Appearance and Reality/Index

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581407Appearance and Reality — IndexF. H. Bradley


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Absolute, and pleasure and pain.

See Pleasure.

— contents of, 144 foll.

— contains and harmonizes all aspects, 172,182,195, 204, 411-12, 487, chap. xxvi.

— how far good, 488-9.

— knowledge of, 159 foll.

— knowledge, 536 foll.

— main aspects of, irreducible, 457 foll. Cf. Inexplicable.

— not itself without me, 260.

— not same as God, 448.

— not sum of things, 486 foll.

— perfection of. See Perfection.

— unity of, 140 foll., 468 foll., 519 foll., 556.

Abstract, Abstraction, 17-18, 67, 145, 249-50, 259, 267, 283, 304, 334, 336-9, 370, 420, 445, 459, 493, 495-6, 527, 539 foll.

Activity (Cf. Energy, Force, Resistance, Will), chap, vii., 483.

— perception of, 96, 116, 604.

Adjective, must make a difference, 327, 329.

Appearance, all must appear in time, 234, 259, 319, 382, 400.

— and illusion, 421, 448, 487, 549, 557.

Appearance, degrees of reality in, chap, xxiv., 457, 487.

— the highest is incapable of, 376, 382, 499.

— must qualify Reality, 131-2, 204, 456, 486 foll., 551.

— nature of, 163, 187, 455 foll. , 485-6, 555, 572, 586.

— not explained away, 204.

Approval, 403-4, 407-8, 431.

Association, 209, 239, 347, 355-6, 479 foll.

Atoms, 72, 364, 375.

Axioms, 151-2, 484.

Beauty, 437, 463 foll., 473,490.

Being, mere, 130, 225, 243.

Body, an ideal construction, 306.

— and secondary qualities, 268, 341.

— and soul, chap, xxiii.

— a what, 297.

— mere, 337-9.

— my, continuity of, 311.

— my, perception of, 263-4.

— not potentially the soul, 314.

Causation cannot be demonstrated, 325-6.

— law of, 54, 293, 328.

Cause and Effect, identity of, 58, 600.

— and Effect, reciprocity of, 329, 362. Cause implies abstraction from background, 57, 67, 218, 326, 336, 338, 386.

— is inconsistent, chap, vi., 218-20, 599.

Chance, 234, 237-40, 294, 387 foll.

— self, 101.

Change is ideal, 166.

— is inconsistent, chap, v., 207, 219.

—perception of. See Succession.

— permanent in, 45, 207.

Comparison, 113, 578.

Compatible, 390-1.

Condition, 66, 313-4, 325, 336.

Conditions complete, not Reality, 383, 388, 397.

— sum of, 66, 313, 336.

Conditional. See Potential.

— and conditioned, 540-1.

Consciousness. See Feeling, Self-consciousness.

Content, 162 foll., 225, 230 foll., 233 foll., 305 foll., 456, 460. Cf. Event, Existence, Ideal, Finite.

Contingent, 236-7.

Continuity, chap, iv., 319.

— and existence, 309 foll., 589.

— and velocity, 42.

Contradiction, how got rid of, 192, 562 foll.

Contrary, 22, 562 foll.

Criterion (cf. Standard), 2, 136, 188-91, 363 foll., 374, 411-12,537 foll., 551, 618.

— theoretical and practical, 147.


Degrees of a fact, what, 376.

— of goodness, chap. xxv.

— of truth and reality, chap. xxiv., 411, 487, 557.

Desert, 432-3.

Desirable, 408-9.

Desire, 402-10, 478, 606, 610.

Development . See Potential.

— and Validity, 137.

Difference. See Identity, Quality, Relation.

Direction of time, 214 foll.

Discord and pain, 157 foll., 610.

— theoretical and practical, 155 foll.

— unfelt, 365, 375.

Discretion. See Continuity.

Dispositions, psychical, 312, 356, 383.

Distinction and Thought, 477 foll., 569.

Doubt, ultimate, 2, 136, 514, 559, 620, and cf. Criterion.


End, The, every aspect may be taken as, 405, 456.

Ends, 413.

— collision of, 430.

— in Nature, 200, 496-7.

— failure of, 200-1.

Energy, conservation of, 331.

— potential, 63, 332.

Error, chapters xvi., xxiv., xxvi., xxvii. And see Truth, Appearance,

— sheer, 365, 391.

Event, 317.

— everything psychical is, 51-2, 259, 298, 301-2, 317 foll., 398.

— how estimated, 370, 376.

Evil . See Good.

Evolution. See Potential, Progress, Development.

Existence, 317, 73, 97, 162 foll., 259, 298-9, 301, 309, 315, 400, 499, 588, 592.

— degree of truth in, 370, 377 foll.

Experience and reality, 144.

— appeal to, 113, 206.

— as only my states, chap. xxi.

— direct and indirect, ibid.

— in a sense all is my, 260, 300 foll., 523 foll., 615.

— main aspects of, 458 foll.

— outer and inner, 346.

Explanation, 184-5, 205, 226, 295, 336. 469 foll., 475, 482, 491, 496, 563, 611.

