A Poem of Felicia Hemans in The Juvenile Forget Me Not, 1834/The Bird at Sea

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For other versions of this work, see The Bird at Sea.

The Juvenile Forget Me Not, 1834, pages 53-54

3013461A Poem of Felicia Hemans in The Juvenile Forget Me Not, 1834 — The Bird at Sea1833Felicia Hemans



"Bird of the greenwood!
Oh! why art thou here?
Leaves dance not o'er thee,
Flowers bloom not near:
All the sweet waters
Far hence are at play—
Bird of the greenwood,
Away, away!

Midst the wild billows
Thy place will not be,
As midst the wavings
Of wild rose and tree:
How shouldst thou battle
With storm and with spray?—
Bird of the greenwood,
Away, away!

Or art thou seeking
Some brighter land,
Where by the south wind
Vine-leaves are fann'd?
Midst the wild billows
Why then delay?—
Bird of the greenwood,
Away, away!"

"Chide not my lingering
Where waves are dark!
A hand that hath nursed me
Is in the bark—
A heart that hath cherish'd
Through winter's long day—
So I turn from the greenwood
Away, away!"