Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Beal, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles

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Edition of 1900. In the 1891 edition, the last sentence is longer, and reads: “His writings, principally on topics of natural history, include the articles ‘Birds of Iowa’ (1881-'2); ‘Value of the Seed-eating Birds’ (1882), and similar contributions to the ‘Iowa Homestead’ and the ‘American Naturalist.’ ”

1455611Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Beal, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles

BEAL, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles, naturalist, b. in South Groton (now Ayer), Mass., 9 Jan., 1840. He was graduated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1871. During 1874-'5 he was assistant professor of mathematics in the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., and from 1876 till 1882 professor of civil engineering in Iowa Agricultural College, where from 1879 till 1882 he was also acting professor of zoölogy and comparative anatomy, and in 1883 professor of geology. His writings, principally on topics of natural history, include the articles “Birds of Iowa” (1881-'2); “Value of the Seed-eating Birds” (1882).