Biblical Libraries
FROM 3400 B.C. TO A.D. 150
Ernest Cushing Richardson
Princeton University Press
London: Humphrey Milford
Oxford University Press
A good deal of material on the early history of libraries has been gathered by the author of this essay during the last twenty-five years. This material is not yet ripe for systematic publication and the rapidly growing body of results from recent excavation suggests that it will be long before it is. Essays, addresses, and encyclopedia articles have however been prepared out of this material from time to time for various occasions and audiences and it has seemed worth while, in default of something better, to shape these in such way as to form a general survey or first orientation of the matter, and to publish in this form, in spite of the fact that they are incomplete as to material and have been prepared for very different audiences and in very different perspectives. Such value as they have lies chiefly in the fact that those who could do the work better do not do it at all.
Essays on Antediluvian Libraries, Medieval Libraries, Some Old Egyptian Librarians, etc., have been previously published without any attempt at complete outline of the subjects, but the present series commencing with "The Beginnings of Libraries" (1914) and followed by this volume on "Biblical Libraries," aims slightly to reshape the material of each essay so as to make of it an outline map or sketch of the whole period with which it has to do, without however attempting to fill in the detail of anything but the particular subject or to radically change the method and general style appropriate to the occasion for which it was written. The Beginnings of Libraries covered the legendary, prehistoric, and primitive period, taking to perhaps 3400 B.C. Biblical Libraries takes up the matter at this point and carries over into the beginning of the Christian era.
Previous volumes have on the whole been received in the spirit in which they were issued—as unpretentious essays, spreading a wide net and gathering in, together with a good deal of small fry, a considerable haul of real food—for those who like the kind of food. A few however of those who have been good enough to read or at least glance at one or an other of these essays have missed the point of them and gratitude seems to require that some effort should be made to explain. Two or three e.g. have been struck by what has seemed to them the earnest seriousness with which certain matters have been treated and one has even gone so far as to reproach the writer with "conscientious scholarship." Now to have conscientious scholarship is a high ambition but to enjoy the reputation of it on false pretenses is to prove one not a conscientious scholar. It seems necessary therefore to say that in setting down things which are absurd on their faces the writer has not always thought it necessary to say that they seemed absurd to him e.g. he does not really believe that Adam actually wrote any of the books ascribed to him.
Again a failure to make clear in the previous volumes that the references to secondary sources were not references to these as authorities but as secondary led a few to the impression that these represented the writer's own sources. It may therefore be explained that most of the researches underlying these essays have been conducted according to the strictest canons of modern method as to sources. Even translations were, and are here, for the most part, used as guides not authorities, although in a plentiful lack of exact knowledge of the Egyptian and Babylonian languages, little attempt has been made to compete with the translations of specialists in these languages. Even here, however, thanks to transliterations and the pictorial factor of the Hieroglyphic writing one is able often to control to a certain extent translations where these conflict. Use of and reference to secondary sources are, it is believed, according to correct method for an essay of this sort. References are used only sparingly and chiefly for emphasis or to acknowledge the borrowing of some specially pointed phrase or to indicate that by exception a secondary source is used at this point because the original is not easily accessible. Often they are simply elementary guides for readers to farther reading and study.
Ernest Cushing Richardson.
Princeton, New Jersey
September 1914
1 |
Chapter I. The Babylonian Period
39 |
" II. The Patriarchal Period
54 |
" III. The Egyptian Period
57 |
" IV. The Exodus
74 |
83 |
" VI. Period of the Judges
97 |
" VII. Saul to the Captivity
106 |
" VIII. The Persian Period
131 |
" IX. The Greek Period
148 |
179 |
198 |
215 |
" XIII. The Bible itself a Library
225 |
" XIV. Bibliography
233 |
1. | Nippur. Treasury-archive. Sargon I. (2750? 3200? 3800? B.C.) From Hilprecht p. 390
Frontispiece |
2. | School-library at Sippara. Ground-plan from Scheil p. 33
39 |
3. | Nippur. 1.2.3. Rooms with clay ledges having tablets. Hilprecht p. 523
48 |
4. | Karnak. Inscription of Thutmose III around central rooms
58 |
5. | Library of Osymandyas. Ramesseum (memnonium). Rear rooms (U, V, and especially Z). From Wilkinson v. I p. 77
68 |
6. | Book boxes from Egypt. From Birt Buchrolle p. 15
76 |
7. | Boghaz Keuei. Citadel Archive. From Puchstein p. 26
84 |
8. | Boghaz Keuei. Temple Treasury Archive. Rooms 10, 11, 12. Staircase rooms 7, 8. From Puchstein Pl. 34
92 |
9. | Tanaach. Citadel Archive. From Sellin p. 38
94 |
10. | Clay book jar from Tanaach. From Sellin
96 |
11. | Nineveh Library Ground-plan XXXVIII-XLI especially XL, XLI. From Layard's Babylon and Nineveh
128 |
12. | Nineveh Library. Sketch. From Layard's Babylon and Nineveh p. 345
130 |
13. | Library at Pergamon. Plan. Drawn after R. Bohn by G. V. Duffield
172 |
14. | Library at Pergamon. Elevation and plan of Reading room. From Bohn. Pl. 35
174 |
15. | Library at Pergamon. Book case (reconstructed). From Bohn p. 70
178 |
16. | Jerusalem. From Paton's Jerusalem p. 129
180 |
17. | Temple at Jerusalem. From Paton p. 137 (after Sanday and Waterhouse)
188 |
18. | Rome. Portico Octaviae. From Clarke p. 13
198 |
19. | Rome. Temple of Apollo Library. From Cagnat p. 24
204 |
20. | Rome. Vespasian's Library-archive? From Middleton v. 2 p. 16
208 |
21. | Pompeii. From Cagnat p. 21
210 |
22. | Herculaneum. Piso Library (No. V). From Comparetti Pl. 24
214 |
23. | Hadrian's Library at Athens. From Weller p. 146
216 |
24. | Ephesus. Ground-plan. From Heberdey, '05-6 p. 63
218 |
25. | Ephesus. Ruins. From Cagnat Pl. 1
220 |
26. | Timgad. Ground-plan. From Cagnat p. 16
222 |
27. | Timgad. Ruins. From Cagnat Pl. 2
224 |
28. | Roll pigeon-holes. From Birt Buchrolle p. 247
228 |
29. | Capsa with its five rolls i.e. a "Pentateuch." From Birt Buchrolle p. 252
236 |
30. | Jewish-Roman case with rolls. From Garucci 490, in Birt p. 264
232 |