Basic Mongolian Expressions for Peace Corps Trainees in Mongolia/Track 15

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Dialogue 1

A: - What food do you like? A: - Che yamar hoolond durtai wei?
B: - I like vegetables. How about you? B: - Be nogoond durtai. Harin ta?
A: - I like meat food. A: - Be mahan hoolond durtai.
A: - Do you have sisters? A: - Che egchtei yu?
B: - I don’t. But, I have brothers. B: - Baihgui, harin bi ahtai.
A: - How many brothers do you have? A: - Che heden ahtai wei?
B: - Two B: - Hoyor.

In the grocery store

A: - How much is a bottle of water? A: - Us yamar unetei wei?
B: - 450 (tugrik) B: - 450 (durven zuun tavin tugrik)
A: - I’ll take 2 bottles. A: - Hoyor us avii
A: - Do you have fruit? A: - Jims bain uu?
B: - No, we don’t B: - Baihgui
A: - How much is the cola? A: - Cola hed wei?
B: - 620 (tugricks) B: - 620 (zurgaan zuun horin tugruk)
A: - I’ll take A: - Za avii.
B: - Here is your change. B: - Mai, hariultaa av.

In the post office

A: - How much is it to send a letter to overseas? A: - Gadaad zahia yamar unetei wei?
B: - 980 B: - 980 (yesun zuun naya)
A: - May I see stamps and post cards? A: - Ene mark, il zahidliig uzej boloh uu?
B: - Yes, please B: - Bolon
A: - How much are these stamps? A: - Ene marknuud yamar unetei wei?
B: - 1000 B: - 1000 (myanga)
A: - I’ll buy them. A: - Bi avii.

In the local cafeteria

A: - Here’s the menu. A: - Mai, ene hoolnii tses
B: - Thank you. B: - Bayarllaa.
A: - What would you like to order? A: - Ta yu zahialah wei?
B: - Chicken. B: - Tahia.
A: - Sorry, we don’t have chicken today. A: - Uuchlaarai, onoodor tahia baihgui.
B: - So. What do you have today? B: - Tegeed onoodor tanaid yu baigaam bei?
A: - Buuz and tsuivan. A: - Buuz, tsuivan l bain.
B: - Let me have 10 buuz and a cup of milk tea. B: - Arvan buuz, neg ayag suutei tsai avii.