Author talk:Molière

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Molière's translations into English and their dates:


    * LA JALOUSIE DE BARBOUILLÉ, 1645/50 (attributed to Molière, prod. before 1655) - The Jealousy of Le Barbouillé (tr. Charles Heron Wall, in The Dramatic Works of Molière, Vol. 1, 1876-77)
    * LE MÉDECIN VOLANT, 1645/50 - The Flying Doctor (tr. Charles Heron Wall, in The Dramatic Works of Molière, Vol. 1, 1876-77) - Lentävä lääkäri (suom. Raoul af Hällström, 1963)
    * LES PRÉCIEUSES RIDICULES, 1660 (prod. 1659) - The Affected Ladies (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Moliere, 1714) / The Conceited Young Ladies (tr. 1762) / The Affected Misses (tr. Curtis H. Page, 1908) / The Ridiculous Précieuses (tr. Donald M. Frame, in Tartuffe and Other Plays, 1967) - Sievistelevät hupsut (suom. Otto Manninen, teoksessa Komedioja 2, 1959)
    * SGANARELLE, OU LE COCU IMAGINAIRE, 1660 (prod. 1660) - The Imaginary Cuckold (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / The Picture (tr. 1745) / Sganarelle or The Imaginary Cuckold (translated by Richard Wilbur, 1993)
    * DOM GARCIE DE NAVARRE; OU, LE PRINCE JALOUX, 1661 (prod. 1660, in Oeuvres posthumes, 1684) - Don García of Navarre (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) - Don Garcia Navarralainen (suom. Esko Elstelä, 1975)
    * L'ECOLE DES MARIS, 1661 (prod. 1661) - A School for Husbands (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Moliere, 1714) / The School for Husbands (by Richard Wilbur, 1992)
    * LES FÂCHEUX, 1662 (prod. 1661) - The Impertinents (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714)
    * L'ÉTOURDI; OU, LES CONTRE-TEMPS, 1663 (prod. 1655?) - The Blunderers (tr. 1762) / The Bungler (translated by Richard Wilbur, 2000)
    * LE DÉPIT AMOUREUX, 1663 (prod. 1656) - The Amorous Quarrel (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / The Lover's Quarrel (tr. Richard Wilbur, 2005)
    * L'IMPROMPTU DE VERSAILLES, 1663 (prod., in Oeuvres posthumes, 1684) - The Impromptu of Versailles (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / The Versailles Impromptu (tr. Donald M. Frame, in Tartuffe and Other Plays, 1967) - Versailles´n impromptu (suom. Helvi Nurminen, 1965)
    * L´ÉCOLE DES FEMMES, 1663 (prod. 1662) - The School for Wives (translators: Donald M. Frame, in Tartuffe and Other Plays, 1967; Richard Wilbur, 1971; Ranjit Bolt, 1994) / Let Wives Tal Tent (tr. Robert Kemp, 1983) - Naisten koulu (suom. Otto Manninen, 1931) / Vaimojen koulu (suom. Esko Elstelä, 1975)
    * LA CRITIQUE DE L'ÉCOLE DES FEMMES, 1663 (prod. 1663) - The School for Women Criticised (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Moliere, 1714) / The Critique of the School for Wives (tr. Donald M. Frame, in Tartuffe and Other Plays, 1967)
    * LE MARIAGE FORCÉ, 1664 (prod. 1664) - The Forced Marriage (tr. 1762) - Väkinäinen naiminen (suom. Aug. Ahlqvist, 1860)
    * LES PLAISIRS DE L'ÎLE ENCHANTEE, 1664 (prod. 1664) - The Pleasures of the Inchanted Island (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Moliere, 1714)
