A Voyage Towards the South pole and Around the World/Volume II/vocab

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As all nations who are acquainted with the method of communicating their ideas by characters, (which represent the sound that conveys the idea,) have some particular method of managing, or pronouncing, the sounds represented by such characters, this forms a very essential article in the constitution of the language of any particular nation, and must, therefore, be understood before we can make any progress in learning, or be able to converse in it. But as this is very complex and tedious to a beginner, by reason of the great variety of powers the characters, or letters, are endued with under different circumstances, it would seem necessary, at least in languages which have never before appeared in writing, to lessen the number of these varieties, by restraining the different sounds, and always representing the same simple ones by the same character; and this is no less necessary in the English than any other language, as this variety of powers is very frequent, and without being taken notice of in the following Vocabulary, might render it entirely unintelligible. As the vowels are the regulations of all sounds, it is these only that need be noticed, and the powers allotted to each of these in the Vocabulary is subjoined.

  • A in the English language is used to represent two different simple

sounds, as in the word Arabia, where the first and last have a different power from the second. In the Vocabulary this letter must always have the power, or be pronounced like the first and last in Arabia. The other power, or sound, of the second a, is always represented in the Vocabulary by a and i, printed in Italics thus, ai.

  • E has likewise two powers, or it is used to represent two simple

sounds, as in the words Eloquence, Bred, Led, etc. and it may be said to have a third power, as in the words Then, When, etc. In the first case, this letter is only used at the beginning of words, and wherever it is met with in any other place in the words of the Vocabulary, it is used as in the second case: But never as in the third example; for this power, or sound, is every where expressed by the a and i before-mentioned, printed in Italics.

  • I is used to express different simple sounds, as in the words

Indolence, Iron, and Imitation. In the Vocabulary it is never used as in the first case, but in the middle of words; it is never used as in the second example, for that sound is always represented by y, nor is it used as in the last case, that sound being always represented by two e's, printed in Italics in this manner, ee.

  • O never alters in the pronunciation, i.e. in this Vocabulary, of a

simple sound, but is often used in this manner, oo, and sounds as in Good, Stood, etc.

  • U alters, or is used to express different simple sounds, as in Unity,

or Umbrage. Here the letters e and u, printed in Italics eu are used to express its power as in the first example, and it always retains the second power, wherever it is met with.

  • Y is used to express different sounds, as in My, By, etc. etc. and in

Daily, Fairly, etc. Wherever it is met with in the middle, or end, (i.e. anywhere but at the beginning,) of a word, it is to be used as in the first example; but is never to be found as in the second, for that sound, or power, is always represented by the Italic letter e. It has also a third power, as in the words Yes, Yell, etc., which is retained every where in the Vocabulary, at least in the beginning of words, or when it goes before another vowel, unless directed to be sounded separately by a mark over it, as thus, ÿ a.

Unless in a few instances, these powers of the vowels are used throughout the Vocabulary; but, to make the pronunciation still less liable to change, or variation, a few marks are added to the words, as follows:--

This mark ¨ as öa, means that these letters are to be expressed singly.

The letters in Italic, as ee, or oo, make but one simple sound.

When a particular stress is laid on any part of a word in the pronunciation, an accent is placed over that letter where it begins, or rather between that and the preceding one.

It often happens that a word is compounded as it were of two, or in some cases the same word, or syllable, is repeated. In these circumstances, a comma is placed under them at this division, where a rest, or small space, of time is left before you proceed to pronounce the other part, but it must not be imagined that this is a full stop.

Examples in all these Cases.

Röa, Great, long, distant. E'reema, Five. Ry'poeea, Fog, or mist. E'hoora, To invert, or turn upside down. Paroo, roo, A partition, division, or screen.M



To abide, or remain, Ete'ei.
An Abode, or place of residence, Noho'ra.
Above, not below, Neea, s. Tie'neea.
An Abscess, Fe'fe.
Action, opposed to rest, Ta'eree.
Adhesive, of an adhesive or sticking quality, Oo'peere.
Adjoining, or contiguous to, E'peeiho.
Admiration, an interjection of, A'wai, s. A'wai to Peereeai.
An adulterer, or one that vexes a married woman, Teeho teeho, s. Teeho ta'rar
To agitate, or shake a thing, as water, &c. Eooa'wai.
Aliment, or food of any kind, Mäa.
Alive, that is not dead, Waura.
All, the whole, not a part, A'maoo.
Alone, by one's self, Ota'hoi.
Anger, or to be angry, Warradee, s. Reedee.
To angle, or fish, E'hootee.
The Ankle, Momoa.
The inner Ankle, A'tooa,ewy.
Answer, an answer to a question, Oo'maia.
Approbation, or consent, Madooho'why.
Punctuated Arches on the hips, E'var're.
The Arm, Reema.
The Armpit, E'e.
An arrow, E'oome.
Arrow, the body of an arrow or reed, O'wha.
The point of an Arrow, To'ai, s. O'möa.
Ashamed, to be ashamed or confused, Ama, s. He'ama.
Ashore, or on shore, Te Euta.
To ask for a thing, Ho'my, s. Ha'py my.
Asperity, roughness, Tarra, tarra.
An Assassin,murderer, or rather man-killer, soldier or warrior, Taata,Töa.
An Assembly, or meeting, Eteou'rooa.
Atherina, A'naiheu.
Avaricious, parsimonious, ungenerous, Pee'peere.
Averse, unwillingness to do a thing, Fata, hoito' hoito.
Authentic,true, Parou, mou.
Awake, not asleep, Arra arra, s. E'ra.
Awry,or to one side; as a wry neck, Na'na.
An Axe, hatchet, or adze, Töe.
Ay, yes; an affirmation, Ai.


