
Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Leger, Jacques Nicolas

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Edition of 1900. Supplement.

1201270Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Leger, Jacques Nicolas

LEGER, Jacques Nicolas, Haytian diplomat, b. in Cayes, Hayti, 20 July, 1859. He is a descendant of the negroes who, early in the century, fought in the insurrection which gave Hayti her freedom. His father is a senator in the Haytian congress. The son was educated in his native place, and in Paris, where he studied law. He was chief of the bar of Port-au-Prince, secretary of legation, chargé d'affaires in Paris, 1881-'6; assistant secretary of foreign relations, 1891; member of the house of representatives and chairman of the committee of foreign relations, 1896; and is now (1899) minister to the United States. He is the founder of the “Société de Législation” of Port-au-Prince. He has published “Haïti et l'Instruction Publique” (Port-au-Prince, 1881); “Haïti et la Révision” (Paris, 1885); “La Politique Extérieure d'Haïti” (1886); and “Recueil des Traités et Conventions d'Haïti” (Port-au-Prince, 1891).