Author:Frederick Robert Buckley

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Frederick Robert Buckley

English writer, author of more than 200 short stories for pulp magazines between 1918 and 1953

Frederick Robert Buckley




  • Memory, (The Smart Set, October 1916)
  • Getting It, (The Black Cat, February 1917)
  • Mixed Drinks, (People’s Favorite Magazine, October 10 1918)
  • Beware of the Goat!, (People’s Favorite Magazine, November 10 1918)
  • The Trade of Trades, (People’s Favorite Magazine, December 25 1918)
  • One Per Cent Rough, (People’s Favorite Magazine, January 25 1919)
  • Corrected to Date, (People’s Favorite Magazine, February 25 1919)
  • Goldfish, (People’s Favorite Magazine, April 25 1919)
  • The Gloved Hand, (People’s Favorite Magazine, June 25 1919)
  • What Nobody Knows, (People’s Favorite Magazine, July 10 1919)
  • Corydon in Town, (Snappy Stories, 1st August 1919)
  • Reveries of a Fiction Writer, (People’s Favorite Magazine, January 1921)
  • Gun-Shy, (Western Story Magazine, February 19 1921)
  • The Grasshopper Gets It, (Short Stories, March 1921)
  • Mulligan’s Frying Pan, (Western Story Magazine, March 12 1921)
  • To the Last Ditch, (Western Story Magazine, March 19 1921)
  • A Texas Test, (Western Story Magazine, March 26 1921)
  • Single Sam, (Western Story Magazine, April 2 1921)
  • Missouri Mike, (Western Story Magazine, April 16 1921)
  • The Other Cheek, (People’s Favorite Magazine, May 1921)
  • First Warning, (Western Story Magazine, May 14 1921)
  • Art at Three Pines, (Western Story Magazine, June 11 1921)
  • B-r-r-r-r!, (Western Story Magazine, June 18 1921)
  • Prairie Dog Gets a New Sheriff, (Western Story Magazine, June 25 1921)
  • Nothing but Kindness [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 2 1921)
  • Hidden Gold, (Western Story Magazine, July 23 1921)
  • Sou’ West, (Western Story Magazine, August 20 1921)
  • Cartridges for Lily, (Western Story Magazine, September 3 1921)
  • Why, Me!, (Western Story Magazine, September 24 1921)
  • Peaceful Pete, (Western Story Magazine, October 15 1921)
  • Yellow Treasure, (Adventure, November 30 1921)
  • Stranger, (Western Story Magazine December 3 1921)
  • The Canyon of the Green Death, (Short Stories, December 25 1921)
  • Peace an’ Good Will [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (People’s Story Magazine, December 25 1921)
  • I Wonder! [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, February 11 1922)
  • Who Held Him Up?, (Western Story Magazine, February 25 1922)
  • The Gold-Mounted Guns, (The Red Book Magazine, March 1922)
  • Prairie Care, (Western Story Magazine, March 11 1922)
  • Shot to Live, (Western Story Magazine, April 8 1922)
  • Peg-Leg Gets Jammed in a Frog [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, May 20 1922)
  • The Puncher from Peru, (Western Story Magazine, June 3 1922)
  • When Chicago Came to Three Pines [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, June 10 1922)
  • Don’t Be Polite!, (Western Story Magazine, June 17 1922)
  • Peg Leg Garfield Qualifies for the Movies [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, June 24 1922)
  • Sheep, Oil, and a Sheriff [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 29 1922)
  • Leaving It to Luck, (The Captain #281, August 1922)
  • Peg Leg Garfield Goes A-Gunning [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 12 1922)
  • The Championship Belt [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 19 1922)
  • Kavanagh the Florentine, (Adventure, August 20 1922)
  • More Than He Asked For, (Western Story Magazine, August 26 1922)
  • Peg Leg Assists a Conclusion [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, September 16 1922)
  • King High, (Adventure, September 20 1922)
  • When the Whole Is Less than Two Halves [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, September 23 1922)
  • Peg Leg Tells ’Em Why [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, October 7 1922)
  • The Canned Man [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, October 21 1922)
  • The Village Gunsmith, (Western Story Magazine, October 28 1922)
  • Peg Leg Hurls a Pudding [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, November 18 1922)
  • The Misfit Man, (People’s Story Magazine, November 25 1922)
  • Peg Leg’s Christmas Party [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, December 23 1922)
  • Down Again, (The Blue Book Magazine, January 1923)
  • The Venerable Oak, (The Royal Magazine, January 1923)
  • The Gray Rider [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, January 13 1923)
  • Forked River Ranch, (People’s, February 1 1923)
  • Peg Leg Works a Cure [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, April 14 1923)
  • The Man Who Crashed Through, (People’s, April 15 1923)
  • Habit, (Adventure, April 30 1923)
