A Record of the Buddhist Religion as practised in India and the Malay Archipelago/Names of the Books which are referred to in I-tsing's Works

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A Record of the Buddhist Religion as practised in India and the Malay Archipelago
by Yijing, translated by Takakusu Junjiro
Names of the Books which are referred to in I-tsing's Works
4309749A Record of the Buddhist Religion as practised in India and the Malay Archipelago — Names of the Books which are referred to in I-tsing's WorksTakakusu JunjiroYijing

Names of the Books which are referred to in I-tsing's Works, but not found in the India Office Collection.

1. 西方記 Si-fang-chi. The 'Record of the West,' i. e. India.

See p. 49, note 2, above, and folio 25b, vol. i, Nan-hai-ki-kwei-nei-fa-kwhan (sic), No. 1492 (India Office copy).

2. 西方十德傳 Si-fang-shih-teh-ch'uan. The 'Lives of the Ten Virtuous Men of the West.'

See P. 181 above, and folio 11b, vol. iv, of Nan-hai-ki-kwei-nei-fa-kwhan (sic), No. 1492 (India Office copy).

3. 中方錄 Chung-fang-lu. The 'Record of the Madhyadesa.'

See Chavannes, Memoirs of the Eminent Priests who visited India during the Tang Dynasty, by I-tsing, p. 88; and folio 18a, vol. i, of Ta-than-si-yu-kin-fa-kao-san-kwhan (sic), No. 1491 (India Office copy).

All the above seem to have been I-tsing's own works. They may be found in some of the Buddhist libraries of China, Korea, or Japan.