An Introduction to Ethics, for Training Colleges/Index

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Aboulia, 108.
Acquired characters, 20-22.
and responsibility, 32.
Acquisitiveness, 46, 50, 54.
Adams, J., 99, 202.
Alchymist of Character, 74.
Altruism, 191 ff.
Ambition, 66, 186, 246-248.
Ancestral Inheritance, Law of, 17.
Anger, 67, 71, 73, 74.
Aristippus, 168.
Aristotle, 65, 102, 103, 126, 208, 213.
Authority of Duty, 162-164.
of law, 163, 217.
of reason, 138.

Bad. See Evil.
Bain, A., 94.
Baldwin, J. M., 87, 138, 162.
Behaviour, Instinctive, 41-56.
and conduct, 56, 121.
Benevolence, 192, 213.
Bentham, J., 146, 169, 172, 173, 174.
Bosanquet, H., 248.
Brown, W., 202.
Burnet, J., 65, 116.
Butler, 110, 116.

Character an acquisition, 27, 205.
and conduct, 6, 117 ff.
Character and emotion, 67ff .
and God, 5.
and knowledge, 5, 214 ff.
and pleasure, 5, 177-179.
and responsibility, 30-34.
and sentiment, 79, 149.
education of. See Education.
groundwork of , 14-116.
realisation of, 117-248.
measurement of, 55, 202.
Child and convention, 131.
and family, 228-233.
and imitation, 86, 128.
and moral judgment, 128 ff.
and opposition, 87, 129.
and perseverance, 107.
and sanctions of morality, 150-162.
and school, 233-243.
and virtues, 215-219.
and vocation, 199-204.
education of, 35 ff., 124 ff.
emotions of, 69, 72, 78.
ideals of, 203, 245.
impulses of, 58.
instincts of, 42 ff .
personality of, 97 ff., 125, 231.
relation to duty, 126, 46154, 162.
relation to heredity and environment, 14 ff., 33.
self of, 39, 83 ff .
sentiments of, 78.

Choice, 105 ff.
of vocation, 182-191, 202.
Christianity, 191, 199.
Church, 93, 120, 147, 243-246.
instinctive basis of, 50-51.
Companionship, 38, 228, 240.
Conduct, 586, 117-248.
and behaviour, 56, 121.
and character, 117ff.
and the school, 124ff.
implications of, 122-124.
motives of, 140-145.
sanctions of, 145-152.
Conscience and impulse, 60.
and moral judgment, 127, 139ff.
and the self, 100-102, 109ff.
as feeling, 110-112.
as reason, 110-112.
conflicts of, 112ff.
education of, 114ff.
Conscientiousness, 115, 166, 214.
Consequences as test of right and wrong, 139ff., 174.
Convention, 131-133, 147.
Courage, 207, 209-211, 216-217.
Cromwell, 136, 239.
Curiosity, 46, 50, 53-57.

D'Arcy, C. F., 219, 248.
Decision, 96, 105ff.
Degeneration, 20.
Deliberation, 104, 106, 115.
Desire, 61-66, 194.
and ambition, 66.
and duty, 165, 162.
and impulse, 61.
and the self, 65, 195, 211.
and will, 102, 211.
conflict of, 61, 104, 195, 206.
education of, 62-64, 103, 211.
object of, 174-177.
Dewey, J., 13, 99, 116, 126, 162, 179, 181, 204, 219, 232, 248.
Discipline, 125, 211, 217, 231, 240.
Dugdale, B. A., 24.
Duties, particular, 165-166.
relative to rights, 227, 230.
Duty, 153-166.
and desire, 155.
and happiness, 181, 196ff.
and impulse, 155.
and interest, 154ff.
and the self, 164-166.
and vocation, 189, 196ff., 227.
authority of, 162-164.
child's definition of, 126, 154.
rules of, 156-162.

Education, Moral, 7-10, 221, 233-243.
and conduct, 124ff., 215ff.
and environment, 37, 221.
and heredity, 35.
and ideals, 203, 242-248.
and impulses, 58-60.
and instincts, 51-55.
and responsibility, 33, 125, 217.
and sanctions, 150ff.
for vocation, 108199-204.
of conscience, 108114-116.
of desires, 10862-64.
of emotions, 10872-77.
of personality, 10897-99, 231.
of sentiments, 10880-82.
of virtues, 108215-219.
of will, 108103, 105ff., 215ff.
Edwards, Jonathan, 10825.
Egoism, 191ff.
Emotion, 67ff.
and character, 67, 133, 142.
complex, 68.
simple, 69.
Environment and Heredity, 14-40.
physical, 21-23.
social, 27-30, 86, 90, 220, 240.