  • With the Assistance of Peg Leg [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, May 12 1923)
  • Flor de Garfield, (Adventure, May 20 1923)
  • Hand-Cuffed for Safety, (Western Story Magazine, May 26 1923)
  • Peg Leg Sees the Point [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, June 9 1923)
  • By the Way, (People’s, June 15 1923)
  • Appearances, (Adventure, June 20 1923)
  • Force of Habit, (The Royal Magazine, July 1923)
  • Poor Old Bill [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 7 1923)
  • Peg Leg Plays Providence [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 14 1923)
  • Peg Leg Subs for “Slippery” Jim [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 18 1923)
  • Don’t “Knock”—Boost [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 25 1923)
  • Peg Leg Misses a Bet [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, September 8 1923)
  • The Sage Hen, (Western Story Magazine, October 27 1923)
  • Don’t Mention It, (The Blue Book Magazine, December 1923)
  • Sheriff for Fun, (Western Story Magazine, March 15 1924)
  • Done by Chance, (Western Story Magazine, April 26 1924)
  • Peg Leg Stages a Holdup [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, May 3 1924)
  • Peg Leg—Some Police Force [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, June 28 1924)
  • When Peg Leg’s Miss Hit [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 5 1924)
  • Peg Leg Gets Careless [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 12 1924)
  • Peg Leg Stays Home [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 19 1924)
  • Peg Leg Plays Many Parts [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 26 1924)
  • Peg Leg Hoists a Storm Signal [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 2 1924)
  • Peg Leg Checks Out Twice [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 9 1924)
  • Up Again!, (People’s, August 15 1924)
  • Peg Leg Tells the Truth [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 16 1924)
  • Peg Leg’s Remarkable Cartridges [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 23 1924)
  • The Bravo, (Adventure, August 30 1924)
  • Peg Leg Tries Insurance [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 30 1924)
  • Peg Leg’s Wild Animals [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, September 6 1924)
  • Wonderful Air, (Adventure, September 10 1924)
  • Peg Leg Blesses the Meek [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, September 13 1924)
  • Bianca Cappello, (Adventure, October 10 1924)
  • Peg Leg Shows ’Em the Door [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, October 25 1924)
  • Get an Ax!, (Western Story Magazine, November 1 1924)
  • Peg Leg Works by Proxy [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, November 8 1924)
  • The Primitive Method (Adventure, November 10, 1924)
  • Oratio Obliqua, (Adventure, November 20 1924)
  • Peg Leg Aids a Pilgrim [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, November 22 1924)
  • Cartel to Wm. Shakespeare [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, November 30,1924).
  • Bianca Cappello (Adventure, November 10, 1924, vol. 49, no. 4, pg. 149)
  • The Mirrors of Three Pines, (Western Story Magazine, December 27 1924)
  • Gun Dope, (Western Story Magazine, January 24 1925)
  • Peg Leg Plays Lap Dog [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, January 24 1925)
  • Peg Leg and the Forger [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, April 18 1925)
  • Vast Jack, (Western Story Magazine, April 25 1925)
  • A Random Word, (Romance, May 1925)
  • Vanishing Castles, (Adventure, June 20 1925)
  • The Borgias, (Adventure, June 30 1925)
  • Private Document [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (The 20-Story Magazine #37, July 1925)
  • The Anti-Weapon Law of Charles VI (Adventure, July 10, 1924, vol. 53, no. 4, pg. 49)
  • The Man from Montana, (Western Story Magazine, July 18 1925)
  • Peg Leg and the Kidnaper [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, September 26 1925)
  • Graphology and the Sheriff [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (The 20-Story Magazine #41, November 1925)
  • Richard the Lion Hearted, (Adventure, November 10 1925)
  • His Daughter’s Voice, (The Radio Times, December 18 1925)
  • Peg Leg Gets Arrested [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, January 9 1926)
  • State Paper [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, February 10 1926)
  • Peg Leg Fills the Jail [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, February 20 1926)
  • Three Marginal Notes (Adventure, March 10, 1926, vol. 57, no. 4, pg. 95)
  • Hoodlums of the First Crusade, (Adventure, April 8 1926)
  • That’s Funny! [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, June 5 1926)
