Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Kiderlen, William Ludwig Joseph

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Edition of 1892.

617375Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Kiderlen, William Ludwig Joseph

KIDERLEN, William Ludwig Joseph, author, b. in Ulm, Würtemberg, Germany, in 1813; d. in Philadelphia, Pa., 22 July, 1877. He was educated at the gymnasium in Ulm, and came to this country in 1836. He served in the state department in Washington, was U. S. consul to Stuttgart, and subsequently to Zürich, and from 1860 till 1871 was consul of Würtemberg at Philadelphia, where he resided until his death. He was the editor of several German newspapers in this country, including the Philadelphia “Stadtpost” and the Cincinnati “Republikaner,” and published “Deutsche Grammatik” (Philadelphia, 1837); “Geographie und Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten” (1838); and “Advice to Emigrants.”