Annus Mirabilis: The Year of Wonders/To the Metropolis of Great Britain

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4049729Annus Mirabilis: The Year of Wonders — To the Metropolis of Great BritainJohn Dryden





The most Renowned and late Flourishing

City of London,

In Its


The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen,
the Sheriffs and Common Council of it.

As perhaps I am the first, who ever presented a work of this nature to the Metropolis of any Nation, so it is likewise consonant to Justice, that he who was to give the first Example of such a Dedication should begin it with that City, which has set a Pattem to all others of true Loyalty, invincible Courage and unshaken Constancy. Other Cities have been prais'd for the same Virtues, but I am much deceiv'd if any have so dearly purchas'd, their Reputation; their Fame has been won them by cheaper trials than an expensive, though necessary, War, a consuming Pestilence, and a more consuming Fire. To submit yourselves with that humility to the Judgments of Heaven, and at the same time to raise yourselves with that vigour above all human Enemies; to be combated at once from above and from below, to be struck down and to triumph, I know not whether such Trials have been ever parallel'd in any Nation, the resolution and successes of them never can be. Never had Prince or People more mutual reason to love each other, if suffering for each other can indear affection. You have come together a pair of matchless Lovers, through many difficulties; He, through a long Exile, various traverses of Fortune, and the interposition of many Rivals, who violently ravish'd and with-held You from Him: And certainly you have had your share in sufferings. But Providence has cast upon you want of Trade, that you might appear bountiful to your Country's necessities; and the rest of your Afflictions are not more the effects of God's Displeasure, (frequent examples of them having been in the Reign of the most excellent Princes,) than occasions for the manifesting of your Christian and Civil virtues. To you therefore this Year of Wonders is justly dedicated, because you have made it so. You, who are to stand a wonder to all Years and Ages; and, who have built yourselves an Immortal Monument on your own Ruins. You are now a Phœnix in her ashes, and, as far as Humanity can approach, a great Emblem of the suffering Deity. But Heaven never made so much Piety and Virtue to leave it miserable, I have heard indeed of some virtuous Persons who have ended unfortunately, but never of any virtuous Nation: Providence is engag'd too deeply, when the Cause becomes so general. And I cannot imagine it has resolv'd the Ruin of that People at home, which it has bless'd abroad with such Successes. I am therefore to conclude, that your Sufferings are at an end; and that one part of my Poem has not been more an History of your destruction, than the other a Prophecy of your restoration. The accomplishment of which happiness, as it is the wish of all true English-men, so is by none more passionately desired than by

The greatest of Your Admirers

And most humble of Your Servants,

John Dryden.