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Aviation Accident Report: Eastern Air Lines Flight 14/Appendix A

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Aviation Accident Report: Eastern Air Lines Flight 14 (1941)
Civil Aeronautics Board
2668157Aviation Accident Report: Eastern Air Lines Flight 141941Civil Aeronautics Board
APPENDIX A—Report on Accident to Eastern Air Lines Aircraft NC 21727 near Vero Beach, Florida, on April 3, 1941

AIRWAY FORECAST FOR 0530—1330 E. APRIL 3, 1941.

"Southern Georgia and northern and central Florida, broken to overcast cloudiness at 2 to 4 thousand with rain showers and scattered local thundershowers will prevail. Scattered to broken high cloudiness with scattered to broken lower cloudiness forming at 2 to 3 thousand by mid-morning will prevail southern Florida. Visibility generally 6 or better aside from precipitation limitation except locally limited somewhat in city smoke first half period."

"Miami Terminal. Scattered to broken high cloudiness throughout period with scattered to broken lower cloudiness at 2 to 4 thousand after around 0930 E. Visibility over 6."

"Jacksonville Terminal. Variable low cloudiness with broken to overcast intermediate cloudiness above. Occasional light rain showers will occur last half period. Ceiling 2 to 5 hundred in low cloudiness and 3 to 5 thousand otherwise. Visibility 4 to 10. Low cloudiness will dissipate after about 0830 E."