A Babe, or child, Mydidde.
A Batchelor, or unmarried person, E'evee (taata.)
The Back, Tooa.
To wipe the Backside, Fy'roo,too'ty.
Bad, it is not good, 'Eè'no.
A Bag of straw, Ete'öe, s.Eäte.
Bait, for fish, Era'eunoo.
Baked in the oven, Etoonoo.
Bald-headed, Oopo'boota.
Bamboo, Eenee'ou.
A Bank, or shoal, E'paa.
Bare, naked, applied to a person that is undressed, Ta'turra.
The Bark of a tree, Ho'hore.
Barren land, Fe'nooa Ma'oure.
A large round Basket of twig, He'na.
A small Basket of cocoa leaves, Vai'hee.
A long Basket of cocoa leaves, Apo'aira.
A Basket of plantain stock, Papa' Maieea.
A fisher's Basket, Er're'vy.
A round Basket of cocoa leaves, Mo'ene.
A Bastard, Fanna Too'neea.
Bastinado, to bastinade or flog a person, Tapra'hai.
To bathe, Ob'oo.
A Battle, or fight, E'motto.
A Battle-axe, O'morre.
To bawl, or cry aloud, Teimo'toro.
A Bead, Pöe.
The Beard, Oome oome.
To beat upon, or strike a thing, Too'py or Too'baee.
To beat a drum, Eroo'koo.
To beckon a person with the hand, Ta'rappe.
A Bed, or bed-place, E'roee, s. Möi'a.
To bedaub, or bespatter, Par'ry.
A Bee, E'räo.
A Beetle, Peere'teee.
Before, not behind, Te'möa.
A Beggar, a person that is troublesome continually asking for some-what, Tapa'roo.
Behind, not before, Te'mooree.
To belch, Eroo'y.
Below, as below stairs, Tei'dirro, s. Teediraro.
Below, underneath, far below, O'raro.
To bend any thing, as a stick, &c. Fa'fe'fe.
Benevolence, generosity, Ho'röa,
e.g. you are a generous man, Taata ho roa öe.
Between, in the middle, betwixit two, Fero'poo.
To bewail, or lament by crying, E'tatee.
Bigness, largeness, great, Ara'hay.
A Bird, Manoo.
A Bitch, Oore, e'ooha.
To bite, as a dog, A ahoo.
Black, colour, Ere, ere.
Bladder, Töa meeme.
A Blasphemer, a person who speaks disrespectfully of their deities'', Toona, (taata.)
Blind, Matta-po.
A Blister, raised by a burn or other means, Mei'ee
Blood, Toto, s. Ehooei.
To blow the nose, Fatte.
The blowing, or breathing of a whale, Ta'hora.
Blunt, as a blunt tool of any sort, Ma'neea.
The carved Boards of a Maray, E'ra.
A little Boat, or canoe, E'väa.
A Boil, Fe'fe.
Boldness, Eäwou.
A Bone, E'evee.
A Bonetto, a fish so called, Peera'ra.
To bore a hole, Ehoo'ee, s. Ehoo'o.
A Bow, E'fanna.
A Bow-string, Aröa'hooa.
To bow with the head, Etoo'o.
A young Boy, My'didde.
Boy, a familiar way of speaking, He'amanee.
The Brain of any animal, A booba.
A Branch of a tree or plant, E'ama.
Bread-fruit, or the fruit of the bread-tree, Ooroo.
Bread-fruit, a particular sort of it, E'patëa.
An insipid paste of Bread-fruit, Eh'öe.
The gum of the Bread-tree, Tappo'ooroo.
The leaf of the Bread-tree, E'da'ooroo.
The pith of the Bread-tree, Po'ooroo.
To break a thing, O whatte, s. Owhan ne, s. Fatte.
The Breast, O'ma
A Breast-plate made of twigs, ornamented with feathers, dog's hair and pearl-shell, Taoome.
To breathe, Watte Weete wee të,'aho.
Bring, to ask one to bring a thing, Ho'my.
Briskness, being brisk or quick, Tee teere.
Broiled, or roasted, as broiled meat, Ooaweera.
Broken, or cut, 'Motoo.
The Brow, or forehead, E'ry.
A brown colour, Auraura.
Buds of a tree or plant, Te, arre haoo.
A Bunch of any fruit, Eta.
To burn a thing, Döodooe.
A Butterfly, Pepe.


To call a person at a distance, Tooo too'ooo.
A Calm, Maneeno.
A Calm, or rather to be so placed, that the wind has no access to you, Eou, shea.
Sugar Cane, Tö, Etöo.
A Cap, or covering for the head, Tau'matta.
To carry any thing, E'a'mo.
To carry a person an the back, Eva'ha.
Catch a thing hastily with the hand as a fly, &c.., Po'poee, s. Peero.
To catch a ball, Ama'wheea.
To catch fish with a line, E'hoote.
A Caterpillar, E'tooa.
Celerity, swiftness, Tee'teere, s. E'tirre.
The Centre, or middle of a thing, Tera'poo.
Chalk, Mamma'tëa.
A Chatterer, or noisy impertinent fellow, Taata E'moo, s. E'moo.
Chearfulness, Wara.
The Cheek, Pappareea.
A Chest 'Peeha.
The Chest, or body, O'poo.
To chew, or eat, E'y.
Chequered, or painted in squares, Poore, poore.
A Chicken, Möa pee'riaia.
A Chief, or principal person; one of the first rank among the people, Eäree.
An inferior Chief, or one who is only in an independent state, a gentleman, Too'ou
Child-bearing, Fanou, e'vaho.
Children's language, Father, O'pucenoo, and Papa.
Children's language, Mother, E'wheiarre, and O'pa'tëa.
Children's language, Brother, E'tama.
Children's language, Sister, Te'tooa.
The Chin, and lower jaw, E'taa.
Choaked, to be choaked as with victuals, &c. Epoo'neina, s. Eroo'y.
To chuse, or pick out, Eheee,te,me,my ty.
Circumcision, or rather an incision of the foreskin, Eoore,te hai.
A sort of Clappers,used at funerals, Par'haoo.
Clapping the bend of the arm smartly with the hand, so as to make a noise, an Indian custom, E'too.
The Claw of a bird, A'ee oo.
Clay, or clammy earth, Ewhou,arra.
Clean, not nasty, Oo'ma, s. Eoo'ee.
Clear, pure; as clear water, &c. Tëa'te.
White clayey Cliffs, E'mammatëa.
Close, shut, Eva'hee.
Cloth of any kind, or rather the covering or raiments made of it, Ahoo.
A piece of oblong Cloth, slit in the middle, through which the head is put, and it then hangs down behind and before, Teeboota.
Brown thin Cloth, Oo'erai.
Dark-brown Cloth, Poo'heere.
Nankeen-coloured Cloth, Aheere, s. Ooa.
Gummed Cloth, Oo'air ara.
Yellow Cloth, Heappa,heappa, s. A'ade, poo ee ei, s. Oora poo'ee ei.
Cloth, a piece of thin white cloth wrapt round the waist, or thrown over the shoulders, Paroo'y, by which name they also call a white shirt.
A Cloth-beater, or an oblong square piece of wood grooved, and used in making cloth, To'aa.
The Cloth-plant, a sort of mulberry tree, Eaoute.
A Cloud, E'äo, s. Eaoo.
A Cock, Möa, e'töa.
Cock, the cock claps his wings Te Moa Paee, paee.
A Cock-roach, Potte potte.
A Cocoa-nut, A'ree.
The fibrous husk of a Cocoa-nut, Pooroo'waha, s. Pooroo.
Cocoa-nut oil, E'rede,väe.
Cocoa leaves, E,ne'haoo.
Coition, E'y.
The sense of Cold, Ma'reede.
A Comb, Pa'horo, s. Pa'herre.
Company, acquaintance, gossips, Tee'ÿa.
Compliance with a request, consent, Madoo,ho'why.
Computation, or counting of numbers, Ta'tou.
A Concubine, Wa'heine Möebo,s. Etoo'neea.
Confusedness, without order, E'vaheea.
Consent, or approbation, Madoo,ho'why.
Contempt, a name of contempt given to a maid, or unmarried woman, Waheine,poo'ha.
Conversation, Paraou,maro, s. Para'paraou.
A sort of Convolvulus, or bird-weed, common in the islands, Ohooe.
Cook'd, dress'd; not raw, Ee'oo, s. Eee'wera.
To Cool one with a fan, Taha`ree.
Cordage of any kind, Taura.
The Core of an apple, Böe.
A Cork, or stopper of a bottle or gourd shell, Ora'hooe.
A Corner, E'pecho.
Covering, the covering of a fish's gills, Peee'eya.
Covetousness, or rather one not inclined to give, Pee,peere.
A Cough, Ma're.
To Court, woo a woman, Ta'raro.
Coyness in a woman, No'nöa.
A Crab, Pappa.
Crab, a large land-crab that climbs the cocoa-nut trees for fruit, E'oowa.
A Crack, cleft, or fissure, Motoo.
Crammed, lumbered, crowded, Ooa,peea'pe,s.Ehotto.
The Cramp, Emo'too too.
A Cray-fish, O'oora.
To Creep on the hands and feet, Ene'ai.
Crimson colour, Oora oora.
Cripple, lame, Tei'tei.
Crooked, not straight, Ooo'peeo.
To crow as a cock, A'a ooa.
The Crown of the head, Too'pooe.
To cry, or shed tears, Taee.
A brown Cuckoo, with black bars and a long tail, frequent in the isles, Ara'werewa.
To cuff, or slap the chops, E'paroo.
Curlew, a small curlew or whimbrel found about the rivulets, Torëa.
Cut, or divided, Motoo.
To cut the hair with scissars, O'tee.