  • Double Matthew Walker, (Adventure, June 23 1926)
  • Punitive Measures, (Adventure, June 23 1926)
  • Peg Leg Faces Dynamite [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, June 26 1926)
  • Filial Piety, (Adventure, August 8 1926)
  • Pegleg Pegs Out [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, August 28 1926)
  • The Way of Sinners (a 5 part story) (Adventure, October 23, 1926, vol. 60, no. 2, pg. 2)
  • The Way of Sinners (part 2) (Adventure, November 8, 1926, vol. 60, no. 3, pg. 68)
  • The Way of Sinners (part 3) (Adventure, November 23, 1926, vol. 60, no. 4, pg. 140)
  • The Way of Sinners (part 4) (Adventure, December 8, 1926, vol. 60, no. 5, pg. 140)
  • The Way of Sinners (conclusion) (Adventure, December 23, 1926, vol. 60, no. 6, pg. 138)
  • Peg Leg on the Wire [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Short Stories, October 25 1926)
  • Peg Leg’s Tenderfoot [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, January 1 1927)
  • Peg Leg and Pegasus [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, January 29 1927)
  • Peg Leg Retires [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, April 2 1927)
  • Peg Leg Arbitrates [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, April 23 1927)
  • Hands Off, Sheriff [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, July 9 1927)
  • Death Warrant [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, August 1, 1927, vol. 63, no. 4, pg. 160)
  • Machiavelli Peg-Leg, (Adventure, October 1 1927)
  • Peg Leg Tries Applesauce [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, October 8 1927)
  • Suddenly: At New York, (McClure's Magazine, December 1927)
  • Concerning a Musician [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, December 15 1927)
  • The Garden (with Tom Curry), (McClure's Magazine, January 1928)
  • Of Gallantry [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, January 1 1928)
  • Suspended, (Western Story Magazine, January 21 1928)
  • The Blackmail Buster, (Far West Illustrated, February 1928)
  • The Golden Altar (with Tom Curry), (McClure's Magazine, February 1928)
  • Peg Leg’s Criminal [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, February 4 1928)
  • Between Friends, (The Story-teller, March 1928)
  • Thirty Pieces of Silver, (McClure's Magazine, March 1928)
  • Never Too Late to Fight, (Western Story Magazine, March 10 1928)
  • Of a New Life [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, March 15 1928)
  • R.S.V.P., (McClure's Magazine, April 1928)
  • Peg Leg Saves the Doctor’s Fee [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, April 14 1928)
  • LXX. M. Florins, (McClure's Magazine, June 1928)
  • A Warrior Stoops to Love, (The New McClure’s, July 1928)
  • Of Resolution [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, July 15 1928)
  • The Appearance of Evil, (Adventure, September 1 1928)
  • The Scots Condottieri, (Adventure, September 15 1928)
  • In Every Port, (Adventure, October 1 1928)
  • Foreign Relations, (The Story-teller, November 1928)
  • Postscriptum [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, November 15, 1928, vol. 68, no. 5, pg. 18)
  • Refined Sea Story, (The New Magazine (UK), December 1928)
  • When the Second Mate Became an Earl, (The New McClure’s, December 1928)
  • Of Moonsickness [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, December 1 1928)
  • Misunderstanding, (West, December 12 1928)
  • Sit Catspaw, (West, December 26 1928)
  • The Bottle de Jesuite, (Adventure, January 1 1929)
  • A Legal Fiction, (West, January 9 1929)
  • Scar, (Adventure, January 15 1929)
  • The Buzz-Saw, (Collier’s, February 2 1929)
  • Commercial Catastrophe, (West, February 6 1929)
  • The Frivolous Bullet, (Adventure, February 15 1929)
  • Miscomprehension, (West, March 6 1929)
  • Peg Leg Plays Possum [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, March 9 1929)
  • $5,000 Wheels, (West, March 20 1929)
  • Peg Leg Knuckles Down [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, March 23 1929)
  • Peg Leg Shelves the Horsewhip [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Western Story Magazine, April 13 1929)
  • Paid at Three Pines, (Western Story Magazine, May 11 1929)
  • Gently, Gents, Gently!, (Western Story Magazine, May 18 1929)
  • Seriously Speaking, (Adventure, June 1 1929)
  • Once Shy, (Collier’s, June 1 1929)
  • Be Yourself, (Collier’s June 8 1929)
  • A Rival of the Borgia, (Adventure, June 15 1929)
  • Fixed, (Liberty, September 14 1929)
  • Samson, (Adventure, September 15 1929)
  • Spurning the Other Cheek, (Short Stories, September 25 1929)
  • False-Face, (Collier’s, September 28 1929)
  • The WH Brand (Argosy, November 9, 1929)
  • Of a Vanishment [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, March 1, 1930, vol. 73, no. 6, pg. 40)
  • Never Above Pennies, (Collier’s, March 29 1930)
