Ante-Nicene Fathers/Volume VIII/Pseudo-Clementine Literature/The Clementine Homilies/Homily III/Chapter 42

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Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VIII, Pseudo-Clementine Literature, The Clementine Homilies, Homily III
Anonymous, translated by Thomas Smith
Chapter 42
160264Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. VIII, Pseudo-Clementine Literature, The Clementine Homilies, Homily III — Chapter 42Thomas Smith (1817-1906)Anonymous

Chapter XLII.—Was Adam Blind?

Then said Peter:  “Because things are written opposite to those sayings which speak evil of him; wherefore neither the one nor the other can be confirmed.”  Then Simon:  “How, then, is the truth to be ascertained, of those Scriptures that say he is evil, or of those that say he is good?”  Then Peter:  “Whatever sayings of the Scriptures are in harmony with the creation that was made by Him are true, but whatever are contrary to it are false.”[1]  Then Simon said:  “How can you show that the Scriptures contradict themselves?”  And Peter said:  “You say that Adam was created blind, which was not so; for He would not have pointed out the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to a blind man, and commanded him not to taste of it.”  Then said Simon:  “He meant that his mind was blind.”  Then Peter:  “How could he be blind in respect of his mind, who, before tasting of the tree, in harmony with Him who made him, imposed appropriate names on all the animals?”  Then Simon:  “If Adam had foreknowledge, how did he not foreknow that the serpent would deceive his wife?”  Then Peter:  “If Adam had not foreknowledge, how did he give names to the sons of men as they were born with reference to their future doings, calling the first Cain (which is interpreted ‘envy’), who through envy killed his brother Abel (which is interpreted ‘grief’), for his parents grieved over him, the first slain?


  1. [Comp. ii. 38 and many other passages for this view of the errors of Scripture.  The test of truth as here stated is noteworthy.  It suggests some modern affinities.—R.]