordofan Province, the Kadi, officers and officials of the district.

The Kadi delivered an eloquent speech urging those present to subscribe generously to the funds required for this worthy cause.

The Mamur followed in an able speech pointing out the fact that it was Mr. Bence-Pembroke who initiated the idea, and stating that His Excellency Sir Reginald Wingate during his last visit to Nahud sub- cribed £E50 towards the erection of this new Mosque, setting a good example to all.

Sheikh Mohammed Hamad-El-Nil, Chief Sheikh of the Kadaria Order, delivered a short speech thanking Mr. Bence-Pembroke for his initiative in this matter and the Sudan Government for their tireless efforts in promoting the material and moral progress of the people of the Sudan.

Mr. Bence-Pembroke then stood up and addressed those present in Arabic thanking the speakers for their kind words and expressing his best wishes for their success in completing the work they had begun.