Author talk:Hugh Murray

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Name: Hugh Murray
Birth - Death: 1779-1846
Source Citation:

  • Allibone's Critical Dictionary of English Literature. British and American authors living and deceased from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the Nineteenth Century. Three volumes. By S. Austin Allibone. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1858-1871. (Alli)
  • Bibliotheca Canadensis. Or, A manual of Canadian literature. By Henry J. Morgan. Ottawa: G.E. Desbarats, 1867. (BbtC)
  • A Biographical Dictionary of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. Comprising literary memoirs and anecdotes of their lives; and a chronological register of their publications. London: Printed for Henry Colburn, Public Library, Hanover Square, 1816. (BiDLA)
  • Biographical Dictionary and Synopsis of Books Ancient and Modern. Edited by Charles Dudley Warner. Akron, OH: Werner Co., 1902. (BiD&SB)
  • Concise Biographical Companion to Index Islamicus. An international who's who in Islamic studies from its beginnings down to the twentieth century. Three volumes. By Wolfgang Behn. Leiden, Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill, 2004-2006. (CnBCII)
  • A Dictionary of Biography, Past and Present. Containing the chief events in the lives of eminent persons of all ages and nations. Edited by Benjamin Vincent. London: Ward, Lock, & Co., 1877. (DcBiPP)
  • Dictionary of English Literature. Being a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works. Second edition. By W. Davenport Adams. London: Cassell Petter & Galpin, . (DcEnL)
  • The Dictionary of National Biography. The Concise Dictionary. Part 1, From the beginnings to 1900. London: Oxford University Press, 1953. Contains abstracts of the biographies found in The Dictionary of National Biography (21 volumes, New York: Macmillan Co.; London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1908). (DcNaB)
  • The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Five volumes. Edited by George Watson. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1969-1977. Use the index in Volume 5 to locate entries. (NewCBEL)
  • The Oxford Companion to Canadian History and Literature. By Norah Story. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1967. Reprinted with corrections, 1968. (OxCCan)



Allibone's Critical vol. 2, p.1391

Murray,Hagh,1779-l640.a native of North Berwick, East Lothian, a clerk in the Excise Office in Edinburgh. was for some time editor of the Scots Magaiine. and a eontribntor to the Edinburgh Oaietteer and Ihe Trans. Soc. Edin. 1. The Swiss Emigranle; a Tale, Ilmo. Anon. Cominrnded by Ihe BriL CriL, Lod. Month. Rer., Crit. Rot., and Anti-Jac. ReT. i. Inquiries on Nations and Society, 1808-1(1, 8to. 3. AdreDlure* of British Seamen in the Bonthern Ocean. ISmo. 4. Catechism of Geo- n^hy; 3d ed., 18ma. Commended by the Edin. Eren- ug Poet, Ac. b. Historical Aeoonnt of Diacoreriei and Travels in AlVica, ISIT, 1 Tola. 6to: Me LeTVER, Jaa!i. M.D.. No, 1 : 3d ed.. assisted by Prof. Robert JuMH>n and James Wtlaon, (Edin. Cab. Lib..iii.,) 1842, fp. »vo; 4ih ed., wilh an AceouDt of Recent Exploring Eipediliona. by the Rer. John H. Wilson, 16M, p. Sto. Comneodrd in Slerenson's %'ujBges and Tnrels, &9I ; DUidia'* Lib. Comp.,379; Lon. Quar. Rer., irii. 199. 6. Historical Ae- connt of Discoveries and Trarela in Asia, 1820, 3 Tola. Bra. Commended by Dibdin's Lib. Comp., 379; Lod. Qoar. Rer., xiiv. 311 ; Lon. Month. Rer., iciv. 242, ke.: see Cu«- ruRD. Joax. No. 1. T. Historical Account uf Discoreriee and Travel! in North America. 1329.! Tola Bro; new eJ., assisted by James Wilson, R. K. Qrerille, and Prof. TraiU, (Edin. Cab. Lib., iir., iivi., iiril..) 1843, 3 rola. fp. Svo. Commended by Lon. Athen., Edin. Conrant, and Colonial Gaielte.and ten other periodicala. 6. Eoeyelopiedia of Geo- graphy, 1834, Svo, £3; new ed., bntngbt down to 1840. gro, 1840, £3; Snpp., 1843. It. With 82 Mapa, and upward* of 1000 Woodcu's. Among tbe eonlribulora are Sir W. J. Hooker, (Zoology, io.:) W. W. Bwainson. {AatiunoiBy. 4o.;) Prof Wm. Wallace, (Oeoloiry. 4c.) Amer. ed., tt- rised by Thomas Q. Bradford, Phila., 1843, 3 toIb. Svo, Sale in America to 1853. about 17.000 sets, or 51,000 vols, "i!^".?" "Ipi!," mml of a llfellni. - ■-'—'-■ ■'

... ftm, »ij., 194ll.Pt.l.t»7. • llbsut a rtval.'— Astatic Jtarr. " The Dint peilWI book on lu tnlijrcl.— jUlai. See also South. LiU Mesa., ii. 307, 363. 9. Historical and Descriplire Aecount of Britiib India; 3d ed., assisted by Jamea Wilson, It. K. Grerille, RobeH Jameson, Sir W. AInelie. Prof. Wm. Wallace, and Capt. C. Dalrymple, (Edin. Cab. Lib.. tL, riL. rlil.;) 4th ed„1849, 12mo. Continued to 1854, 1»54, p. Svo. We hare befom DB eleven commendationa of Ibis work. 11). Historical and Descriptive Accoonl of Chin*. 1838. 3 vols. fp. Stoi Zd ed., assisted by John Crawftird, F. GordoD, Capt. t. Lynn. Prof. Wm. Wallace, Mid Prof. Q. Burnett. (Edin. Cab, Lib., iviii., xix., xi.) Commended by Ihe Ix>n. Quar. Rev.. Lon. Month. Rev.. Brit. Critic. Nautical Hag.. Aaialic Jour., aud The Atlas. H. Tbe United Slate* of America, 1844, 3 vols. p. Svo, (Edin. Cab. Lib.. ixxt„ iiivi., ixiTii. :) ADier. ed., with Addita. and Comctiana by Heory C. WatsoD, BDd Hlagtraled rrom Original Dc. aigna by W. Croome, Boat., 8vo. 12. Haroo Polo's Travels, with Notes, 1830, p. 8ro, (EdiD. Cab. Lib., xxiviii. ;) oew ed., 1844. p. Svo: see MAasDEM. William. D.C.L., N'a. 5. 13. A Hist, of British bdia, 1S5T. See N. Amer. Rev., April, 1858. 487. Mr. Murray and Prof. Robl. Jameaon were the asaistanti of Sir John Leslie in the Narralive of Discovery and Ad- venture in the Polar Beaa and Regions. (Edin. C^. Lib., i..) ""■■ 1, 1858, p. Bvo: see Lksub, Sir