A Dance, Heeva.
Darkness, Poee'ree, s. Pooo'ree
To Darn, O'ono
A' Daughter, Ma'heine.
Day, or day-light, Mara'marama, s. A'ou, s. A'aou.
Day-break, Oota'taheita.
Day, to-day, Aoo'nai.
Dead, Matte röa.
A natural Death, Matte nöa.
Deafness, Ta'reea, tooree.
Decrepid, Epoo'tooa.
Deep water, Mona'.
A Denial, or refusal, Ehoo'nöa.
To desire, or wish for a thing, Eooee.
A Devil, or evil spirit, E'tee.
Dew, Ahe'aoo.
A Diarrhoea, or looseness, Hawa, hawa.
To dip meat in salt water instead of salt, (an Indian custom), Eawee'wo
Dirt, or nastiness of any kind, E'repo.
Disapprobation, Ehoonöa.
A Disease, where the head cannot be held up, perhaps the palsy, E'pee.
To disengage, untie or loosen, Eaoo'wai.
Dishonesty, Eee'a.
Displeased, to be displeased, vexed, or in the dumps, Taee'va.
Dissatisfaction, to grumble, or be dissatisfied, Faoo'oue.
Distant, far off, Röa.
To distort, or writhe the limbs, body, lips, &c. Faee'ta.
To distribute, divide or share out, Atoo'ha.
A District, Matei na.
A Ditch, Eö'hoo.
To dive under water, Eho'poo.
A Dog, Oo'ree.
A Doll made of cocoa-plants, Adoo'a.
A Dolphin, A'ouna.
Done, have done; or that is enough or there is no more, A'teera.
A Door, Oo'boota.
Double, or when two things are in one, as a double canoe, Tau'rooa.
Down, or soft hair, E'waou,
To draw a bow, Etëa.
To draw, or drag a thing by force, Era'ko.
Dread, or fear, Mattou.
Dress'd, or cooked, not raw, Ee'oo.
A head Dress, used at funerals, Pa'raee.
To dress, or put on the cloaths, Eu, hau'hooo t'Ahoo.
To drink, Aee'noo.
Drop, a single drop of any liquid, Oo,ata'hai.
To drop, or leak, Eto'tooroo, s. E'tooroo.
Drops, as drops of rain, To'potta.
Drowned, Parre'mo.
A Drum, Pa'hoo.
Dry, not wet, Oo'maro.
A Duck, Mora.
A Dug, teat, or nipple, Eoo.
Dumbness, E'faö.


The Ear, Ta'reea.
The inside of the Ear, Ta'tooree.
An Ear-ring, Poe note tareea.
To eat, or chew, E'y, s. Mäa.
An Echinus, or sea-egg, Heawy.
Echo, Tooo.
An Egg of a bird, Ehooero te Manoo.
A white Egg-bird, Pee'ry.
Eight, A'waroo.
The Elbow, Too'ree.
Empty, Oooata'aö, s. Tata'ooa.
An Enemy, Taata'e.
Entire, whole, not broke, Eta, Eta.
Equal, Oohy'tei.
Erect, upright, Etoo.
A Euphorbium tree, with white flowers, Te'tooee.
The Evening, Ooohoi'hoi.
Excrement, Too'ty.
To expand, or spread out cloth, &c. Ho'hora.
The Eye, Matta.
The Eye-brow, and eye-lid, Tooa, matta.


