Alcohol, a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine/Index

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Abbott, Dr. A. C., 264, 278, 280, 281, 368
Abdominal bandage 199
Abel Pro. J. J. 128
Acetanilid 180, 301, 346
Acetic acid in pharmacy. 134, 136
Aiken, Dr. J.M. 376
Adelung, Dr. Edward Von, 326, 379
Alabama law and alcoholic prescriptions 27
Albumen 30,60,62,152,173
Alcohol, food claims 112–114, 128
Alcohol, a mocker 364,377
Alcohol, a narcotic 121,123
Alcohol, a posion 28,29,100, 105, 358, 371, 388
Alcohol, injurious to living cells 275
Alcohol, advance in study of 380
Alcohol, affinity for blood and tissues 114
Alcohol, affinity for water, 148, 149
Alcohol, and foods, action contrasted 406
Alcohol, and empty stomach 100
Alcohol, mental work 400
Alcohol, anti-spasmodic 124
Alcohol, apparent benefits; deceptive warmth from evanescent 108
Alcohol, anæsthetic and paralyzlant 120,181
Alcohol, anæsthetic effect deceptive 222,262,266
Alcohol, antipyertic 127
Alcohol, as medicine causes waste of force 83
Alcohol, as medicine diminished use 20, 53–57
Alcohol, as medicine, need of popular education regarding 297
Alcohol, as medicine, opposition to by W. C T. U., 21–27
Alcohol, causes disease 28–36
Alcohol, as sedative 127
Alcohol, as tonic 124,126
Alcohol, beginning of scientific study. 11
Alchol, a cause of Bright's disease 34,91
Alcohol, causes malnutrition 284
Alcohol, craving 140
Alcohol, delusion that it "supports" 294
Alcohol, depressent 150, 178
Alcohol, dangerous in pneumonia 201
Alcohol, difference in action from carbohydrates and fats 403
Alcohol, diminishes arterial pressure 119, 120
Alcohol, effect on respiration, 263, 266
Alcohol, experiments, 11, 15, 62,
Alcohol, 65, 80, 93, 101, 119, 120, 149, 200, 266, 267, 268, 275, 279, 288, 392–405, 421
Alcoholic diseases ascribed to other causes 33
Alcoholic drink, no danger in sudden stopping 293
Alcoholic drinks, stories of life sustained on 112
Alcoholic dyspepsia 63
Alcoholic proprietary medicines, 299–334
Alcohol, medical use bulwark of liquor-traffic, 96, 97, 360, 361
Alcohol, medical use causes death 260
Alcohol, medical use delays recovery 115
Alcohol, medical use evidence against 336–391
Alcohol, medical life result of habit and tradition, 292, 294, 295, 208, 378
Alcohol, medical use, Toledo Blade on 358
Alcohol, medical use, mortality increased by, 247–261, 267
Ammonia 40,188
Anæsthesia 119, 120
Anæmia 141
Anders, Dr. Howard S. 370
Angina pectoris 181, 182
Anthrax 281, 282
Alcoholism 36, 111

Ale 120, 142, 236
Alkalies for stomach 174
Alum 143, 164, 171, 215
American Association for Study of Inebriety 329
American Druggist and Patent Medicine Agitation 26
American Medical Association, declaration on alcohol 14
Antikamnia 192, 346
Anti-Tuberculosis Congress resolution 154
Apoplexy 31, 32, 111, 142
Appetite, loss of 142
Aschaffenberg, Prof 400
Association of Abstaining Physicians, Germany 387
Asthma 179, 345
Athletes and alcohol 103
Atwater, Prof 128–130
Australian Government Commission on Patent Medicines 314