Extension. See Space.

— of Nature, 267.


Fact, what, 317. See Existence, Event.

Facts, 357, 448 foll., 564.

Faith, 443.

Fallibility, universal, 512, 620.

Feeling, 80, 92-3, 104-7, 160, 223 foll., 231-2, 244, 249-52, 300-2, 346, 459, 464, 473, 479, 520 foll.. 569, 582.

— as criterion, 373-4.

Fictions, working, 18, 61, 126, 267, 284-5, 332, 490 foll., 496. And see Abstraction.

Finite centres of Experience, 226, 342-3, 346, 464, 469, 537. Cf. Souls.

— ideality of the, 106, 166, 228, 236 foll., 246, 251, 291-2, 350, 364, 417-18, 448, 456, 460, 486, 525.

Force, 282, 284-5, 483. Cf. Activity, Energy, Resistance.

Form. See Relational,

Formal Act, 435-6.


Good, and desire, 402 foll., 409.

— and evil, chapters xvii., xxv.

— degrees of, 401, 412, 440-2.

— inconsistent, 409 foll.

Goodness and truth, 402-3, 467.

— moral, 413 foll .


Habit, what, 355.

Hedonism, 374, 405-7, 409, 425, 434.

Humanity, 529.


Idea and its own existence, 169, 301, 398.

Idea is what it means, 51, 398.

— not explicit, 98, 606.

Ideal, 64, 72, 98,106,163,166, 234, 236-40, 300-3, 319-23, 350 foll., 364, 472, 479, 490, 586.

Ideality. See Finite and Relativity.

Identity, 48-52, 72-4, 124, 281, 310, 313, 319-23, 344-5, 347 foll., 353 foll., 582 foll.

— and similarity, 348, 583, 592,

— of soul and body, 323, 358.

— personal, 81-6,112-13, 256, 313, 319, 616.

— principle of, 73, 208, 255, 328, 347 foll., 571, 602.

Ignorance. See Privation, Negation.

Illusion. See Appearance.

Imaginary and real, 212 foll., 286 foll., 366 foll.

Impossible, 391, 503 foll., 537 foll.

Inconceivable. See Impossible.

Individual, only one, 246.

Individualistic attitude, 309.

Individuality, 149, 177, 225, 243 foll., 371, 497-9, 542.

Inexplicable, 336, 468-70, 482, 511, 517, 527, 556, 559.

Infinity of Nature, 176.

— of presented subject, 290 foll.

Inherence, 19 foll.

Inorganic, 270 foll.

Intelligible, all is, 171,174,176, 231, 482.

Introspection, 93, 110, 232.


Judgment, 163 foll., 231-2, 361 foll.


Knowledge, ambiguous, 159.

— absolute and conditional, 535 foll.

— perfect, 517.

Laws, 124, 208, 339, 351, 354-5, 370, 499.


Matter, 285, 288 foll., 338, 493. Cf. Nature.

Memory, 83, 113, 213, 256-7, 356, 603, 614.

Metaphysics, Introduction, 453-5, 489, 496-8.

Mine. See This.

Monads, 30, 86-7, 117, 141, 316, 607, 617.

Morality, 150-4, 201-2, 413 foll., 431 foll.

— origin of, 431.

Motion is inconsistent. Chap. v., 349, 354, 598.


Nature, chap, xxii., 490 foll., 530.

— an abstraction, 267, 337-8, 490-3, 530.

— and laws, 354.

— and mechanism, 353, 496 foll., 577.

— as force, 282.

— ends in, 200, 496-7.

— extension of, 267.

— identity of, 281.

— infinite, 290 foll.

— is it beautiful, etc.? 490 foll.

— mere, not original, 261.

— order of, 292, 344, 470.

— philosophy of, 496 foll.

— uniformity of, 292-3, 344, 470.

— unity of, 286 foll., 367 foll .

— unperceived, 273 foll., 311, 384.

Necessity. See Chance, Possibility, Impossibility.

Negation and privation, 97-100, 240. See Privation.

— implies unity, 228.

— in a definition, 424, 427.

— mere, 138, 243.

Now. See Time, Succession, or Appearance, Event, This.


Occasion, 65, 326.

Ontological Proof, 149-50, 394-400.

Organism, 270. Cf. Body.

Origin, irrelevant, 35, 62, 206-7, 221, 254.

Other to thought, 175 foll .


Pain and Pleasure, and the Absolute, 157, 198-200, 244, 458 foll., 533-5, 609.

— and desire, 405, 610.

— and self, 407.

Passivity. See Activity.

Perfection, 147, 243, 363, 402, 409, 421, 468, 487, 508, 542.

— and quantity, 200, 345.

— only one thing has, 246.

— theoretical and practical, 147 foll., 373 foll.

— two aspects of, 363 foll, 411, 414 foll.

Personality, 173, 531-3. Cf. Self.

Pleasure. See Pain.

Pleasant and good, 403 foll.

Possible and Possibility, 142, 145, 157, 196, 312, 325, 341, 387 foll., 503 foll., 512 foll.