The Face, E'moteea.
To hide or hold the Face away, as when ashamed, Faree'wai.
Facetious, merry, Faatta atta.
Fainting, to faint, Möe,mo'my.
To fall down, Topa.
False, not true, Ha'warre.
A Fan, or to fan the face or cool it, Taha'ree.
To fart, or a fart, Ehoo.
Fat, full of flesh, lusty, Peea.
The fat of meat, Maee.
A Father, Medooa tanne.
A step-father, Tanne, te höa.
Fatigued, tired, E'hei'eu,s.Faea.
Fear, Mattou.
A Feather, or quill, Hooroo, hooroo, manoo.
Red Feathers, Ora, hooroo te manoo.
Feebleness, weakness, Fara'ra, s. Tooro'ree.
The sense of Feeling, Fa'fa.
To feel, Tear'ro.
A young clever dexterous Fellow, or boy, Te'my de pa'aree.
The Female kind of any animal, E'ooha.
The Fern-tree, Ma'mooo.
Fertile land, Fenooa,maa.
Fetch, go fetch it, Atee.
Few in number, Eote.
To fight, E'neotto.
A Fillip, with the fingers, Epatta.
The Fin of a fish, Tirra.
To finish, or make an end, Eiote.
A Finger, E'reema.
Fire, Ea'hai.
A flying Fish, Mara'ra.
A green flat Fish, Eeume.
A yellow flat Fish, Oo'morehe.
A flat green and red Pai'ou.
The cuckold Fish, Etata.
A Fish, Eya.
Fishing wall for hauling the seine at the first point, Epa.
A Fish pot, E'wha.
A long Fishing rod of Bamboo, used to catch bonettoes,&c., Ma'keera. Ma'keera.
A Fissure, or crack, Motoo.
Fist, to open the fist, Ma'hora.
Fist, striking with the fist in dancing, A'moto.
A fly Flapper, or to flap flies, Dahee'ere e'reupa.
Flatness, applied to a nose, or a vessel broad and flat; also a spreading flat topt tree, Papa.
A red Flesh mark, Eee'da.
To float on the face of the water, Pa'noo.
The Flower of a plant, Pooa.
Open Flowers, Teearre'oo wa.
Flowers, white odoriferous flowers, used as ornaments in the ears, Teearre tarreea.
Flown, it is flown or gone away, Ma'houta.
A Flute, Weewo.
A black Fly-catcher, a bird so called, O'mamäo.
A Fly, Poore'hooa.
To fly, as a bird, E'raire.
Fog, or mist, Ry'poeea.
To fold up a thing, as cloth,&c., He'fetoo.
A Fool, scoundrel, or other epithet of contempt, Ta'ouna.
The Foot, or sole of the foot, Tapooy.
The Forehead, E'ry.
Forgot, or lost in memory, Oo'aro.
Foul, dirty, nasty, Erepo.
A Fowl, Möa.
Four, E'ha.
The Frapping of a flute, Ahëa.
Freckles, Taina.
Fresh, not salt, Eanna,anna.
Friction, rubbing, E'oo ee.
Friend, a method of addressing a stranger, Ehöa
A particular Friend, or the salutation to him, E'apatte.
To frisk, to wanton, to play, E'hanne.
From there, No,reira, s. No,reida.
From without, No,waho'oo.
From before, No,mooa.
Fruit, 'Hoo'ero.
Perfume Fruit from Tethuroa, a small island, Hooero te manoo.
A yellow Fruit, like a large plumb with a rough core, A'vee.
Full, satisfied with eating, Pÿa,s.Oo'pÿa, s.'Paÿa.
A Furunculus, or a small hard boil, Apoo.


A Garland of flowers, A'voutoo, s. A'routoo Ef ha, apai.
Generosity, benevolence, Ho'röa.
AGimblet, Eho'oo.
A Girdle, Ta'tooa.
A Girl, or young woman, Too'neea.
A Girthing manufacture, Tatoo'y.
To give a thing, Höa'too.
A looking-Glass, Heeo'eeota.
A Glutton, or great eater, Taata A'ee, s. Era'pöa nooe.
To go, or move from where you stand to walk, Harre.
To go, or leave a place, Era'wa.
Go, begone, make haste and do it, Haro.
Go and fetch it, Atee.
Good, it is good, it is very well, My`ty, s. Myty,tye, s. Maytay.
Good-natured, Mama'hou, s. Ma'roo.
A Grandfather, Too'boona.
A Great-grandfather, Tooboona tahe'too.
A Great great-grandfather, Ouroo.
A Grandson, Mo'boona.
To grasp with the hand, Hara'waai.
Grasping the antagonist's thigh when dancing, Tomo.
Grass, used on the floors of their houses, Ano'noho
To grate cocoa-nut kernel, E'annatehea'ree.
Great, large, big, Ara'hai.
Green colour, Poore poore.
To groan, Eroo,whe.
The groin, Ta'pa.
To grow as a plant,&c., We'rooa.
To grunt, or strain, Etee,toowhe.
The blind Gut, Ora'booboo.
The Guts of any animal, A'aoo.


The Hair of the head, E'roroo, s. E'rohooroo.
Grey Hair, Hinna'heina.
Red Hair, or a red-headed man, E'hoo.
Curled Hair, Peepee.
Woolly frizzled Hair, Oë'töeto.
To pull the Hair, E'woua.
Hair, tied on the crown of the head, E'poote.
Half of any thing, Fa'eete.
A Hammer, Etee'te.
Hammer it out, Atoo'bianoo.
The Hand, E'reema.
A deformed Hand, Peele'oi.
A motion with the Hand in dancing, O'ne o'ne.
A Harangue, or speech, Oraro.
A Harbour, or anchoring-place, Too'tou.
Hardness, E'ta,e'ta.
A Hatchet, axe, or adze, Töe.
He, Nana.
The Head, Oo'po.
A shorn Head, E'voua.
The Head-ache, in consequence of drunkenness, Eana`neea.
The sense of Hearing, Faro.
The Heart of an animal, A'houtoo.
Heat, warmth, Mahanna,hanna.
Heavy, not light, Teima'ha.
The sea Hedge-hog, Totera.
A blue Heron, Otoo.
A white Heron, Tra'pappa.
To hew with an axe, Teraee.
Hibiscus, the smallest species of Hibiscus, with rough seed cases, that adhere to the clothes in walking, Peere,peere.
Hibiscus, a species of Hibiscus with large yellow flowers, Pooo'rou.
The Hiccup, Etoo'ee, s. Eoo'wha.
Hide, to hide a thing, E'hoona.
High, or steep, Mato.
A Hill, or mountain, Maoo, s. Maoo'a, s. Moua.
One-tree Hill, a hill so called in Matavia Bay, Tal'ha.
To hinder, or prevent, Tapëa.
The Hips, E'tohe.
Hips, the black punctuated part of the hips, Tamo'rou.
To hit a mark, Ele'baou, s. Wa'poota.
Hiss, to hiss or hold out the finger at one, Tee'he.
Hoarseness, E'fäo.
A Hog, Böa.
To hold fast, Mou.
Hold your tongue, be quiet or silent, Ma'moo,
A Hole, as a gimblet hole in wood,&c., E'rooa, s. Poota.
To hollow, or cry aloud to one, Too'o.
To keep at Home, Ate'ei te Efarre.
Honesty, Eea'oure.
A fish Hook, Ma'tau.
A fish Hook of a particular sort, Weete,weete.
The Horizon, E'paee, no t'Eraee.
Hot, or sultry air, it is very hot, Pohee'a.
A House, E'farre, s. Ewharre.
A House of office, Eha'moote.
A large House, Efarre'pota.
A House on props, A'whatta.
An industrious Housewife, Ma'heine Amau'hattoi
How do you, or how is it with you, Tehanoöe.
Humorous, droll, merry, Fa,atta,'atta.
Hunger, Poro'ree, s. Poee'a.
A Hut, or house, E'farre.


