All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant/Book 3/Chapter 14

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Epictetus4570510All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant — Book 3, Chapter 141759Elizabeth Carter



§. 1.AS bad Performers cannot sing alone, but in a Chorus; so some Persons cannot walk alone. If you are any thing, walk alone; talk by yourself; and do not skulk in the Chorus. Think a little at last: look about you: sift yourself, that you may know what you are.

§. 2. If a Person drinks Water, or doth any thing else, for the sake of Exercise, upon every Occasion he tells all he meets, "I drink Water." Why do you drink Water merely for the sake of drinking it? If it doth you any Good to drink it, drink it; if not, you act ridiculously. But, if it is for your Advantage, and you drink it, say nothing about it before those who are apt to take Offence. What then? These are the very People you wish to please.

§. 3. Of Actions some are performed on their own Account; others occasioned by Circumstances: some proceed from Motives of Prudence some from Complaisance to others; and some are done in pursuance of a Manner of Life, which we have taken up.

§. 4. Two Things must be rooted out of Men; Conceit and Diffidence. Conceit lies in thinking you want nothing: and Diffidence, in supposing it impossible, that, under such adverse Circumstances, you should ever succeed. Now, Conceit is removed by Confutation: and of this Socrates was the Author. And [in order to see] that the Undertaking is not impracticable, consider and enquire. The Enquiry itself will do you no Harm: and it is almost being a Philosopher, to enquire, How it is possible possible to make use of our Desire and Aversion, without Hindrance.

§. 5. I am better than you; for my Father hath been Consul. I have been a Tribune, says another, and not you. If we were Horses, would you say, My Father was swifter than yours? I have Abundance of Oats and Hay, and fine Trappings? What now, if, while you were saying this, I should answer; "Be if so. Let us run a Race then." Is there nothing in Man analogous to a Race in Horses, by which it may be known, which is better or worse? Is there not Honour, Fidelity, Justice? Show yourself the better in these; that you may be the better, as a Man. But if you tell me, you can kick violently; I will tell you gain, that you value yourself on the Property of an Ass.