    * L'AMOUR MÉDECIN, 1666 (prod. 1665) - The Quacks (tr. 1705) / Doctor Love (tr. 1915) / Love is the Best Doctor (tr. H. Van Laun, in The Dramatic Works of Molière, 1875-1876)
    * LE MISANTHROPE, 1667 (prod. 1666) - The Misanthrope (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / The Man-Hater (tr. 1770) / The Misanthrope (translators: Richard Wilbur, 1955; Joachim Neugroschel, 1966; Donald M. Frame, 1968; John Wood, 1959; Tony Harrison, 1973; Martin Crimp, 1996) - Ihmisvihaaja (suom. Otto Manninen, 1929; Esko Elstelä, 1977; Markku Hoikkala ja Otso Kautto, 2002)
    * LE MÉDECIN MALGRÉ LUI, 1667 (prod. 1666) - The Dumb Lady (tr. 1672) / Love's Contrivance (tr. 1703) / The Forced Physician (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / The Mock Doctor (1732) / The Doctor in Spite of Himself (tr. by Barrett H. Clark; S.H. Landes) / Forced to Be a Doctor (English version by George Gravely, 1956) - Lääkäri vastoin tahtoansa (suom. Oskar Vilho, 1899) / Lääkäri vastoin tahtoaan (suom. Maija Lehtonen)
    * LA PASTORALE COMIQUE, 1667 (prod., music by Lully, in Théâtre, 1888-93) - The Comic Pastoral (tr. Henri Van Laun, in The Dramatic Works, Vol. 4, 1875-76)
    * LE SICILIEN,OU L'AMOUR PEINTRE, 1668 (prod. 1667) - The Sicilian (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714)
    * AMPHITRYON, 1668 (prod. 1668) - Amphitryon (tr. 1690; other translations: Richard Wilbur, 1995) - Amphitryon (suom. Otto Manninen, 1929)
    * GEORGES DANDIN; OU, LE MARI CONFONDU, 1669 (prod. 1668) - George Dandin (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / George Dandin; or, The Husband Defeated (tr. 1732)
    * TARTUFFE; OU, L'IMPOSTEUR, 1669 (prod. 1664, rev. version, prod. 1664, 1667) - Tartuffe (tr. Matthew Medbourne, 1670) / Tartuffe; or, The Hypocrite (tr. Henri Van Laun, in The Dramatic Works, 1875-76) / Tartuffe, or The Impostor (translated by Christopher Hampton, 1984) / Tartuffe (tr. Haskell M. Block, 1958; Richard Wilbur, 1963; Joachim Neugroschel, 1967; Donald Frame, 1967; Ranjit Bolt, 1997) - Tartuffe (suom. Otto Manninen, 1920; Esko Elstelä, 1973) / Tartuffe, eli, Teeskentelijä (suom. Arto af Hällström)
    * L´AVARE, 1669 (prod. 1668) - The Miser (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714; other translations: Henri Van Laun, 1875-76; Miles Malleson, 1950; George Graveley, 1956; Wallace Fowlie, 1959; Ranjit Bolt, 1995; J.J. Mills, 2009) - Saituri (suom. 1907; Lauri Hirvensalo, 1946)
    * MONSIEUR DE POURCEAUGNAC, 1670 (prod. 1669) - Monsieur de Pourceaugnac (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / The Cornish Squire (tr. 1734)
    * LE BOURGOIS GENTILHOMME, 1670 (prod. 1670) - The Citizen Turned Gentleman (tr. 1672)/ / The Middle-Class Gentleman (tr. by Herma Briffault, 1957) / The Bourgeois Gentleman (Bernard Sahlins, 2000; J. Miller, 2001; H. Baker, 2001) - Porvari aatelismiehenä (suom. Sulevi ja Otto Manninen, teoksessa Komedioja 2, 1959)
    * PSYCHE, 1671 (with Pierre Corneille and Philippe Quinault, music by Lully, prod. 1671) - Psiche (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / Psyche (tr. Henri Van Laun, in The Dramatic Works, Vol. 5, 1875-76)