I, myself, first person singular, Wou(1) Mee.(2)
The lower Jaw, E'ta.
Idle, or lazy, Tee'py.
Jealousy in a woman, Ta'boone, s.Fatee no, s. Hoo'hy.
Ignorance, stupidity, Weea'ta.
Ill-natured, cross, Oore, e'eeore.
An Image of a human figure, E'tee.
Imps, the young imps, Tëo'he.
Immature, unripe, as unripe fruit, Poo.
Immediately, instantly, To'hyto.
Immense, very large, Röa.
Incest, or incestuous, Ta'wytte.
Indigent, poor, necessitous, Tee,tee.
Indolence, laziness, Tee'py.
Industry, opposed to idleness, Taee'a.
Inhospitable, ungenerous, Pee'peere.
To inform, E'whäe.
A sort of Ink, used to punctuate, E'rahoo.
An inquisitive tattling woman, Maheine Opotaieehu.
To interrogate, or ask questions, Faeete.
To invert, or turn upside down, E'hoora, tela'why.
An Islet, Mo'too.
The Itch, an itching of any sort, Myro.


To jump, or leap, Mahouta, s. Araire.


Keep it to yourself, Vaihee'o.
The Kernel of a cocoa-nut, Emo'teea.
To kick with the foot, Ta'hee.
The Kidnies, Fooa'hooa.
Killed, dead, Matte.
To kindle, or light up, Emäa.
A King, Eäree,da'hai.
A King-fisher, the bird to called, E'rooro.
To kiss, E'hoee.
Kite, a boy's play-kite, O'omo.
The Knee, E'tooree.
To kneel, Too'tooree.
A Knot, Ta'pona.
A double Knot, Va'hodoo.
The female Knot formed on the upper part of the garment, and on one side, Teebona.
To know, or understand, Eete.
The Knuckle, or joint of the fingers, Tee,poo.


To labour, or work, Ehëa.
A Ladder, Era'a, s. E'ara.
A Lagoon, Ewha'ouna, s.Eä'onna.
Lame, cripple, Tei'tei.
A Lance, or spear, Täo.
Land in general, a country, Fe'nooa, s. Whe'nooa.
Language, speech, words, Pa'raou.
Language, used when dancing, Timoro'dee, te'Timoro'dee.
Large, great, not small, Ara'hai.
Largeness, when applied to a country,&c. Nooe.
To laugh, Atta.
Laziness, Tee'py.
Lean, the lean of meat, Aëo.
Lean,slender, not fleshy, Too'hai.
To leap, Ma'houta, s. A'rere.
Leave it behind, let it remain, 'Vaihëo.
To leave, E'wheeoo.
The Leg, A'wy.
Legs, my legs ache, or are tired, A'hooa.
A Liar, Taata,ha'warre.
To lie down, or along, to rest one's self, Ete'raha, s. Te'poo.
To lift a thing up, Era'wai.
Day Light, Mara'marama.
Light, or fire of the great people, Toutoi,papa.
Light, or fire of the common people, Neeao,papa.
Light, to light or kindle the fire, A'toonoo t'Eee'wera.
Light, not heavy, Ma'ma.
Lightning, Oo'waira.
The Lips, Ootoo.
Little, small, Eete.
A Lizard, 'Möo.
Loathsome, nauseous, E,a'wawa.
A sort of Lobster, frequent in the isles, Teeonai.
To loll about, or be lazy, Tee'py.
To loll out the tongue, Ewha'toroo t'Arere.
To look for a thing that is lost, Tapoonee.
A Looking-glass, Heeo'ee'otta.
Loose, not secure, Aoo'weewa.
A Looseness, or purging, Hawa,'hawa.
To love, Ehe'naroo.
Lover, courtier, wooer, Ehoo'nöa.
A Louse, Oo'too.
Low, not high, as low land,&c., Hëa,hëa, s. Papoo. Eee'öa.
The Lungs, Teetoo,'arapoa.
Lusty, fat, full of flesh, Oo'peea.


Maggots, E'hoohoo.
A Maid, or young woman, Too'neea.
To make the bed, Ho'hora, te Möe'ya.
The Male of any animal, male kind, E'öta.
A Man, Täata, s. Taane.
An indisposed or insincere Man, Täata,ham'aneeno.
A Man-of-war bird, Otta'ha.
Many, a great number, Wo'rou,wo'rou, s. manoo, manoo.
A black Mark on the skin, Eee'ree.
Married, as a married man, Fanou'nou.
A Mat, E'vanne.
A silky kind of Mat, Möe'a.
A rough sort of Mat, cut in the middle to admit the head, Poo'rou.
A Mast of a ship or boat, Teera.
Mature, ripe; as ripe fruit, Para, s. Pe.
Me, I, Wou, s. Mee.
A Measure, E'a.
To measure a thing, Fa'eete.
To meet one, Ewharidde.
To melt, or dissolve a thing, as grease, &c., Too'tooe.
The middle, or midst of a thing, Teropoo.
Midnight, O'toora,hei'po.
To mince, or cut small, E'poota.
Mine, it is mine, or belongs to me, No'oo.
To miss, not to hit a thing, Oo'happa.
Mist, or fog, Ry'poeea.
To mix things together, A'pooe,'pooe.
To mock or scoff at one, Etoo'hee.
Modesty, Mamma'haoo.
Moist, wet, Wara'ree.
A Mole upon the skin, Atoo'nöa.
A lunar Month, Mara'ma.
A Monument to the dead, Whatta'rau.
The Moon, Mara'ma.
The Morning, Oo'poee'poee.
To-morrow, Bo'bo, s. A,Bo'bo.
The day after to-morrow, A'bo'bo doora.
The second day after to-morrow, Poee,poee,addoo.
A Moth, E,pepe.
A Mother, Ma'dooa, wa'heine.
A motherly, or elderly woman, Pa'tëa.
Motion, opposed to rest, Ooa'ta.
A Mountain, or hill, Maooa, s. Moua.
Mountains of the highest order, Moua tei'tei.
Mountains of the second order, Moua 'haha.
Mountains of the third or lowest order, Pere'raou.
Mourning, 'Eeva.
Mourning leaves, viz. those of the cocoa-tree, used for that purpose, Ta'paoo.
The Mouth, Eva'ha.
To open the Mouth, Ha'mamma.
A Multitude, or vast number, Wo'rou, wo'rou.
Murdered, killed, Matte, s. matte röa.
A Murderer, Taata töa.
A Muscle-shell, Nou,ou.
Music of any kind, Heeva.
A Musket, pistol, or firearms of any kind, Poo,poo, s. Poo.
Mute, silent, Fatebooa.
To matter, or stammer, E'whaou.


