Author talk:Verney Lovett Cameron

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Allibone's Supplement


Cameron, Verney Lovett, C.B., D.C.L., b. 1844, at Radipole, Dorsetshire; entered the navy in 1857; ap- pointed lieutenant in 1865, and commander in 1876. In 1872 he left England in charge of an expedition sent out by the Royal Geographical Society to search for Livingstone, and on hearing of the death of Dr. Living- stone determined to cross the African continent, and accordingly travelled on foot a distance of 3000 miles, from the east coast to Benguela on the Atlantic. In 1878 he set out on a journey through Asia Minor and Persia, with the object of determining whether a rail- road could be built from the Mediterranean to India without following the course of the Euphrates, and in 1882 he accompanied Captain R. F. Burton on a journey of exploration to the Gold Coast of Africa. He has re- ceived gold medals from the English, French, and Portu- guese Geographical Societies. 1. Across Africa. Maps and Illust. Lon., 1877, 2 vols. 8vo.

"In two respects Commander Cameron's book surpasses all its predecessors : these are its record of physical suf- fering find difficulty in the accomplishment of the task which the traveller had set himself; and its picture of the slave-trade in Central Africa." Spectator, 1. 148. " It is, we must admit, rudely and clumsily written ; but its very simplicity and straightforwardness may prove a recommendation." Sat. Rev., xliii. 144. " The noblest contribution made to the literature of geo- graphical exploratioii in our time." Ath., No. 2572.

2. Our Future Highway. Map and Illust. Lon., 1880, 2 vols. p. 8vo.

" In this field Mr. Cameron's work bears no comparison with that of others. Mr. Grattan Geary's book ' From Bombay to the Bosphorus' . . . is in every way superior." Acad., xvii. 172.

3. The Cruise of the Black Prince Privateer, com- manded by Robert Hawkins, Master Mariner, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 4. Harry Raymond : Adventures among Pirates, Slavers, and Cannibals, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 5. Jack Hooper: his Adventures at Sea and in South Africa, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 6. The Queen's Land ; or, Anl al Malakat, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 7. The Adventures of Herbert Maspey in Eastern Africa. Illust. Lon., .887, p. 8vo. 8. In Savage Africa ; or, The Adventures of Frank Baldwin from the Gold Coast to Zanzibar. Illust. Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 9. The Story of Arthur Penreath, sometime Gentleman of Sir Walter Raleigh ; from his own Writings, [a novel.] Illust. Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 10. Among the Turks. Illust. Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. See also BURTON, SIR R. F., supra. Cameron,