An introduction to physiological and systematical botany/Works lately published by the same author

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504572An introduction to physiological and systematical botany — Works lately published by the same authorJames Edward Smith

Sold by Longman and Co. Patemoster-row;
White, Fleet-street; and James Sowerby,
No. 2, Mead-place, Lambeth.

1. Flora Britannica, Vol. 1, 2, and 3, 8vo. 1800, &c. Price ll. 6s. 6d. The concluding volume of this work will be published as speedily as possible.

2. Compendium Floræ Britannicæ, Pars 1, crown 8vo. 1800. Price 3s. The conclusion of this work will appear with that of the preceding.

3. Tracts relating to Natural History, with coloured plates, 8vo. 1798. Price 7s.

4. English Botany, with coloured plates, by Mr. Sowerby, 8vo. Vol. 1—25, &c. Published in 5s. numbers, 12 plates and descriptions in each. A very few volumes more will complete this work, which will then contain all the known plants of Great Britain and Ireland, Fungi excepted; the latter being published, in a separate work in folio, of 400 plates, by Mr. Sowerby.

5. Exotic Botany, with coloured Plates also by Mr. Sowerby. No. 1—23, at 2s. 6d. each in 8vo. or 5s. 4to. The 24th No. which is intended to be published in the present year, will finish the 2d volume. This has hitherto, from accidental circumstances, been delayed. It will depend on the encouragement of the public whether the work should be prosecuted or not, and Mr. Sowerby will thankfully receive any directions on the subject. The plan of this work, hitherto unique, is to give original coloured figures and descriptions of such exotic plants as are worthy of cultivation in the gardens of Britain, and which are not figured elsewhere, except, possibly, now and then in some rare or expensive foreign books. Its author will never therefore intentionally burthen the public with a fourth figure in addition to the three which sometimes appear of the same plant in our monthly writers. This he is the more desirous of attending to, as his work is not limited to plants already in cultivation in England, being occasionally enriched with drawings and specimens of totally new productions, from India more particularly, which may, when known, be procured from abroad.

6. A Sketch of a Tour on the Continent, in 3 Vols. 8vo. 2d edition, 1807. Price 1l. 4s.——With several other botanical works.

Speedily will be published,
Translated from the original unpublished manuscript Itinerary of the celebrated Linnæus,
By Dr. Smith,
With above 60 wooden cuts from extemporaneous sketches
of the illustrious author.