Basic Mongolian Expressions for Peace Corps Trainees in Mongolia/Track 3

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1. Listen to the alphabet as many times as you need.
2. Listen and repeat the alphabet below. There are some letters which are written the same as in English, but pronounced differently.
A [ah] B [ve] H [en] P [er]
X [heh] E [ye] C [es] У [oi]
3. Listen to the sounds of the alphabet and repeat them. Some letters have similar pronunciation to each other.
Ж [dze] З [ze] Ц [tse] Ч [che] Ш [sh] C [es]
X [heh] Г [g] К [ka] Д [de] Т [te]
Б [be] В [ve] П [pe] Ф [f]
О [o] Ө [ṑ] У [h] Ү [ữ]
А [ah] Э [a] И [ea]
4. Short and long vowels are very important and they change the meaning of a word.
Ав - аав
to take - father
нүх - нүүх
hole - to move
сэр - сээр
wake - backbone
xол - xоол
far - meal
ул - уул
sole - mountain
өр - өөр
debts - different, else
5. Listen to the words and repeat them.
America / American - Америк England / English - Англи
Asia / Asian - Ази Europe / European - Европ
Mongolia /Mongolian - Монгол Russia / Russian - Орос
China /Chinese - Хятад Florida - Флорида
Dollar - Доллар Tugrik* - төгрөг

(*Mongolian currency)