An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Roggen

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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, R (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2510762An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, R — Roggen1891John Francis Davis

Roggen, m., for the genuine HG. Rocke, Rocken (in Bav. and Hess., Korn is almost invariably used), ‘rye.’ The gg of the ModHG. written form is either LG. or Swiss (see Egge in list of corrections); in MidHG. rocke, OHG. rocko, m., ‘rye, secale’; corresponding to OSax. roggo, Du. rogge. UpG., as well as LG. and Fris., imply the prim. form *rŭggn-. On the other hand, E. and Scand. assume a Goth. *rŭgi-; comp. AS. ryge, E. rye, and the equiv. OIc. rŭgr. Pre-Teut. rughi- is proved by Lith. rugýs, ‘rye-corn’ (rugei, pl., ‘rye’), OSlov. rŭżĭ, ‘rye’ (Gr. ὄρυζα, ‘rice,’ from Sans. vrĭhi, is not allied). Among the East Aryans this term is wanting.