The Nail of the fingers, Aee'oo.
A Nail of iron, Eure.
Naked, i. e. with the clothes off, undressed, Ta'lurra.
The Name of a thing, Eee'oo.
Narrow, strait, not wide, Peere,peere.
Nasty, dirty, not clean, E,repo.
A Native, Taata'tooboo.
The Neck, A'ee.
Needles, Narreeda.
A fishing Net, Oo'paia.
New, young, sound, Hou.
Nigh, Poto, s. Whatta'ta.
Night, Po, s. E'aoo.
To-Night, or to-day at night, A'oone te' Po.
Black Night-shade, Oporo.
Nine, A'eeva.
The Nipple of the breast, E'oo.
A Nit, Eriha.
No, a negation, [1] Ay'ma, [2] Yaiha, [3]A'oure, [4] Aee, [5] Yehaeea.
To nod, A'touou.
Noisy, chattering, impertinent, Emoo.
Noon, Wawa'tea.
The Nostrils, Popo'hëo.
Numeration, or counting of numbers, Ta'tou.
A cocoa Nut, Aree.
A large compressed Nut,that tastes like chesnuts when roasted, Eeehee.


Obesity, corpulence, Ou'peea.
The Ocean, Ty, s. Meede.
Odoriferous, sweet-smelled, No'nöa.
Perfumed Oil they put on the hair, Mo'nöe.
An Ointment,plaister, or any thing that heals or relates to medicine, E'ra'paoo.
Old, Ora'wheva.
One, A'tahai.
Open, clear, spacious, Ea'tëa.
Open, not shut, Fe'rei.
To open, Te'haddoo.
Opposite to, or over against, Wetoo'wheitte.
Order, in good order, regular, without confusion, Wara'wara.
Ornament, any ornament for the ear, Tooee ta'reea.
Burial Ornaments, viz. nine noits stuck in the ground, Ma'ray Wharre.
An Orphan, Oo'hoppe, poo'aia.
Out, not in, not within, Teiwe'ho.
The Outside of a thing, Ooa'pee.
An Oven in the ground, Eoo'moo.
Over, besides, more than the quantity, Te'harra.
To overcome, or conquer, E'ma'ooma.
To overturn, or overset, Eha'paoo.
An Owner, E'whattoo.
A large species of Oyster, I'ta.
The large rough Oyster, or Spondylus, Paho'öa.


The Paddle of a canoe, or to paddle, E'höe.
To paddle a canoe's head to the right, What'tëa.
To paddle a canoe's head to the left, Wemma.
Pain, or soreness,the sense of pain, Ma'my.
A Pair, or two of any thing together, Ano'ho.
The Palate, E'ta'nea.
The Palm of the hand, Apoo'reema.
To Pant, or breathe quickly, Oo'pou'pou,tëa'ho.
Pap, or child's food, Mamma.
A Parent, Me'dooa.
A small blue Parroquet, E'veenee.
A green Parroquet, with a red forehead, E'a'a.
The Part below the tongue, Eta'raro.
A Partition, division, or screen, Paroo'roo.
A Pass, or strait, E,aree'ëa.
A fermented Paste, of bread, fruit and others, Ma'hee.
A Path, or road, Eä'ra.
The Pavement before a house or hut, Pÿe,pye.
A Pearl, Pöe.
The Peduncle, and stalk of a plant, A'mäa, s. E'atta.
To peel or take the skin off a cocoa-nut,&c., A'tee, s. E'atee.
Peeled, it is peeled, Me'atee.
A Peg to hang a bag on, 'Pe'aoo.
A Pepper-plant, from the root of which they prepare an inebriating liquor, Awa.
Perhaps, it may be so, E'pa'ha.
Persons of distinction, Patoo'nehe.
A Petticoat of plantane leaves, AArou'maieea.
Petty, small, trifling, opposed to Nooe, Ree.
A Physician, or person who attends the sick, Taata no E'rapaoo.
Pick, to pick or choose, Ehee te mai my ty.
A large wood Pigeon, Eroope.
A large green and white Pigeon, Oo'oopa.
A small black and white Pigeon, with purple wings, Oooowy'deroo.
A Pimple Hooa'houa.
To Pinch with, the fingers, Ooma.
A Plain, or flat, E'peeho.
Plane, smooth, Pa'eea.
A Plant of any kind, O'mo.
A small Plant, E'rabo.
The fruit of a Plantane-tree, Maiee'a, s. Maya.
Horse Plantanes, Fai'ee.
Pleased, good humoured, not cross or surly, Maroo.
Pluck it up, Areete.
To pluck hairs from the beard, Hoohootee.
To plunge a thing in the water, E,oo'whee.
The Point of any thing, Oë,öe, or Oi,oi.
Poison, bitter, Awa,awa.
A Poll, Oora'hoo.
Poor, indigent, not rich, Tee'tee.
A bottle-nosed Porpoise, E'oua.
Sweet Potatoes, Oo'marra.
To pour out any liquid substance, Ma'nee.
Pregnant with young, Waha'poo.
To press, or squeeze the legs gently with the hand, when tired or pained, Roro'mee.
Prick, to prick up the ears, Eoma te ta'ree.
A Priest, Ta'houa.
Prone, or face downwards, Tee'opa.
A sort of Pudding, made of fruits, oil, &c., Po'po'ee.
Pumpkins, A'hooa.
To puke, or vomit, E'awa, s. e'roo'y.
Pure, clear, E'oo'ee.
A Purging, or looseness, Hawa,hawa.
To pursue, and catch a person who has done some mischief, Eroo,Eroo, s. Eha'roe.
To push a thing with the hand, Too'raee.
Put it up, or away, Orno.


Quickness, briskness, E'tirre.
To walk quickly, Harre'neina.
Quietness, silence, a silent or seemingly thoughtful person, Falle'booa.
A Quiver for holding arrows, 'Peeha.