    * LES FOURBERIES DE SCAPIN, 1671 (prod. 1671; two scenes was based on Cyrano de Bergerac´s play Le Pédant Joué, 1654) - The Cheats of Scapin (tr. 1677; John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / Scapin (tr. by Albert Bermel, in The Actors Molière, 4 vols., 1987) - Scapinin vehkeilyt (suom. 1910) / Scapinin kujeet (suom. Toini Havu, 1949)
    * LES FEMMES SAVANTES, 1673 (prod. 1762) - The Female Virtuosos (tr. 1693) / Blue Stockings (tr. 1884) / The Learned Ladies (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714; other translators: Renée Waldinger, 1957; Richard Wilbur, 1978) - Oppineita naisia (suom. Otto Manninen, 1905)
    * LA MALADE IMAGINAIRE, 1673-74 (prod. 1673) - The Hypocondriack (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / Doctor Last in His Chariot (tr. 1769) / The Imaginary Invalid (translators: Henri Van Laun, in The Dramatic Works, 1875-76; Kenneth Weston Turner, 1939; Merritt Stone, 1939; Miles Malleson, 1959; Bert Briscoe, 1967; John Wood, 1968; James Magruder, in Theater, Volume 34, Number 1, 2004) - Luulosairas (suom. Arto af Hällström)
    * LA PRINCESSE D'ÉLIDE, 1674 (prod. 1664) - Pricess of Elis (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Moliere, 1714)
    * ŒUVRES, 1682 (8 vols.)
    * LA COMTESSE D'ESCARBAGNAS, 1684 (prod. 1671, published in Oeuvres posthumes, 1684) - The Countess of Escarbagnas (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714)
    * LES AMANTS MAGNIFIQUES, 1684 (prod. 1670, published in Oeuvres posthumes, 1684) - The Magnificent Lovers (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714)
    * MÉLICERTE, 1684 (prod. 1666, published in Oeuvres posthumes) - Melicerta (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714)
    * DOM JUAN; OU, LE FESTIN DE PIERRE, 1683 (prod. 1665) - Don John (tr. John Ozell, in The Works of Monsieur de Molière, 1714) / Don Juan (translators: George Gravely, 1956; Donald M. Frame, 1967; Christopher Hampton, 1984; Richard Wilbur, 1998) - Don Juan (suom. Tyyni Tuulio) / Don Juan eli Kivinen illallisvieras (suom. Esko Elstelä, 1971)
    * The Works of M. de Molière, 1714 (6 vols., tr. John Ozell)
    * The Works of Molière, French and English, 1739, 1748, 1755 (10 vols., tr. H. Baker and J. Miller, reprint 1929, 2 vols.)
    * ŒUVRES, 1765, (6 vols., ed. by Voltaire)
    * The Dramatic Works of Molière, 1875-76 (6 vols., tr. Henri van Laun)
    * OEUVRES COMPLÈTES, 1873-1900 (14 vols., ed. by E. Despois and P. Mesnard)
    * The Dramatic Works of Molière, 1876-1877 (3 vols., ed. Charles Heron Wall)
    * The Affected Misses, 1908 (2 vols., tr. Curtis H. Page)
    * The Kiltartan Molière, 1910 (tr. Lady Augusta Gregory Dublin)
    * Works, 1926 (8 vols., trans. A.R. Waller)
    * COMEDIES, 1929 (2 vols.)
    * Four Molière Comedies, Freely Adapted for the English Stage, 1931 (tr. F. Ansley)
    * ŒUVRES COMPLÈTES, 1956 (2 vols., ed. Maurice Rat, rev. by Georges Coutlin, 2 vols. 1971)
    * Six Prose Comedies of Molière, 1956 (tr. G. Gravely)
    * The Misanthrope and Other Plays, 1959 (tr. John Wood)
    * Five Plays, 1963 (tr. John Wood)
    * The Misantrope and Other Plays, 1967 (tr. D.M. Frame)
    * MOLIÉRE, OEUVRES COMPLÉTES, 1971 (ed. by G. Couton)

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