Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Alden, Ebenezer

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Edition of 1900.

ALDEN, Ebenezer, physician, b. in Randolph, Mass., 17 March, 1788; d. there 26 Jan., 1881. He was of the seventh generation from John Alden of Mayflower memory, and was graduated at Harvard in 1808. He was the last survivor of his class, which included his friends Richard Henry Dana, and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, of South Caro- lina. He studied medicine at Dartmouth and at the university of Pennsylvania, where he received his degree in 1812, and followed his profession throughout his life in his native town. He published " Historical Sketch of the Massachusetts Medi- cal Society " (Boston, 1888); "Memoir of Mrs. M. A. 0. Clark" (Boston, 1844); and the "Alden Me- morial " (Boston, 1867). In October, 1881, a me- morial brochure was published, containing a bio- graphical sketch, with a portrait, of Dr. Alden, together with the funeral addresses.