Baldwin, Dr. Edward R 370
Barton, Miss Clara 48
Baths 57, 145, 146, 147, 152, 164, 193, 197, 199, 410, 431, 432
Battle Creek Sanitarium, 223–227, 255, 256
Bavaria, beer-drinking effects, 425
Beale, Dr. Lionel 99, 286
Beaumont. Dr. 61, 293
Beddoes, Dr. 13, 421
Beebe, Dr. S. P 404, 405
Beef-tea 194, 197, 325
Bacteria 150
Badger, Dr. Richard 365
Baer, Dr. 19
Barker, Prof 337
Barr, Sir James 372
Beer, 31, 66, 116, 117, 124, 126, 142, 179, 239, 244–246, 247, 423–426
Bellevue Hospital 36, 54, 309
Berkley and Friendenwald 279
Beverages for the sick 411
Bigelow, Dr. Jacob 335
Billings, Dr. Frank 155
Bitters 176, 329
Blankmeyer, Dr. H. J. 159
Bleuler, Dr. 388
Blood 66-75, 76, 86, 106, 113, 114, 119, 393
Blood purifiers 75
Blood vessels 63, 75, 76 108, 109, 120, 124, 143
Blumenau, alcohol and digestion 173
Boils and carbuncles 144
Bond, Dr. Knox, on fevers, 252, 373
Bostwick, Dr. 336
Bowditch, Prof. Vincent Y. 157
Boynton, Dr. 377
Bradner, Dr. Roe 329, 332
Brain 32, 36
Brandy 35, 120, 143, 151, 173, 177, 183, 196, 215, 356
Brewers 38, 425
Bright's disease 34, 91, 94
British army, experiences with alcohol 101, 102
British Medical Journal 180, 247, 269, 270, 319, 324
British Medical Temperance Association 148-151, 250
Broadbent, Dr. 274
Brodie, Dr. Benj. 105
Bromidia 353
Bromo Seltzer 346
Brown, Dr. Alonzo 271–273
Brunton, Dr. Lauder 269, 270
Bucke, Dr. R. M., alcohol and the insane 412
Buckley, Rev. J. M., D.D., cured of consumption 159
Bunge. Prof. G. Von 207, 424
Bureau of Chemistry 426, 427
Burnett, Dr. Mary Weeks 41–44
Burt, Mrs. Mary T. 24
Bussey, Dr 237
Butter, substitute for cod-liver oil 314

Cabot, Dr. Richard C 57, 370
Caffeine 49, 135, 300, 428- 430
Cain, Dr. J. S. 229,377
Calmette, Dr., snake-bite 206–209
Camphor 217, 374
Cancer and alcohol 288
Carbolic acid 138, 145
Carbon dioxide 71–73
Carbonic acid in wine 117
Cardiac paralysis in diphtheria, 272, 273
Carpanutrine 313
Carpenter, Dr. Alfred 86
Carson, Prof. J. W. 336
Casgrau. Dr., doctors who personally use alcohol less observant of its effects 294
Catarrh 144, 145, 345
Cells 58–60, 68, 130, 271, 272
Chapman, Dr. C. W. 184
Charcoal 179
Charrin, Dr 287
Cheese, cannot be made from milk of cows fed on distillery slops 236
Cheyne, Prof. W. W., snake-poison 209, 210
Children, danger of alcohol for, 416
Childrenof beer-drinking mothers 236, 237

Children, per cent, of deaths of those of abstaining and drinking parents 397, 398
Chills 146
Chittenden, Prof 93, 403
Chloral, 127, 138, 190, 275, 332, 353
Chlorodyne 127
Chloroform, 119, 120, 121, 270, 353
Cholera 35, 147–152, 257, 258
Cholera infantum 152, 153
Cholera morbus 152
Christian Advocates, The, and patent medicines 26
Christison, Prof 34
Cincinnati Hospital 254
Circulation 76, 77, 184–186
Claret 120, 177, 419
Clark, Dr. Alonzo 336
Clark, Sir Andrew 35, 101
Clinique, The 180
Coal-tar drugs 75, 180, 192, 339, 340
Coca wines 319–324
Coca Cola 427
Cocaine, 300, 319–325, 345–351, 427
Cod-liver oil, fraudulent preparations 314
Coffee 40, 141, 194, 236
Cohen, Dr. S. S 365
Cold, as a heart stimulant, 184–186
Cold, as tonic 325
Cold, pack 186
Cold, treatment for pneumonia, 202
Colds, cause and treatment 146
Colic 147
Collier, Dr. Wm. 372
Collier's Weekly and nostrums, 26
Collins, Dr. 157
Coloring matter in wines arrests digestion 176
Coma from waste retention 115
Committee of Fifty 19, 128, 279
Committee on Pharmacy 314, 315, 316
Condi, Dr., nursing mothers 236
Constipation 146
Consumption 153–162, 326
Convalescence and alcohol, 292, 294
Convulsions 147, 179
Cook County Hospital, 54, 159, 253
Cordials in dyspepsia 176
Cough medicines 310- 312
Cough simple remedies, 146, 147, 162
Cramps 179
Cream, substitute for cod-liver oil, 160, 314
Crothers, Dr. T. D., 120, 131, 183, 218, 345, 390
Cures for inebriety 329, 414