  • Present Day Dueling (Adventure, April 1, 1930, vol. 74, no. 2, pg. 46)
  • Punch, Brother, Punch, (Collier’s, May 10 1930)
  • Of Animal Musick [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, May 15 1930)
  • Of Diversion [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, June 15 1930)
  • Leave Your Address, (Collier’s, July 19 1930)
  • Portrait of a Tyrant, (Adventure, August 15 1930)
  • Of Possession [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, October 1 1930)
  • Among the Casualties, (Collier’s, October 11 1930)
  • Soft Answer, (The Corner Magazine, November 1930)
  • Caliban, (Adventure, December 1 1930)
  • Slippage, (The Elks Magazine, December 1930)
  • One-Man Sheriff [Sheriff Bill (Peg Leg) Garfield], (Collier’s, February 21 1931)
  • Of Vanity [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, May 15 1931)
  • Page Twenty-Eight, (Adventure, July 15 1931)
  • Of Education [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, November 1 1931)
  • No Errors, (Collier’s, December 26 1931)
  • Clean, Wholesome Fun (Adventure, January 15, 1932, vol. 81, no. 2, pg. 43)
  • Of Prophecy [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, May 15 1932)
  • Gratitude, (Adventure June 15 1932)
  • Of Slander [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, January 15, 1933, vol. 85, no. 3, pg. 18)
  • Blood Royal, (Adventure, March 15 1933)
  • Of the Meek [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, March 1934, vol. 88 no. 3, pg. 23)
  • Of High Command [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, August 1934)
  • Captain of the Guard [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, May 1940)
  • Red is the Blade (a novelette) [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, July 1940, vol. 103 no. 3, pg. 6)
  • Childhood of Miss Churt, (Collier’s, July 27 1940)
  • Teacher of Sword-Play [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, October 1940, vol. 103 no. 6, pg. 100)
  • Gold Ball and Chain [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, December 1940)
  • Blarney Stone, (Adventure, February 1941)
  • Of Penitence [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, June 1941)
  • Single Combat [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, September 1941)
  • Live by the Sword (1st part of 4) (Adventure, February 1942, vol. 106, no. 4, pg. ?)
  • Live by the Sword (2nd part of 4) (Adventure, March 1942, vol. 106, no. 5, pg. 86)
  • Live by the Sword (3rd part of 4) (Adventure, April 1942, vol. 106, no. 6, pg. 70)
  • Live by the Sword (conclusion) (Adventure, May 1942, vol. 107, no. 1, pg. 84)
  • Of Sorcery and Swordplay [Luigi Caradosso], (a novelette) (Adventure, February 1943, vol. 108, no. 4, pg. 78)
  • Auld Acquaintance, (The Saturday Evening Post, March 20 1943)
  • The Scots They Are a Hardy Race, (Argosy, January 1944)
  • Watch Below, (Adventure, March 1944)
  • Of Glamour and Gunpowder [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, April 1944)
  • Of Treachery [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, June 1944)
  • Of Chain Mail and Green Cheese [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, September 1944)
  • Everything but the Language, (Adventure, January 1945)
  • Of Deadly Weapons [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, April 1947)
  • Of Blood and Booty [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, July 1947)
  • Of Treachery and Tradesmen [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, December 1947)
  • Of Blood and Brothers [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, March 1948)
  • Call Me Johnson, (Argosy, September 1948)
  • Of Vice and Virtue [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, September 1948)
  • Of Lords and Lunatics [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, December 1948)
  • Hobby Corner, (Argosy, January 1949)
  • Ship Modeling, (Argosy, January 1949)
  • Of Wine, Women and Wickedness [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, June 1949)
  • Red Runs My Blade [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, May 1952)
  • Gateway to Treason [Luigi Caradosso], (Adventure, March 1953)
  • Of Moonsickness (Worldwide Adventure, Fall 1968, vol. 1 no. 4, pg. 48)


  • Canyon of the Green Death (1923)
  • The Sage Hen (1925)
  • Billy Van (1926)
  • Joan of the Ranch (1925)
  • The Blithe Sherriff (1926)
  • The Way of Sinners (1927)
  • Re-Enter the Blithe Sheriff (1927)
  • Scar (1929)
  • Davey Jones, I Love You (1944)

Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1929.

This author died in 1976, so works by this author are in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 47 years or less. These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

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