A small black Rail, with red eyes, Mai'ho.
A small black Rail, spotted and buured with white, Pooa'nee.
Rain, E'ooa.
A Rainbow, E'nooa.
Raft, a raft of bamboo, Maito'e.
Rank, strong, urinous, Ewão wao.
A Rasp, or file, Ooee.
A Rat, 'Yore, s. Eyore.
Raw meat, flesh that is not dressed cooked, E'otta.
Raw fruit, as plantanes, &c. that are not baked, Paroure.
To recline, or lean upon a thing, E'py.
Red colour, Oora,oora, s. Matde.
To reef a sail, Epo'uie te rya.
A Refusal, Ehoo'nooa.
The Remainder of any thing, T,'Ewahei.
To rend, burst, or split, Moo'moomoo.
Rent, cracked, or torn, E'wha.
To reside, live or dwell, E'noho.
Respiration, breathing, Tooe,tooe.
A Rib, Awäo.
Rich, not poor, having plenty of goods, &c., Epo'too.
A Ring, 'Maino.
The Ringworm, a disease so called, E'nooa.
Ripe, as ripe fruit, &c., Para, s. Pai, s. Ooo pai.
Rise, to rise up, A'too.
To rive, or split, Ewhaoo' whaoo.
A Road, or path, Eä'ra.
Roasted, or broiled, Ooa'waira.
A Robber, or thief, Eee'a (taata.)
A Rock, Paoo.
A reef of Rocks, E'aou.
Rolling, the rolling of a ship, Too'roore.
A Root, Apoo, s. Ea.
A Rope of any kind, Taura.
Rotten, as rotten fruit, &c., Roope.
Rough, not smooth, Ta'rra, tarra.
To row with oars, E'oome, s, E'höe.
To rub a thing, as in washing the hands and face, Ho'roee.
The Rudder of a boat, or steering paddle of a canoe, Höe,fa'herre.
Running backwards and forwards, endeavouring to escape, Oo'atapone.


The Sail of a ship or boat, Eee'ai.
To sail, or to be under sail, E'whano.
Salt, or salt water, Ty'ty, s. Meede.
Sand, dust, E'one.
Saturn, Whati'hëa.
Saunders's island, Tabooa, Manoo.
A Saw, Eee'oo.
A Scab, E'tona.
A fish's Scale or scales, Pöa.
A pair of Scissars, O'toobo, s. O'toboo.
A Scoop, to empty water from a canoe, E'tata.
To scrape a thing, Oo'aoo.
To scratch with the fingers, Era'raoo.
Scratched, a scratched metal, &c. Pahoore'hoore.
The Sea-cat, a fish so called, Poohe.
The Sea, Taee, s. Meede.
A Sea-egg, He'awy.
A Seam between two planks, Fatoo'whaira.
To search for a thing that is lost, Oö,s.Pae'mee.
A Seat, Papa.
Secret, a secret whispering, or slandering another Ohe'moo.
The Seed of a plant, Hooa'tootoo, s. Ehooero
The sense of seeing, E'hee'o.
To send, Eho'pöe.
A Sepulchre, or burying-place, Ma'ray.
A Servant, Towtow.
Seven, A'Heetoo.
To sew, or string, E'tooe.
Seyne, to haul a seyne, Etoroo te paia.
Shady, Maroo,maroo.
To shake, or agitate a thing, Eooa'wai.
A Shark, Mäo.
Sharp, not blunt, Oö'ëe.
To shave, or take off the beard, Eva'roo, s.Whanne, whanne.
A small Shell, Ot'eo.
A tyger Shell, Pore'hoo.
Shew it me, Enara.
A Ship, Pahee.
Shipwreck, Ara'wha.
A white Shirt, Paroo'y.
To shiver with cold, A'tete.
Mud Shoes, or fishing shoes, Tama.
The Shore, Euta.
Short, Po'potoo.
Shut, not open, Opa'nee, s. Poo'peepe.
Sickness, Matte my Mamy.
The left Side, A'roode.
The Side, E'reea'wo.
The right Side, Atou,a'taou.
Sighing, Fa'ëa.
Silence, Fatte'booa.
Similar, or alike, Oowhyä'da.
To sink, A'tomo.
A Sister, Too'heine.
To sit down, A'noho.
To sit cross-legged, Tee'py.
Six, A'Honoo.
A Skate-fish, E'whaee.
The Skin, Ee'ree.
The Sky, E'raee.
To sleep, Möe.
The long Sleep, or death, Möe röa.
To sleep, when sitting, Too'roore,möe.
A Sling, E'ma.
Slow, Marra,marröa,s.Fate.
Small, little, Eete.
The sense of smelling, Fata'too, s.Ootoo,too,too.
Smell, it - Hoina.
To smell, Ahe'oi.
Smoke, E'oora.
Smooth, Pa'ya.
Smutting the face with charcoal for funeral ceremonies, Bap'para.
A sea Snake, that has alternate rings of a white and black colour, Poohee'aroo.
To snatch a thing hastily, E'hairoo.
Sneezing, Machee'ai.
Snipe, a bird resembling a snipe, of a black and brown colour, Tee'tee.
Snot, 'Hoope.
Soberness, sobriety, sober, not given to drunkenness, Teireida.
To soften, Eparoo'paroo.
Softness, that is, not hard, Maroo.
The Sole of the foot, Tapoo'y.
A Son, My'de.
A Son-in-law, Hoo'nöa.
A Song, Heeva.
A Sore, or ulcer, O'pai.
Soreness, or pain, Ma'may.
Sound, any sound that strikes the ear, Pa'eena.
A Span, Ewhäe ono.
To speak, Paraou.
Speak; he speaks not from the heart, his words are only on his lips, Neeate ootoo te parou no nona.
A Spear, or lance, Täo.
To spill, Emare.
To spit, Too'tooa.
To spread, or to expand a thing, as cloth,&c., Ho'hora.
To squeeze, or press hard, Ne,'neee.
To squeeze, or press gently with the hand, Roro'mee.
Squint-eyed, Matta'areva.
A fighting Stage in a boat, E'tootee.
To stamp with the feet, to trample on a thing, Tata'hy.
Stand up, Atëarenona.
A Star E'faitoo, s. Hwettoo.
A Star-fish, Eve'ree.
To startle, as when one dreams Wa'hee, te'dirre.
Stay, or wait a little, A'reea, s. Aree'ana.
To steal, 'Woreedo.
Steep, as steep rocks, or cliffs, Mato.
A walking Stick, 'Tame.
Stinking, ill-smelled, as stinking water,&c., Na'mooa, s. Nee'neeo.
Stink, to stink or smell ill, Fou, fou.
To stink, as excrement, Peero,peero.
The Stomach, 'Paraee'a.
A Stone Owhay.
A polished Stone, used to beat victuals into a paste, Pai'noo.
Stones, upright stones which stand on the paved area before huts, Too'toore.
A small Stool, to lay the head on when asleep, Papa, s. Papa, rooä.
Stool, to go to stool, Teetee'o.
To stop A'too.
The Stopper of a quiver, Ponau.
A Storm of wind, rain, thunder,&c., Tarooa.
Strait, narrow, not wide, Peere,peere.
Striking, hollow striking in dancing, Apee.
The String of a quiver, E'aha.
Strong, as a strong man, O'omara.
Struck A'boola.
Stupidity, ignorance, Weea'la.
To suck as a child, Ote,ote.
Sugar cane, E'To, s. Töo.
Suicide Euha'aou.
Sultry, or hot air, Poheea.
The Sun Mahanna, s. Era.
The meridian Sun, Tei'neea te Mahanna.
Supine, lying, Fateeraha.
Surf of the sea, Horo'wai.
An interjection of Surprise, or admiration, Allaheuee'ai.
To surround, A'boone.
To swallow, Horo'mee.
The Sweat of the body, or to sweat E'hou, s. Ehou hou.
A sweet taste, Mona.
Swell of the sea, E'roo.


