An Act respecting Constables
40 Vict., c. 20 (Ontario)
An Act respecting Constables.
[Assented to 2nd March, 1877.]
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
1. (To prevent injurious delay in appointing County Constables, arising from the long intervals between the sittings of the Courts of General Sessions of the Peace), any Judge of any County Court may, at any time, and from time to time, appoint any person or persons to be a Constable or Constables for the County or United Counties, of the County Court of which such Judge is a Judge.
2. The Judge making any such appointment shall forthwith notify the Clerk of the Peace thereof.
3. The Clerk of the Peace shall report every such appointment to the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace which is holden after he receives notice thereof from the said Judge, and unless at such Court such appointment is revoked by order duly passed in Sessions, the same shall continue as if the same had originally been made at such Court
4. Any Constable so appointed by a Judge as aforesaid shall during the continuance of such appointment, have the same authority and privileges and be subject to the same liability and the performance of the same duties as if originally appointed by the Court of General Sessions of the Peace.
5. The Judge of the County Court may suspend from office any County Constable for any period, in the discretion of the Judge, but not beyond one week after the time appointed for the next sittings of the General Sessions of the Peace; such suspension shall be by notice in writing; and in case the Judge considers the suspended officer deserving of dismissal, such Judge shall, immediately after suspending him, report the case fully to the Clerk of the Peace for submission to the Justices at the next General Sessions of the Peace; and the Justices may dismiss such officer, or direct him to be restored to his office, after period of his suspensions has expired, or after such further period of suspension as they may order.
6. The Lieutenant-Governor may appoint, either permanently or for such a period as he may think fit, persons to be Provincial Constables, and every person so appointed shall, while he holds office, be a Constable of every County and District in Ontario, and, as such, shall have authority to act in any part of this Province.