A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen/Balfour, Robert

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From volume 1 of the work.

2218377A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen — Balfour, RobertRobert Chambers (1802-1871) and Thomas Napier Thomson

BALFOUR, Robert, a distinguished philosopher of the seventeenth century, was principal of Guyenne college, Bourdeaux, and is mentioned by Morhof as a celebrated commentator on Aristotle. According to Dempster, he was "the Phœnix of his age; a philosopher profoundly skilled in the Greek and Latin languages; a mathematician worthy of being compared with the ancients: and to those qualifications he joined a wonderful suavity of manners, and the utmost warmth of affection towards his countrymen." This eminent personage appears to have been one of that numerous class of Scotsmen, who, having gained all their honours in climes more genial to science than Scotland was a few centuries ago, are to this day better known abroad than among their own countrymen. According to the fantastic Urquhart, who wrote in the reign of Charles I., "Most of the Scottish nation, never having astricted themselves so much to the proprieties of words as to the knowledge of things, where there was one preceptor of languages amongst them, there were above forty professors of philosophy: nay, to so high a pitch did the glory of the Scottish nation attain over all the parts of France, and for so long a time continue in that obtained height, by virtue of an ascendant the French conceived the Scots to have above all nations, in matter of their subtlety in philosophical disceptations, that there hath not been, till of late, for these several ages together, any lord, gentleman, or other, in all that country, who being desirous to have his son instructed in the principles of philosophy, would intrust him to the discipline of any other than a Scottish master; of whom they were no less proud than Philip was of Aristotle, or Tullius of Cratippus. And if it occurred (as very often it did,) that a pretender to a place in any French university, having, in his tenderer years, been subferulary to some other kind of schooling, should enter in competition with another aiming at the same charge and dignity, whose learning flowed from a Caledonian source, commonly the first was rejected and the other preferred." It nevertheless appears that Robert Balfour prosecuted the study of philology, as well as that of philosophy, with considerable success. His edition of Cleomedes, published at Bourdeaux, in 1605, "Latine versa, et perpetuo commentario illustrata," is spoken of in the highest terms of praise by the erudite Barthius. Other works by Balfour are, "Gelasii Cyziceni Commentarius Actorum Nicæni Concilii, Roberto Balforeo interprete, 1604, folio,"—"Commentarius. R. Balforei in Organum Logicum Aris totelis, 1616, 4to,"—and, "R. Balforei Scoti Commentariorum in lib. Arist de Philosophia, tomus secundus, 1620, 4to."