Deaths from alcohol 28, 83, 87
Deaths from alcoholic diseases ascribed to other causes 31–34
Death-rates, comparative, 75, 85, 347-261, 267
Death-rates,lowered by non-alcoholic treatment 37, 46, 219
Debility 171, 172
Davis, Dr. Nathan S., Sr., 11, 12, 29–31, 45, 66, 75, 80–82, 91–95, 107, 112, 117, 118, 125, 128, 178, 193, 217, 219, 244, 253, 262, 267, 289, 294, 358–360
De Garmo, Prof. 366
Delearde, Dr., Pasteur Institute 279, 284
Delirium tremens 388
Depression of spirits 172, 179
Diabetes 88, 89
Diarrhoea 172
Digestion 106, 155–157
Digestive organs, injured 389
Digitalis 128, 135
Diphtheria 75, 85, 272
Diseases of women 430
Diseases non-alcohol treatment, 140–233
Distilled liquors, composition 117
Doan's Pills 315
Dodson, Dr. John M. 423
Dogbite 211
Dock, Dr. George 365, 371
Douches 164, 431
Drowning 193, 194
"Drugging" 335–355
Drug habits formed by patent medicines 301
Drugs, medical opinions of, 336–338
Druggists' resolutions against whiskey drug-stores 27
Druggists Circular 8, 429
Druggists, liquor selling by 139
Drunkards made in infancy 311
Drunkards 126, 350
Drysdale, Dr 372
Dubois, experiments 119
Dysentery 172, 173
Dysmenorrhea 431
Dyspepsia 65, 127, 173–177

Edmunds, Dr., 37, 38, 183, 238–243
Edsall, Dr. David L. 374
Epilepsy 32, 36, 178
Erysipelas 74, 388
Eshner, Dr. A. A. 364
Exhaustion 178

Fainting and faintness, 177, 178, 180, 181
Fatigue 178, 320, 430

Fatty degeneration 34–36, 82–85, 114
Fats digested in small intestines, 60
Fére, Dr. 203
Fermentation 116, 274
Fevers 75, 85, 249–255, 388
Fibrine 40, 62
Fits 238
Flatulence 179
Flick, Dr. Lawrence 156
Fomentations 147, 199, 229
Food, alcohol as indirect, 112–114, 29, 98–117, 128–130
Foods, proprietary 313
Forel, Dr. A 36, 105
Forrest, Dr 160, 161
Foster, Dr. 68
Franco-Prussian War, wine, 110, 111
Francis, Surgeon Gen'l, cholera, 150
Frick, Dr. A. 388, 389
Fruit 141, 146, 374
Fruit juice 65, 232, 374

Gairdner, Dr., fevers 251, 252
Garber, Dr., typhoid 230
Garfield Memorial Hospital, 55, 254
Gastric juice 62, 65
Gastritis from beer and gin 246
Georgia law and alcohol prescriptions 27
Germs 70, 115, 223, 272, 286, 287
Giddiness 179
Gilman, Prof., treatment leads to death 337
Gin 61, 117, 199, 246
Ginger drinking 341
Gloria Tonic 414
Gluzinski and digestion 61, 176
Glycerine in pharmacy, 134, 135, 138
Glycogen 85, 130
Gordon, Dr. A. 377
Gould, A. Pearce 288, 367, 373
Gout 31, 74
Grape juice 65
Grehaut 288
Gruber, Prof 128, 129
Guardian cells, see leucocytes,
Gull, Sir Wm. 35, 104
Gum resins, non-alcoholic preparation 134

