Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Davenport, Bennett Franklin

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Edition of 1900.

1205092Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Davenport, Bennett Franklin

DAVENPORT, Bennett Franklin, sanitary chemist, b. in Cambridge, Mass., 28 May, 1845. He was graduated at Harvard in 1867, then spent some time in the university in Tübingen, after which he was graduated at Harvard medical college in 1871, and also at the College of physicians and surgeons in New York in 1871. After settling in Boston, he devoted his attention to sanitary chemistry. In 1879 he became professor of chemistry in the Massachusetts college of pharmacy, and in 1882 inspector of milk and vinegar to the city of Boston, and also analyst to the Massachusetts state board of health. In these capacities he has regularly furnished reports to the annual documents of the Boston and State board of health. He has also prepared the semi-annual reports on foods and drugs in the Boston “Medical and Surgical Journal.” Dr. Davenport is a member of the chemical societies of London, Berlin, and New York, and of other scientific bodies.