All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant/Book 3/Chapter 18

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Epictetus4588803All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant — Book 3, Chapter 181759Elizabeth Carter


That we ought not to be alarmed, by any News that is brought us.

§. 1.When any alarming News is brought you, always have it at Hand, that no News can be brought you, concerning what is in your own Choice. Can any one bring you News, that your Opinions or Desires are ill conducted? By no means: but that somebody is dead. What is that to you then? That somebody speaks ill of you. And what is that to you then? That your Father is forming some Contrivance, or other. Against what? Against your Choice? How can he? Well: but against your Body; against your Estate? You are very safe: this is not against you.——But the Judge [perhaps] hath pronounced you guilty of Impiety. And did not the Judges pronounce the same of Socrates? Is his pronouncing a Sentence, any Business of yours? No. Then why do you, any longer, trouble yourself about it? There is a Duty incumbent on your Father; which, unless he performs, he loses the Character of a Father, of natural Affection, of Tenderness. Do not want him to lose any thing else, by this: for no Person is ever guilty in one Instance, and a Sufferer in another. Your Duty, on the other hand, is to make your Defence, with Constancy, Modesty, and Mildness: otherwise you lose the Character of filial Piety; of Modesty, and Generosity of Mind. Well: and is your Judge free from Danger? No. He runs an equal Hazard. Why then, are you still afraid of his Decision? What have you to do with the Evil of another? Making a bad Defence would be your own Evil. Let it be your only Care to avoid that: but whether Sentence is passed on you, or not, as it is the Business, so it is the Evil, of another. "Such a one threatens you."——Me? No.——"He censures you."——Let him look to it, how he doth his own Business——"He will give an unjust Sentence against you.——Poor Wretch!