Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Pitzer, Alexander White

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Edition of 1900.

1043680Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Pitzer, Alexander White

PITZER, Alexander White, clergyman, b. in Salem, Roanoke co., Va., 14 Sept., 1834. He was graduated at Hampden Sidney in 1854, and at Danville theological seminary, Ky., in 1857, after which he was pastor of Presbyterian churches in Leavenworth, Kan., Sparta, Ga., and Liberty, Va., and in 1808 organized in Washington, D. C., the Central Presbyterian church, of which he is now (1898) pastor. Since 1875 he has been also professor of biblical history and literature in Howard university in that city. He was a member of the Prophetic convention in New York city in 1878, and assisted in drafting and reported the doctrinal testimony adopted by the conference. He has taken an active part in promoting the union of the northern and southern divisions of his church. He received the degree of D. D. from Arkansas college in 1876. In addition to numerous contributions to denominational literature, he is the author of “Ecce Deus Homo,” published anonymously (Philadelphia, 1867); “Christ, Teacher of Men” (1877); and “The New Life not the Higher Life” (1878).