Hagee's Cordial of Cod-Liver Oil 314
Hall, Dr. W. S. 379, 405–409
Hamilton, Dr. Frank H., 285, 286
Hammond, Dr. W. A 36, 95
Hargreaves, Dr. W., 35, 85, 86, 105, 236, 237
Harley, Dr., alcohol and diabetes 88, 89
Harrington, Dr. Chas. 313, 316
Hart, Dr. Ernest 126, 152, 269
Harvey, Dr., counsel to young physicians 389
Hay Fever 145, 146
Hayes, Dr., arctic work 110
Headaches 179, 180
Headache remedies 301, 354
Health, how to preserve 355
Health Grains 315
Healy, Dr. H. H. 375
Heart abscesses 277, 278
Heart and alcohol 31, 75–85, 263
Heart beer-drinkers 424
Heart disease 181, 182
Heart failure, 83, 85, 184, 185–188, 227, 273
Heart force diminished 183
Heart stimulants 188
Heart weak 182
Hemaboloids 313
Hemapeptpne 313
Hemaglobin 30, 67, 114, 221
Hemorrhage 34, 180, 197
Heredity of alcoholic diseases 33
Herrick, Dr. James B 365
Hewes, Dr. Henry F 379
Heyburn, Senator, nostrums 334
Hiccough 179
Higginbotham, 13, 140, 180
Higginson, Col. T. W 196
Hirshfield, Dr 360, 380
Hiss, Dr. A. Emil 309, 310
History of study of alcohol, 9–20
Hob-nailed liver 87
Hoffman drops 349
Hoff's Consumption Cure 316
Holmes, Dr. Oliver W., on drugs 137, 344
Hop tea 66, 142, 176
Hoppe, Dr. Hugo, beer 425
Horsley, Sir Victor, 129, 372, 424, 425
Hospitals, Temperance 37–53
Hospitals death-rates 252–261
Hopsitals decreased use of alcoholic liquors, 53–57
Hugounencq, alcohol and pepsin, 176
Hunt, Mrs. Mary H., temperance education 17
Hunt, Dr. Reid 369, 402
Hydrochloric acid 173, 177
Hydrophobia 281–283

Internal Rev. Dep't. and Nostrums 27, 312
International Congress on Alcoholism, London, 1909 9. 393
International Encyclopaedia of Surgery 209
International Medical Congress, 1876. and National W. C. T. U. 23, 82

Immunity, influence of alcohol on 281, 282, 393–395
Indigestion and alcohol 32
Infant feeding 242, 243
Infection, liability to increased, 392, 393
Infectious diseases 288, 368, 369, 42S
Inflammation in wounds 74
Influenza and drinkers 192, 193
Iron, injurious to stomach 315

Jackson, Dr. Henry 370
Jaundice, alcohol prejudicial 89
Jayne's Expectorant 310
Johnson, Lieut., arctic work 110
Joslin, Dr. E. P 364, 424
Journal Amer. Med. Ass'n., 129, 204–209, 211, 368, 369
Journal of Inebriety, 131, 192, 329, 413

Kansas prohibits whiskey drug-stores 27
Kassowitz, Prof. Max 373, 374
Kellogg, Dr. J. H., 36, 89, 95, 121, 129, 141, 152, 166, 176, 185, 195, 199, 255, 378
Kerr, Dr. Norman 150, 357
Kidneys 30, 89–95, 276, 425
Koch, Dr., consumption 153
Knopf, Dr. S. A 155
Kola, see caffeine.
Kraepelin 399, 400
Kress, Dr. Lauretta 430–432

La grippe 190–193, 337
Ladd, Prof 332, 333
Ladies' Home Journal 26
Laitinen, Prof. T., 368, 369, 392–398
Lambert, Dr. Alex 415,424
Lancet, The London 191, 184, 252, 368, 429
Landis, Dr. J. H., and typhoid, 379
Laudanum 137, 352
Laxative pills often harmful 346
Lees, Dr. F. R 106
Legrain, Dr 426
Liebig 116, 251, 424
Lemon 146, 147, 179, 194, 411
Lesser, Dr. A. Monae, success in treating fevers in Cuban War 53
Leucocytes, 271, 272, 274, 275, 278, 282, 283, 284, 285
Life insurance and total abstinence ..36, 423, 426, 432–435
Life saving stations and alcohol 193
Liniments, non-alcoholic 134, 135
Liquid Peptones 313
Liver 31, 33, 85-89, 404–409, 425
Lloyd, Prof. J. U. 328
London Temperance Hospital, 37-41, 132–135, 357
Loomis, Dr. A. L. 255
Loomis Dr. Henry P. 157
Lungs 30, 201
Lying-in-Hospital, London, 37, 38

