About Mexico - Past and Present/Index

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2630640About Mexico - Past and Present — Index1887Hanna More Johnson


Aguilar, 380
death of, 381
Alvarado's cruelty, and its cost, 211
American Board of Foreign Missions, 387
Aguas, Manuel, converted to Protestantism, 382
Aztecs, 34
are defeated, and their capital is destroyed, 236
armor, 62
born warriors, 61
children, 114
cruelties, 83
doctrine of future life, 83
education, 116
festivals, 89
home rules, 113
language, 111
laws, 50
manuscripts, 110
marriage, 121
rebel against Spaniards, 203
ruins, 42
schools, 117
softer traits, 122
tactics, 66
traditions, 37
tyranny, 129
writings, 107
Bible secretly circulated, 365
Bravo, Miguel, 275
Cacama, Tezcucan chief, 185, 203
Capital of Mexico, Cortez' first view of, 183
Cempoalla, 151
Chapultepec Castle, 328
Chihuahua, 352
Children, mode of training, 113
naming of, 115
sold for sacrifice, 123
Cholula a sacred city, 170
pyramid of, 32
Cibola, seven cities of, 261
Civilization, ancient Mexican, 92
Columbus the Pathfinder, 17
Cortez, 135
ascends Popocatapetl, 180
as missionary, 154
Aztecs rebel against, 203
besieges and destroys City of Mexico, 236
cool reception, 140
Cuban jealousy of, 208
enters Tlascala, 225
expedition of, 135
march toward Mexico, 158
rallies at Otumba, 223
Cortez reinforced from Cuba, 227
retreats from city, 217
returns and captures Tezcuco, 229
Country decides to be republican, 282
Creoles, 267
De Cordova, 131
Dress, modes of, 101
End of Spain's power, 284
Enslavement of Indians, 252
Feathered Serpent, 75 129
Festivals, Aztec, 89
Franciscan friars arrive, 247
Friends, mission of, 386
Funeral rites, 103
Grijalva's expedition, 134
Guadalajara, 356
Guadalupe Victoria, 280
Guanajuato, 355
Guatemozin betrayed, 243
surrenders, 236
Gulf of Mexico discovered, 131
Harbors, 336
Hidalgo, 270
betrayal and death, 274
plots for independence, 272
Homes, Mexican, 95
Hungry Fox, story of the, 124
temple of the, 72
Idols burnt in the street, 157
torn down, 206
Improvements, 339
Indian hucksters, 310
Indians enslaved, 252
Inquisition set up, 265
Iturbide, 278
abdicates, 283
banished, 283
proclaimed emperor, 282
strikes for liberty, 282
Iztapalapa, 186
Juarez, Benito, 285
death of, 305
exiled, 294
recalled 294
services of, 289
struggling for liberty, 299
Jesuits expelled, 265
Lake Zumpango drained, 256
Las Casas, 251, 254
Laws and government, Aztec, 50
Manners of the people, 101
Marina, first American Christian, 143
Martyrs, Protestant, 392
Maximilian executed, 304
sent over as emperor, 297
Mendoza, first viceroy, 253
Mexico before the conquest, 22
early settlers, 29
mineral wealth, 27
present government, 305
Mexico, productions, 25
railway, 309
wealth, first glimpse of, 20
Mexico, City of, ancient, 96
cathedral of, 320
destroyed, 236
education in, 325
houses, 322
markets of, 316
new city described, 314
rebuilt, 240
residents, 326
water-supply, 316
Mexico, Gulf of, discovered, 131
Mexitli, the Aztec capital, 39
Michoacan, gospel introduced into, 396
Mines and minerals, 344
Missions, American Board of Foreign, 387
Friends, 386
Methodist, 387
Presbyterian, 384
Rankin, Miss, pioneer missionary, 371
Riley, Rev. H. C., 381
Monterey, 351
missionary work, 375
Montezuma, Cortez preaches to, 191
Cortez sends presents to, 1 44
death of, 213
meets Cortez, 187
presents from, 146
seized and held a captive, 199
submits as vassal, 204
Morelos and his heroes, 275
Narvaez defeated and captured, 210
Narvaez sent to supersede Cortez, 208
New government of Mexico, 253
New Seville, 151
Orizaba, 307
People, 346
mode of living, 347
Picture-writing, 108 111
Plants, 342
Police in cities, 354
Popocatapetl ascended, 180
described, 329
Presbyterian missions, 384
at Capulhuac, 390
at Zacatecas, 391
statistics, 386
Priesthood, corruption of, 266
Puebla, 358
Queretaro, 355
Railway, 309
Railroads, 336
Rankin, Miss, pioneer missionary, 371
Reformation, Bible secretly circulated, 365
principles, 360
Reporting, Mexican method of, 145
Riley, Rev. H. C, 381
Ruins, ancient, 32
Aztec, 42
Ruins in New Mexico, 46
Toltec, 32
Sacred places and people, 70
Santa Anna president of Mexico, 290
Schools, 117
Seasons, 339
Slaves set free, 289
Spain despoiled Mexico, 262
end of power, 284
grasping policy of, 259
Spanish cruelty, 244, 250
invaders as missionaries, 136
Temple of Hungry Fox, 72
Temples, ancient, 78
Tezcucans, 54
Tliacalans, 161
Tlascalans, battle with the Spaniards, 164
Toltecs, 31
history of, 34
ruins of, 32
Vera Cruz, 307
Villages, Indian, 36, 242
Virgin Mary, Indian, 109, 331
Votan, 29
War with the United States, 289
Worship, early, 70
Writing, origin of, 106
picture-writing, 108-111
Zacatecas, 355