Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on the Terms of Visa Exemption for Mutual Visits of the Nationals of the Russian Federation and of the Kingdom of Thailand

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Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on the Terms of Visa Exemption for Mutual Visits of the Nationals of the Russian Federation and of the Kingdom of Thailand (2005)
international agreement

(Kuala-Lumpur, 13.XII.2005). (available for free 1600–2000 both in Russian and English)

1537158Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on the Terms of Visa Exemption for Mutual Visits of the Nationals of the Russian Federation and of the Kingdom of Thailand2005international agreement

The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, Being guided by the desire to develop friendly relations between the two States,

Desiring to facilitate the regime of mutual visits of nationals of their States,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1


Nationals of the State of one Party holding valid passports (other than diplomatic and official), giving the right to cross the border (hereinafter referred to as passports), shall be permitted to enter into, stay in the territory of the State of the other Party for up to 30 days and exit from it.

Article 2


The Parties shall inform each other as soon as possible through diplomatic channels of changes in the regime of entry into, stay in and exit from the territories of their States for foreigners and those without citizenship.

Article 3


Nationals of the State of one Party shall enter into the territory of the State of the other Party through the border crossing/entry points, open for international passenger traffic.

Article 4


Nationals of the State of one Party during their stay in the territory of the State of the other Party are obliged to observe laws and rules of this State including those relating to the customs, border and immigration regime requirements, evidences of financial means for the trips, procedure of registration, movement and extension of the duration of stay.

Article 5


This Agreement shall not restrict the rights of competent authorities of the State of each Party to deny the entry or to cease the stay of nationals of the State of the other Party on the grounds of national security, public order or public health.

Article 6


1. Nationals of the State of one Party in case of loss or damage of passports, specified in Article 1 of this Agreement, during their stay in the territory of the State of the other Party shall be able to leave the territory of the host State for the State of their nationality on the basis of the temporary documents providing identity and authorizing to cross the border, issued by a diplomatic mission or consular office of the State of their nationality, with no need of obtaining any permit from competent authorities of the host State.

2. If nationals of the State of one Party are not in a position to leave the territory of the State of the other Party within the period specified in Article 1 of this Agreement due to exceptional circumstances e.g. illness or natural disaster, and have documentary evidence of such circumstances, those persons may be permitted, upon application, to stay on the territory of this State for an appropriate period necessary to return to the State of their nationality according to the relevant legislation of the host State.

Article 7


1. Each of the Parties may, for reasons of ensuring national security, public order or public health, suspend this Agreement, either in whole or in part. This decision shall be communicated to the other Party through diplomatic channels at least 48 hours before its entry into force.

2. The Party that has taken the decision to suspend this Agreement for reasons specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, shall as soon as possible inform the other Party through diplomatic channels about the termination of existence of such reasons.

Article 8


1. The Parties shall exchange through diplomatic channels, not later than 30 days from the date of signing this Agreement, the samples of passports and documents mentioned in this Agreement.

2. The Parties shall inform each other of the introduction of new passports or documents or modification to the already existing passports or documents, and shall transmit through diplomatic channels the samples of new or modified passports or documents at least 30 days prior to their introduction or entry into force of any modification.

Article 9


1. This Agreement shall enter into force after 30 days from the date of receiving through diplomatic channels of the last written notification of the fulfillment by the Parties of internal procedures necessary for its entry into force.

2. This Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period and shall remain in force until the expiry of 90 days from the date on which one Party notifies in writing through diplomatic channels the other Party of its intention to terminate this Agreement.

Done at Kuala-Lumpur on 13-th December 2005 in two originals, each in Russian, Thai and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall be used.