Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/White, Horace

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Edition of 1889.

WHITE, Horace, journalist, b. in Colebrook, N. H., 10 Aug., 1834. He was graduated at Beloit college, Wisconsin, in 1853. In 1837 his father, who was a physician, removed to Beloit with his family. After his graduation he engaged in journalism. He was for many years connected with the Chicago “Tribune,” and from 1864 till 1874 was its editor and one of its chief proprietors. Conjointly with Edwin L. Godkin he has since 1883 edited the New York “Evening Post.” Mr. White has edited Frederic Bastiat's “Sophismes économiques” (Chicago, 1869), and Luigi Cossa's “Scienza delle finanze” (New York, 1888).