An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Trommel

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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, T (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2509071An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, T — Trommel1891John Francis Davis

Trommel, f., ‘drum, cylinder, sieve,’ from the equiv. late MidHG. trumel, trumbel, f., of which the classical MidHG. form is trumbe (trumme, trume), ‘drum, trumpet’; comp. OHG. trumpa, trumba, ‘trumpet.’ The Rom. languages have a corresponding word, Ital. tromba, Fr. trompe. Since these have no Lat. form, OHG. trumba may be regarded as their source. OHG. trumba seems to be identical with OIc. trumba, ‘pipe, stalk, trumpet,’ in which case the latter is probably nearer the primary meaning.— ModHG. Trompete, ‘trumpet’ (even in MidHG. trúmet, trúmbet), is based on Rom.; comp. Fr. trompette, Ital. trombetta.