A Tail, Ero.
A Tail of a bird, E'hoppe.
To take a friend by the hand, Etoo'yaoo.
To take off, or unloose, Eve'vette.
To take care of the victuals, Ewhaapoo te maa.
To talk, or converse, Paraou.
The sense of tasting, Tama'ta.
A Tetotum, or whirligig, E'piröa.
To tear, a thing, Ha'hy, s. Whatte.
A Teat, or dug, E'oo.
The Teeth, E'neeheeo.
Ten, A'hooroo.
To tend, or feed hogs, Ewhaee te Böa.
Tenants, Afeu'hau.
A black Tern, with a whitish head, Oee'o.
There, Te'raee.
They, them, or theirs, To'taooa.
Thickness, applied to solid bodies, Meoo'meoo.
Thick, as thick cloth, &c. Tooe'too'e.
Thick, muddy, Ewore'roo,s.Eworepe.
Thine, it is yours, or belongs to you, No öe.
Thirst, W'ahee'y.
Thoughts, Paraou, no te o'poo.
An appearance of thoughtfulness, Fate'booa.
Three, Toroo.
The Throat, Ara'poa.
To throw, or heave a thing, Taora.
To throw a thing away, Harre'wai.
To throw a ball, Ama'hooa.
To throw a lance, Evara'towha.
Throw, shall I throw it, Taure'a'a.
Throwing in dancing, Hoe'aire.
The Thumb, E'reema,erahai.
Thunder, Pa'teere.
Tickle, to tickle a person, My'neena.
A Tide, or current, A'ow.
To tie a knot, Ty.
Time, a space of time, from 6 to 10 at night, O'tooe, teepo.
Time, a little time, a small space, Popo'eunoo.
Time, a long time, a great while, Ta'moo.
A Title belonging to a woman of rank, E'tapay'roo.
A Toe of the foot, Maneeo.
A Tomb, Too,pap'pou.
The Tongue, E'rero.
A Tortoise, E'honoo.
Touching, Fa'fa.
Tough, as tough meat, &c. Ahoo'oue.
A Town, E'farre pooto pootoo.
To trample with the foot, Tata'he, s. Ta'ta'hy.
A Tree, E'räo.
A Tree, from which they make clubs,spears, &c. Töa (Eräo.)
To tremble, or shudder with cold, Ooa'titte, s. Eta.
Trembling, shaking, Aou'dou.
To trip one up in wrestling, Me'häe.
A Tropic-bird, Manoo'roa.
Truth, Evaee'röa,s.Paraou,mou.
To tumble, Pouta'heite.
A Turban, E'täe.
To turn, or turned, Oo'ahöe.
To turn, as in walking backwards and forwards, Hoodeepeepe.
Twins, twin children, Ma'hëa.
To twist a rope, Tawee'ree.
Two, E'Rooä.


An Ulcer, or sore, O'pai.
Under, below, low down, Oraro.
Under sail, Pou'pouee.
To understand, Ee'te.
To undress, or take off the clothes, Ta'turra.
An unmarried person, Aree'oi.
Unripe, as unripe fruit, &c. Poo.


Luminous Vapour, Epao.
Vassal, or subject, Manna'houna.
Vast, Ara,hai,s.Mai,ara'hai.
The Veins that run under the skin, E'woua.
Venus Tou'rooa.
Vessel, any hollow vessel, as cups of nuts,&c. Ai'boo.
Vessel, a hollow vessel in which they prepare an inebriating liquor, Oo'mutte.
To vomit, Eroo'y.


Wad, tow, fibres like hemp, Ta'mou.
Wait, stay a little, Areeana.
Wake, awake, Arra arra, s. Era.
To walk out, Avou'oia.
To walk backwards and forwards, Hooa peepe.
A Warrior, soldier, or rather a man-killer, Taatatöa.
Warmth, heat, Mahanna,hanna.
A Wart, Toria.
To wash, as to wash cloth in water, Mare.
To watch, Eteäe.
Water, A'vy.
Water-cresses, Pa'töa.
We, both of us, Taooa, s. Aroo'rooa.
A wedge, Era'hei.
To weep, or cry, Hanö a,a,taee.
Well recovered, or well escaped, Woura, s. woo,ara.
Well, it is well, charming, fine, Pooro'too.
What, whats that, E'hara, E'ha'rya,s. Ye'haeea, expressed inquisitively.
What do you call that, what is the name of it, Owy te aee'oa.
When, at what time, W'hëëa.
Where is it, Te'hëa.
Whet, to whet or sharp a thing, Evoee.
To whistle, Ma'poo.
Whistling, a method of whistling to call the people to meals, Epou,maa.
To whisper secretly, as in backbiting, &c. Ohe'moo.
Who is that, what is he called, Owy,tanna, s. Owy,nana.
Whole, the whole not a part of a thing, E'ta,e'tea, s. A'maoo.
Wide, not strait or narrow, Whatta,whatta.
A Widow, Wa'tooneea.
Wife, my wife, Ma'heine.
The Wind, Mattay.
The south-east Wind, Mattaee.
A Window, Ma'laee ou'panee.
The Wing of a bird, Ere'ou.
To wink, E'amou,amoo.
To wipe a thing clean, Ho'roee.
Wish, a wish to one who sneezes, Eva'roua t Eätooa.
Within side, Tee'ro to.
A Woman, Wa'heine.
A married Woman, Wa'heine mou.
Woman, she is a married woman, she has got another husband, Terra,tanne.
Won't I won't do it, 'Aeeoo, expressed angrily.
Wood of any kind, E'raö.
A Wound, Oo'tee.
A Wrestler, Mouna.
Wrinkled in the face, Meeo, meeo.
The Wrist, Mo'möa.
A Wry-neck, Na'na.


To yawn Ha'mamma.
Yellow colour, He'appa.
Yes, Ay, s. ai.
Yesterday, Ninna'hay.
Yesternight, Ere'po.
York island, Ei'mëo.
Yon, Oë.
young,as a young animal of any kind, Pee'naia.