Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Alger, Cyrus

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Edition of 1900.

ALGER, Cyrus, inventor, b. in West Bridgewater, Mass., 11 Nov., 1781 ; d. in Boston, 4 Feb., 1856. Early in life he became an iron-founder, and established "his business in Easton, Mass. In 1809 he removed to South Boston, where he founded the works that since 1817 have been known as the South Boston iron company. He supplied the government with large numbers of cannon-balls during the war of 1812, and his works became famed for the excellent ordnance there manufactured. He was one of the best practical metallurgists of his time, and his numerous patents of improved processes show continued advance in the art practised by him. The first gun ever rifled in America was made at his works in 1834, and the first perfect bronze cannon was made at his foundry for the U. S. ordnance department. The mortar "Columbiad," the largest gun of cast iron that had then been made in the United States, was cast under his personal supervision. Mr. Alger also devised numerous improvements in the construction of time fuses for bomb-shells and grenades. In 1811 he patented a method of making cast-iron chilled rolls, and in 1822 first designed cylinder stoves. Mr. Alger served as a member of the city council during the first year of its existence, and was elected alderman in 1824 and 1827.