An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Bude

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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, B (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2506525An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, B — Bude1891John Francis Davis

Bude, f., ‘booth, stall, shop,’ from MidHG. buode, f., ‘hut, tent’; corresponds to MidE. bôþe, ‘taberna,’ E. booth; OIc. búð, f., ‘dwelling, hut, tent,’ has a different vowel, and is based on the widely diffused root bû-bhû, ‘to dwell, stay.’ By a different derivation E. to bui-ld, AS. bold, botl, ‘dwelling,’ OFris. bold, OIc. ból, OLG. bodal, are produced from the same root. So too OIr. both (bothán), ‘hut,’ from *bu-to, as well as the words discussed under bauen, Lith.-Slav. buda, ‘booth,’ and Bohem. and Silesian Baude, ‘shepherd's hut,’ are borrowed.