Anecdotes of Great Musicians/Anecdote 160

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3472951Anecdotes of Great Musicians — 160.—Costly AdmirationWilley Francis Gates


There has never been a vocalist who secured more favor on these shores than Jenny Lind, the "Swedish Nightingale," as she was called. The people went wild over her singing; in fact, to rave over the young lady was at that time the proper thing to do, as it has been later to go into ecstacies over a certain fluffy-haired pianist.

In Baltimore, Lind was the recipient of a popular serenade. Upon her appearance on the balcony of the hotel to acknowledge the compliment thus tendered her, there was a loud and enthusiastic shout from the crowd beneath. In the midst of this uproar she dropped a valuable shawl. It was eagerly seized by the crowd, and in a moment was torn into small pieces and carried away as mementoes of the songstress.

Such proceedings may be highly complimentary to the artist; but, save as a matter of advertising, are not particularly profitable.