Enthusiasm, 79, 242.
Epicureans, 168-170.
Ethics and Moral Education, 7-10.
definition of, 1-7.
etymology of, 6.
relation to other sciences, 7-9.
Evil, 27, 30-34, 38-39, 52-56, 62-65, 72-82, 93-96, 103, 107-109, 118-120, 145-152, 174-179, 215-219, 230.
Example, 33, 37, 230.

Family, 228-233.
and moral judgment, 128ff.
instinctive basis of, 47, 51, 221.
Fear, 45, 69, 71, 210.
Feeling, 79, 83, 140, 142.
and conscience, 111, 112.
as pleasure, 167, 175.
as standard of moral judgment, 133ff.
Freedom, 122, 223-224.
Froebel, 98, 99, 124.

Galton, Sir F., 17.
Geddes, P., 18, 22, 40.
Germ-plasm, 18, 19.
God, 5, 93, 163, 194, 197-199.
Good, 2, 8-10, 27, 30-34, 38, 52-56, 62-65, 72-82, 89, 93-96, 103, 107-109, 118-120, 145-152, 174-179, 194ff., 205ff., 246-248.
Good-for-man, 4-6. See also Good and Ideal.
Grahame, K., 88.
Green, J. A., 66, 73.
Green, T. H., 66, 165, 166, 219.
Gregariousness, 46, 48, 53.

Habit and character, 120, 151, 206, 215.
and the self, 94ff, 109, 115.
Habit,ethical maxims of, 94-96.
Happiness, 169, 183.
relation to pleasure, 180ff.
relation to duty, 180ff.
Health, Moral, 27, 54-56, 166, 181, 211.
Hedonic tone, 167.
Hedonism, 168ff.
Herbart, 97.
Heredity and Environment, 14-40.
mental, 24-27.
moral, 24-27, 86.
physical, 16-21.
History, 37, 81, 241.
Hobhouse, L. T., 44.
Hope, 67, 70, 246-248.
Home, H. H., 40, 82.
Hume, 111.
Hutcheson, 111.
Hygiene and Ethics, 7-9.

Ideal, the Moral, 174-177, 193-199.
Ideals, 203, 221, 242-248.
Imitation, 86, 128.
Impulse, 57ff.
control of, 68-60, 142.
Individualism, 191, 222-226.
Individuality. See Personality
Insight, 65, 166, 214.
Instinctive Behaviour, 41-56.
and emotion, 70.
and environment, 43.
and heredity, 42.
and ideals, 41.
and impulse, 57.
and institutions, 47-51, 221.
and reflex actions, 43.
Instincts, education of, 51-55.
Institutions, Moral, 47-51, 221-248. See also Church, Family, School, State.
Instruction, Moral, 38, 235-239. See also Education.
Intention, 140-143.

James, William, 48, 71, 75, 76, 82, 84, 91, 94, 99, 104, 116, 177.
Johnson, H., 238.
Jones, Sir Henry, 30, 248.
Jordan, D. S., 16.
Judgment, moral, 119, 127ff., 136ff.
made by conscience, 109ff.
origin of, 128.
relation to pleasure, 171-174.
standard of, 127-138.
"Jukes," 24.
Justice, 207, 212-214, 218.

Kant, 159, 166, 191.
Kerschensteiner, 203.
Knowledge, 5, 59, 214, 218. See also Wisdom.

Laurie, S. S., 235.
Law, Moral, 79, 159-161.
authority of, 162-164.
of state, 127, 163, 223-224.
Lecky, W. E. H., 182.
Lloyd Morgan, C, 42, 56.
Locke, 34, 97.
Love, 78, 81, 82, 228-231.
Loveday, T., 66, 73.
Loyalty, 79, 190.
to church, 244.
to family, 229.
to state, 227.
to vocation, 194-199.

MacCunn, J., 157, 158.
M'Dougall, W., 45, 48, 56, 82, 111.
Mackenzie, J. S., 13, 66, 126, 152, 166, 179.
Marshal], A., 184.
Mediocrity, 19, 55.
Mercy, 213.
Metaphysics, vi., 199n.
Mezes, S. E., 116, 219.
Mill, J. S., 111, 169, 170, 171, 179.
Money, 65, 189.
Monotony, 185, 197.
Montessori, M., 98, 99, 124.
Moore, G. E., 138.
Moral Education, Moral Judgment, etc. See Education, Judgment, etc.
Motive, 140ff.
test of right and wrong, 141ff., 157.
Münsterberg, H., 202.
Muirhead, J. H., 13, 116, 126, 152, 166, 179, 248.

