A voice from Harper's Ferry/"John Smith" to "Friend Henrie"

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2634816A voice from Harper's Ferry — Letter to from "John Smith" to "Friend Henrie"Osborne Perry Anderson

West Andover, Ashtabula Co., O., Wednesday, 1859.

Friend Henrie,—Yours of the 14th inst. I received last night—glad to learn that the "Wire" has arrived in good condition, and that our "R" friend was pleased with a view of those "pre-eventful shadows."

Shall write Leary at once, also our other friends at the North and East. Am highly pleased with the prospect I have of doing something to the purpose now, right away, here and in contiguous sections, in the way of getting stock taken. I am devoting my whole time to our work. Write often, and keep me posted up close. [Here follow some phonographic characters, which may be read: "I have learned phonography, but not enough to correspond to any advantage. Can probably read any thing you may write, if written in the corresponding style."]

Faithfully yours,JOHN SMITH.

Please say to father to address [phonographic characters which might read "John Luther"] when he writes me. I wish you to see what I have written him. J. S.