An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Verweis

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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, V (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2507807An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, V — Verweis1891John Francis Davis

Verweis, m., ‘reprimand, censure,’ from the equiv. late MidHG. verwîȥ, m.; allied to verweisen, from MidHG. verwîȥen, OHG. firwîȥan, str. vb., ‘to reprimand, censure.’ Comp. Du. verwijt, n., ‘reprimand,’ and verwijten, ‘to reproach, upbraid,’ Goth. fraweitan, ‘to revenge. The meaning ‘to punish ‘also belonged to the simple stem, as is shown by OSax. wîti, OHG. wîȥȥi (wîzzi), MidHG. wîȥe (wîtze), n., ‘punishment, tortures of hell.’ The Teut. root wī̆t, ‘to punish,’ is based on the common Aryan root wid, ‘to see,’ on which are based Lat. videre, Gr. ἰδεῖν (for further cognates of this root see wissen); comp. Goth. faírweitjan, ‘to look around,’ and witan, ‘to observe.’ The development of meaning is usually compared with that of Lat. animadvertere, ‘to perceive, punish.’ Hence Verweis is not directly connected with weisen; to the latter verweisen, ‘to misdirect’ (obsolete), is allied. —