— degrees of, 394, 503 foll., 539 foll.

Postulate, 150, 484.

Potential, 382 foll., 53, 63, 277, 311 foll., 332, 582-3.

Predication, 20. Cf. Judgment.

Present See Time, Succession.

Principles cannot, as such, exist, 377 foll.

— working, 302, 306.

Privation, 191, 240, 390-1, 515 foll., 538. And cf. Negation.

Probability, 504 foll., 620.

Progress, 497, 499 foll., 508.

Psychology, 238, 259, 317 foll., 339, 354-5.

Psychology and Metaphysics, 76, 113.


Quality and extension, 289, chap, iii., 577, 587.

— and relation, 17, 142, 344. Cf. Relation.

Qualities primary and secondary, chap, i., 262, 326, 331, 490-3, 581, 614.

— sensible, same for all? 344.


Real. See Imaginary.

Reality and appearances, 486 foll . See Appearance.

— and being, 225, 243, 455-6.

— and originality. See Origin.

— and thought . See Thought.

— = experience, 144-7,455 foll.

— is self-consistent, 12, 456. Cf. Criterion.

— must appear, 131-2, 234, 382, 400.

Relational form, 33, 47, 170 foll., 180 foll., 193, 499, 521-2, 583, 617.

Relations are all intrinsical, 142, 228, 364, 392, 574.

— and qualities, chap, iii., 142, 178 foll., 469, 476, 521, 572 foll.

— and thought, 477-481.

— hold only between phenomena, 322, 445 foll.

— imply a whole, 21-2, 123, 142, 180, 228, 445 foll., 488, 528, 573.

Relativity, 107, 350, 353, 364, 420, 422. Cf. Finite.

Religion, 150, 438-454.

— origin of, 438.

Resistance, 116, 225, 228, 263, 269.


Self, all is state of. See Experience.

— and other selves, 254 foll.

— and pleasure, 407.

Self and series, 316 foll .

— and soul, 524.

— meanings of, chap. ix.

— mere or chance, 100-1, 233 foll.

— my past and future, 256 foll.,

— new might be made, 85, 503.

— reality of, chap, x., 316, 558.

— unity of, 368.

Self-consciousness, 90, 107-12, 173-4, 203, 232, 248 foll., 441, 447, 522.

Self-sacrifice and self-assertion, 414 foll.

Self-Will, 229.

Sense as criterion, 189-90, 225, chap. xxiv.

Series, 229, 235, 316.

Solidity, 288-90.

Solipsism, chap, xxi., 145, 523 foll., 615. Cf. Experience.

Soul and souls, a what, 298 foll.

— an ideal construction, 306, 315, 524.

— and experience, 300, 304.

— and finite centres, 226, 529, 616, 621.

— and self, 524.

— bare, 340.

— connected with body, chap. xxiii.

— continuity of, 313-5, 616.

— identity of contents of, 344 foll.

— identity of several, 347 foll.

— immortality of, 501 foll .

— interaction of, 343 foll .

— origin of, 337.

— separation of, 343 foll.

— suspension of, 338.

Space, chap, iv., 576, 588.

— and Nature, 267-9.

— empty, 17, 38, 288 foll.

— origin of, 221.

— self-contradictory, chaps, iv., xviii.

— unity of, 222, 286 foll.

Spiritual, what, 498-9.

Spiritualism, 503, 506.

Standard. See Criterion.

— is double, 375, 414 foll., 440.

Succession, perception of, 49-51, 98-9.

— permanent in, 52.

— rule of, 505.

Subject and object, 460.


This, 175, chap, xix., 249-50, 398.

Thisness, 175, chap. xix.

Things, chap. viii.

— and properties, 19 foll.

Thought and existence, 374, 378 foll., 554.

— and ideality, 472.

— and judgment, 366 foll.

— and reality, chap, xv., 276, 315, 544 foll .

— and will, 89, 469 foll.

— dualistic, 168 foll,

— more than its object, 169, 174.

— nature of, 152-5, 357, 360 foll., 460 foll.

— not primary or self-evident, 477 foll., 569.

Time, chaps, iv., xviii.

— disregarded by Science, 208.

— present, 40-2, 208, 587.

Time, unity of, chap, xviii.

Truth, chap, xv., 462, 544 foll.

— and existence, 166.

— and goodness, 402-3, 467.

— conditional, 361 foll., 369, chap, xxvii.

— degrees of, chap. xxiv.

— must not exclude its own existence, 122, 129.


Unique, 229, 251-2, 588.

Unity, knowledge of, 159-60.

— substantial, 140.

— ultimate, 468 foll., 519 foll .

Unknowable, 128.

Unknown, how for possible, 504 foll., 512 foll., 556.


Vacuum. See Space.

Validity, 362 foll., 376, 565.


Will, 115, 462 foll., 619.

— and resolve, 463.

— and thought, 89, 469 foll.

— not primary, 477 foll.

— supremacy of, 483 foll.

World, our not = universe, 200, 214-6.

— our want of unity in, 213 foll., 368.

Worth, 373, 402, 497-8. Cf. Standard, Perfection, Good.