Astounding Stories of Super Science/Volume 02/Number 02

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Astounding Stories of Super Science (1930)
May 1930 (Volume 02, Number 02)
2396418Astounding Stories of Super Science — May 1930 (Volume 02, Number 02)1930

On Sale the First Thursday of Each Month

W. M. CLAYTON, Publisher
DOUGLAS M. DOLD. Consulting Editor

The Clayton Standard on a Magazine Guarantees

That the stories therein are clean, interesting, vivid, by leading writers of the day and purchased under conditions approved by the Authors' League of America;

That such magazines are manufactured in Union shops by American workmen;

That each newsdealer and agent is insured a fair profit;

That an intelligent censorship guards their advertising pages.

More than Two Million Copies Required to Supply the Monthly Demand for Clayton Magazines.

VOL. II, No. 2
May, 1930
Painted in Water-colors from a Scene in "The Atom-Smasher."
Into The Ocean's Depths Sewell Peaslee Wright 151
To Save Imee's Race of Men-Who-Returned-To-The-Sea, Two Land-Men Answer the Challenge of the Dreaded Roro, Corsairs of the Under-Seas.
MURDER MADNESS Murray Leinster 166
Murder Madness! Seven Secret Service Men Had Completely Disappeared. Another Had Been Found a Screaming, Homicidal Maniac, Whose Fingers Writhed Like Snakes. So Bell, of the Secret "Trade," Plunges into South America After The Master—the Mighty, Unknown Octopus of Power Whose Diabolical Poison Threatens a Continent! (Beginning a Four-part Novel.)
Gregg and Anita Risk Quick, Sure Death in a Desperate Bluff on the Ruthless Martian Brigands. (Part Three of a Four-part Novel.)
THE JOVIAN JEST Lilith Lorraine 228
There Came to Our Pigmy Planet a Radiant Wanderer with a Message—and a Jest—from the Vasty Universe.
THE ATOM-SMASHER Victor Rousseau 234
Four Destinies Rocket Through the Strange Time-Space of the Fourth Dimension in Tode's Marvelous Atom-Smasher. (A Complete Novelette.)
A Meeting Place for Readers of Astounding Stories.

Single Copies, 20 Cents (In Canada, 25 Cents)
Yearly Subscription, $2.00

Issued monthly by Publishers' Fiscal Corporation, 80 Lafayette St., New York, N. Y. W. M. Clayton, President; Nathan Goldmann, Secretary. Application for entry as second-class mail pending at the Post Office at New York, under Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered as a Trade Mark in the U. S. Patent Office. Member Newsstand Group—Men's List. For advertising rates address E. R. Crowe & Co., Inc., 25 Vanderbilt Ave., New York; or 225 North Michigan Ave., Chicago.

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