A Short and Easie Catechism, Wherein the More Difficult Terms in the Assemblie's Shorter Catechism are Opened and Explained/Chapter 1

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IGnorance is so far from being the Mother of True Devotion: That it may be justly called the Mother of Destruction, Hosea, 4. 6. Many People are Destroyed for lack of Knowledge. And that people of riper Years, have so little Knowledge of Religious Principles, is owing in a great part, to their own, or their Parents Neglect when they were Young.

Solomon tells us, Prov. 22. 6. 'Train up a Child in the way he should go: and when he is Old, he will not Depart from it'. Intimating, That Early Instruction hath a Native Tendency to render us more perfect, both as to Knowledge and Practice. This little Catechism, (which is now Reprinted) hath the advantage of being not only Plain, but Short, and Easie for Childrens Memories. Oh that Parents and Masters were more diligent in giving Young ones an easy Task through the Week, and exacting an account of them each Sabbath Day! How pleasantly would they Spring up in Knowledge as the Grass, and the Willows by the Water Courses.