Nature, 38.
Nietzsche, 192.

Obligation, Moral, 123, 153, 164. And see Duty.
Opinion, private, 129.
public, 131.
Opposition, 87, 106, 129.
Optimism, 246-248.

Pain, 167, 181.
Parental instinct, 47, 52.
Patriotism, 79, 81.
Pearson, K., 24.
Perseverance, 107, 184, 210, 217, 247.
Personality, 84, 89, 93, 241-242, 245.
and vocation, 90-93, 242.
education of, 97-99, 231.
Pittacus, 109.
Pleasure and happiness, 180-182.
as moral standard, 171-174.
as object of desire, 174-177.
relation to the self, 177-179.
Precept, 33, 157, 230.
Progress, 89, 103, 126, 205, 209, 246-248.
and instinct, 50.
and variation, 20.

Progress and vocation, 195.
Property, 224, 228.
Proverbs, 16, 115, 158.
Psychology, v. 41-116passim, 202.
Pugnacity, 45, 48, 52, 54, 57.
Punishment, 145, 151.

Rashdall, H., 138, 204.
Reason as basis of moral judgment, 135ff.
Reflection, 58, 59, 115, 214.
Reflex action, 43, 121.
Responsibility, 30-34, 38, 122, 123, 225, 245.
Right, 1088-10, 89, 107, 114, 127-138, 139-145, 153-166, 171-177.
Rights, natural, 223.
relative to duties, 227, 230.
Rousseau, 75.
Royce, J., 204.
Ruskin, 114.

Sadler, M. E., 9, 36.
Sanctions of Morality, 145-152.
of Punishment, 145-147.
of Success, 147ff.
Educational value of, 150-162.
School, 233-243.
aim of, 201-203.
instinctive basis of, 50-51.
relation to conduct, 124-126.
See also Education.
Scripture, 37, 81.
Seeley, J. R., 248.
Self, the moral, 83ff., 193ff.
conflicts within, 93.
growth of, 83-90.
purposive, 100ff.
regulative, 100-102, 109ff.
relation to duty, 164-166.
social nature of, 85ff .
Self-abasement, 46, 49, 53.
Self-assertion, 46, 49, 53, 54, 191-190.
Self-control. See Temperance.
Self-preservation, 42, 66.
Self-sacrifice, 48, 105, 191-196, 228.
Selfishness, 169, 191, 229.
Sentiment, 77-82.
education of, 80-82.
variety of, 80.
Service, 244-248.
Seth, J., 179, 204.
Sex, instinct of, 46, 47, 54.
Shaftesbury, 111.
Shand, A. F., 66, 77, 79, 82.
Sidgwick, 178.
Socialism, 224-226.
Stability, Principle of, 18-19.
Standard. See Judgment.
State, 113, 120, 160, 166, 198, 222-227.
instinctive basis of, 48, 51, 221.
Stephen, L., 111, 162.
Störring, 60.
Stoics, 62, 191.
Stout, G. F., 47, 56, 99, 104, 105, 106, 107, 116.
Suggestion in Education, 37, 39.
Sympathy, 88, 112, 133, 214, 229, 242.

Taylor, A. E., 116.
Teacher. See Education.
Temperance, 207, 211-212, 217.
Temptation, 31, 104, 211.
Ten Commandments, 132, 159, 163.
Thomson, J. A., 18, 22, 40.
Training, Moral, 235-241. And see Education.
Tufts, J. H., 13, 126, 162, 179, 204, 219.

Utilitarianism, 146, 169ff.

Value, 2, 7, 123-126, 150-152.
moral, 76, 89, 111, 123.
Value-for-life, 3, 4, 126.
Variation, 17, 19.
acquired, 20.
discontinuous, 20.
Vice, 32, 35.
Virtue, 35, 184, 205ff.
cardinal, 207ff.
in the school, 215-219.
relative to vocation, 209.
Vocation, 5-7, 117, 166, 180-204, 227
and ambition, 66.
and personality, 90-93, 242.
and virtue, 209.
choice of, 182-191.
loyalty to, 194-199.
training for, 199-204.
Volition. See Will.
Voltaire, 7.

Weismann, A., 18.
Welton, J., 203, 233.
Westermarck, E., 111.
Will and character, 15, 100ff.
and decision, 105.
and deliberation, 104.
and desire, 102.
and habit, 94ff.
and impulse, 60.
and the self, 100-102.
common, 220, 224, 228.
training of, 105ff.
Wisdom, 207, 214, 218.
Wish, 102, 103.
Whetham, W. C. D., and C. D., 232.
Wrong, 104, 115, 127-138, 139-152, 179.