A Selection of Hymns, Used in the Parish Church, and the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ulverston/Preface

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The Editor of the following little work deems it expedient to offer a few explanatory marks, in reference to the circumstances which have called it into existence.

In 1859, he published a Psalter, entitled "A Selection of Psalms, Hymns, and Chants," upon the compilation of which he bestowed much time and trouble, in the hope that the work would pass into general circulation, and that, as the Psalms, Hymns, and Chants were sung at the Parish Church, and at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ulverston, the congregation of those churches especially, would find the work peculiarly adapted to their requirements.

It was objected, however, that, as the music accompanied the words—thereby necessarily increasing the price—the volume was placed beyond the reach of the poorer members of the congregations; and the Editor, being anxious that all classes of the community should be able to take part in the devotional exercise of singing the praises of the Almighty in public Congregation, resolved to issue the Hymns without the music, at a price which should place the publication within the means of the humblest classes.

Whatever may be the merits or the demerits of the Selection, the Editor can safely say that he has undertaken his task conscientiously, unbiassed by any party-spirit, and uninfluenced by any sectarianism. His sole object, throughout the undertaking, has been to collect from the writers of accredited authors, such Hymns as are adapted for public singing in Churches—such as hymns, in fact, as fitly express what ought to be the feelings of every devout and sincere worshipper.

Church Walk,