Martin, Dr. Newell, 63, 79, 84, 85, 91, 109, 119, 158
Massage 166, 180, 213, 214
Mass. State Board of Health, 34, 310
Massert and Bordet, leucocytes, 277
McNicholl, Dr. T. A 48, 378
Madden, Dr. John 378
Magnesia 170
[1]Malaria 195, 196
Malt Extracts 316–319
Manassein's Clinic, alcohol and kidneys 93, 94
Mann, Dr. Matthew D 36, 94
Martin, Alexis St 61, 293
McCormack, Dr. J. H 370
Measles 194
Meat extracts, valueless 325, 326
Medical temperance department of W. C. T. U 25–27
Menstruation, painful 197
Mercer, Dr. Alfred 363
Metchnikoff 374, 398
Milk 141, 153, 188, 236, 237, 251, 373
Miller, Dr. James Alex 157
Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir 207, 210
Miura, investigations 379
Morphine 300, 345, 351, 352
Mossop, Dr., experiments 120
Mother Bailey's Quieting Syrup, 310
Munyon's Kidney Cure 315
Mulford's Predigested Beef 313
Muscles and alcohol 33, 103, 124
Musser, Dr. John H. 369, 370
Mussey, Prof. R. D. 12

Nansen and polar expedition 110
Narcotic drug dangers, 345, 346, 350–355, 357
Nausea 199
Nerves 32, 36, 76, 77, 105, 118, 185, 425
Nervous system affected by retention of waste 115
Neuralgia 198
New York State Board of Health 154, 155
Newspapers and whiskey ads., 382
Newspapers and patent
Newspapers patent medicine ads. 333

Nichol, Dr., experiments 120
Nichols, Dr. Jas. R 136–138
Nitrite of amyl 15, 181, 182
Non-alcoholic treatment, 37, 140–233, 258–260, 360
Nurses, abstinence in cholera 149
Nursing mothers and beer, 234, 426
Nutrition retarded by alcohol 114

Oatmeal 197, 235
Oils, essential, non-alcoholic preparation 134
Opium, 127, 132, 149, 150, 172, 180, 189, 190, 300, 351, 352, 389, 412
Orangeine 346
Osier, Dr 158
Oxidations 408
Oxidation checked by coal-tar drugs 339, 340, 346
Oxidation hindered by alcohol, 263
Oxidative powers of liver effected by alcohol 404
Oxygen 40, 67, 71, 75, 92, 113, 114, 118, 130, 187, 264

Page, Dr. C. E., on typhoid 232
Pain after food 203, 204
Palmer, Dr. A. B 79, 121–123
Pepper, Cayenne 147, 188
Pepsin 62, 64, 173, 176
Peptonic Elixir 313
Peruna 312
Peterson, Dr. Frederick 375
Phagocytes 271, 272, 374
Pharmacy, non-alcoholic 132–139
Phenacetin. 300, 339, 340, 346, 354
Physicians need awakening as to evils of alcohol 379
Physicians responsibility for prescribing alcoholic liquor 358, 359, 388
Physicians why they prescribe alcoholics 291–298
Pneumonia 40, 75, 85, 192, 200–203, 253, 254, 257, 280, 340, 346, 371,
Poheman, Dr. Julius 200, 201
Poisons 29, 204–211, 300, 301
Port Wine 64, 65, 144, 172, 292
Porter 236
Pregnancy, danger of alcohol in 203
Pregnancy vomiting in 199
Packs, hot 194, 202, 213
Panopeptone 313
Paralysis, caused by alcohol, 31, 36
Paregoric 352
Parkes 77–79, 100, 102
Patent medicines, 26, 27, 299–334, 350
Preble, Dr. Robert B. 375
Proprietary "Foods" 313,
Prostration 179
Protoplasm and alcohol, 59, 60, 286, 287
Psychical treatment, Cabot 57
Ptomaine poisoning 152, 270
Puerperal fever 229, 290
Pulse and alcohol 79, 181
Pure Food Law 299, 300
Putnam, Dr. J. J 364

