An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/sieden

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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, S (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2510012An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, S — sieden1891John Francis Davis

sieden, vb., ‘to seethe, boil, stew,’ from MidHG. sieden, OHG. siodan, ‘to seethe, cook’; comp. Du. zieden, AS. seóðan, E. to seethe, OIc. sjóða, ‘to seethe, cook.’ In Goth. the only allied term is sauþs, m., ‘offering’ (OIc. sauðr, ‘sheep,’ prop. ‘sacrificial animal’). An Aryan root sut seems to be wanting in the cognate languages.