Anecdotes of Great Musicians/Anecdote 225

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3621826Anecdotes of Great Musicians — 225.—A Sight for the BoysWilley Francis Gates


Moscheles tells the following story of Beethoven: "One morning I went to call on Beethoven quite early, and found him still lying in bed; but he happened to be in remarkably good spirits, and jumping up immediately without dressing, placed himself as he was, at the window looking out on the street, to examine my arrangement of certain numbers from 'Fidelio.'

"Soon a crowd of boys collected under the window, and seeing them he roared out:—

"'Now, what do those confounded boys want?'

"I laughed and pointed to his slightly adorned figure.

"'Yes, yes, you are quite right,' said he, and hastily put on a dressing gown."