Quackery, cause 337
Quinine 128, 190, 196, 340, 345

Rattlesnakes, bite of 210
Recent researches on alcohol, 276–284, 392–409
Reichert, alcohol and snake-bite, 207
Retina, blood-vessels and alcohol 120, 124
Rheumatism, 211-214, 259, 260, 343
Richardson, Sir B. W., 15, 17, 31, 39, 63, 72, 105, 11, 121, 148, 153, 177, 259, 295–297, 356, 383, 385–387
Ridge, Dr. J. J., 73, 84, 124, 127, 143, 149, 180 188, 196, 213, 216, 248, 250, 275, 286, 292, 356, 362
Riley, Dr. W. H. 223–227, 423
Ringer and Sainsbury 80, 119
Ritchie, Dr. J. J 383
Roberts, Sir W. 176
Robin 264
Rusby, Dr. H. H. 429

Salicylic acid 128
Saline injections 187
saline solutions 145
Sartoin Skin Food 316
Scarlet fever 91, 248, 337, 373
Schafer's physiology on alcohol, 129
Scientific temperance education, 17, 18
Sedatives, dangers of 127
Shock 215, 216
Sight impaired by alcohol 120
Sleeplessness 179
Small-pox 247–250
Smith, Dr. E. 105, 238
Snake-bite 207, 211
Soft drinks, dangerous 427
Soldiers 101, 102, 285
Soothing syrups 310
Sore nipples 215
Sore throat 145
Sphygmograph 79, 120, 122
Stamreich, investigations 379
Starch 116, 129, 130
Stimulant, definition 118, 222
Stimulants, 105, 177, 179, 186, 188, 190, 194, 237, 338
Stimulation, fallacy of theory, 385

Stockton, Dr. C. G 158
Stomach 32, 60, 63, 87, 293, 425
Strychnia 222, 365
Strumpel, Prof., on beer 425
Sudden illness 217
Sugar 86-88, 116, 117, 129, 130, 374
Sulphonal 346, 353
Sunstroke 217, 218
Switzerland and alcohol deaths, 30
Syncope 77

Tannin 124, 152, 164
Taylor's Headache Powders 346
Tea 236
Temperance hospitals 37–53
Tonic Beef 313
Toxins 267–269, 406–409
Treves, Sir Frederick 342, 372
Trudeau, Dr. Edward 155, 161
Tuberculosis 35, 154–158
Tetanus 281,282
Thompson, Sir Henry 120
Tinctures 131–137
Tissue changes 113–115
Tissue waste retarded 115
Tobacco and alcohol, 212, 343, 413
Todd, Dr. B. 250, 252
Turkish baths 193. 208, 212, 213
Type-setters and alcohol 400
Typhoid fever 219–233, 251, 252, 253, 268, 365, 373, 379
Typhus 252, 255, 388

Uric acid 93, 44, 405
Urine and alcohol 89, 92, 93, 267, 268
Uterine displacements 163–171
Uterine hemorrhage 180

Van Duyn, Dr. John 374
Vasomotor nerves 76, 77, 83
Vegetarian diet for drink crave, 414
Vinol 314
Vita-Ore 315
Vomiting 14. 233

Water, 30, 95, 112, 128, 135, 143, 145, 150–152, 175, 177. 187, 188, 224, 225, 232, 411
Weakness in growing youth 125
Weakness 178
W. Va. Medical Society resolutions 371
Whiskey, 28, 50, 112, 127, 155, 157, 173, 190, 193, 196, 210, 265, 370, 390
Willhite, Dr. O. C. 159
Wine, 13, 31, 64, 65, 109, 110, 117, 123, 125, 141, 176, 236, 353, 417, 424
Wampole's Cod-Liver Oil 314
Warbasse, Dr. J. P. 375
Waste, retention invites disease, 70
Welch, Dr. W. H. 393
White, Dr. John E. 158
White Haven Sanitarium 155
White Ribbon Remedy 414
Wiley, Dr. H. W. 301, 428, 429
Willard, Miss Frances E., 23, 44–47
Williams, Henry Smith 399
Williams, Pink Pills 315
Willson, alcohol and snake-bite, 211
Winternitz 184, 185, 225
Wolff 176
Wollowicz 77–79, 81
Woodhead, Dr. G. Sims, 211, 276–284, 366, 383
Woods, Dr. Matthew 364
Wood, Dr. H. C 119

Zweiback 175

  1. Of late years malaria is attributed mosquito. In preparing this edition that item was overlooked